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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53755889 No.53755889 [Reply] [Original]

>missed generational bottom because I believed bobos that we're going to $12k

I suck at this

>> No.53756000

Best to fomo in now then send it to 10k

>> No.53756013

Bobos are not your friend. Never have been never will be. They are scum.

>> No.53756017

Scared money don't make money

>> No.53756037

Why do so many 4channers rely on the opinions of others rather than doing the math for themselves? Is it their embarrassingly low IQ?

>> No.53756055

Don’t fomo we still go down to 9k it is programmed. Breaking the 5 figure barrier back to 4 figures will do the psychological damage that is necessary before we can reverse to an uptrend.

>> No.53756078

why is that?

>> No.53756099

bobos will just change it to a lower number if that hit, they were never buying

>> No.53756118

Because we need maximum pain before we can go up again, we haven’t reached the levels of pink wojak spam necessary to achieve max pain and trigger a reversal. Markets are 100% psychological

>> No.53756119



>> No.53756160

Already happened.

>> No.53756161


Next month man. Its going to hit 3k soon. Or when ww3 breaks out. Just you wait.

>> No.53756168

why exactly do we need "maximum pain" and who decides what that is?

>> No.53756191

the problem is that you still don't really understand what Bitcoin is. if you did. you would buy anytime at any price if you have enoough fiat. I don't keep more than 10k in my bank account. rest always goes into bitcoin. this has been going on since 2017 and I'm almost a millionaire. You buy bitcon always. at any price. the dollar price is the scam. bitcoin is actually priceles in scam fiat units ($$$) buy it now with scam units while yyou still can. at one point in time no one will exchange his satoshi for any amount of dollar or other fiat.

>> No.53756209

jesus christ the cope on this
BTC went down 65% in like 2 months in the bear market
you will be waiting forever to buy back in, but suit yourself

>> No.53756329

Wrong. Mumu is a deranged pervert who wants you to buy speculative crypto assets with no intrinsic value during a period of quantitative tightening and just prior to a recession.
Mumu wants more inflation so the line on his fake internet money that he can't actually use to pay for any of his living expenses goes up, while your purchasing power with the money you need for your expenses declines.
Mumu wants you to just keep buying so his bags get fatter and fatter and you get poorer and poorer.
He is an evil and greedy creature.
Bobo isn't nice and doesn't want to be your friend, no. Bobo simply wants a healthy market and wants you to understand that this will not be achieved without some pain.
You can greatly reduce the pain you take by listening to Bobo or you can endure the hell that Mumu has in store for you. Bobo wants what is best for everyone.
BTC to 10k.

>> No.53756356

Max delusions. Bobo wants to live in a world that doesn’t exist.

>> No.53756389

Nonsensical post.

>> No.53756395

You live in a make-believe world where maximum pain has already happened. Only someone who isn't old enough to remember the GFC or any prior real recession thinks like this.
Oh, no. Your digitial magical beans lost 78% of their value from ATH. Did you have to sell any of it to pay your mortgage because you lost your job and couldn't get a new one for a year?
Then shut the fuck up. You don't know what pain is.

>> No.53756396

>listening to women talking about money
you should know bears are testosterone-challenged.

>> No.53756402

Buy now. If it goes to 12 K, buy then as well.

>> No.53756430

Women are natural mumus.

>> No.53756438

The GFC was nothing. Shows you didn’t live through it, zoomer.

>> No.53756454

what have you learned about listening to bearposters?

>> No.53756475

max pain is higher you stupid fucking nigger

ah yes one of the many macro experts that have popped up on /biz/ the last two years. Him and him alone can see the inevitable ""recession"" coming, which is totally not priced into markets

>> No.53756596
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>> No.53756613

is pretty funny how in 2022 everyone became a "macro" "expert" even though they'd never heard the term macro before last year.

>> No.53756637

yes, women have breasts, but they're also risk averse, short-term thinkers, and poorer, all qualities bears have that bulls don't.

>> No.53756647

newfag bulls will rope

>> No.53756691

yes and now they're all CERTAIN we're in for devastation which is the ultimate contrarian buy signal

>> No.53756714
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>> No.53756715

lol it's like the opposite of 2021. When every Uber driver is talking about how there's going to be a massive recession you know we're at the bottom.

>> No.53756764

I'm a younger Gen-Xer. I got to enjoy the dotcom bubble burst and the GFC on my finances and livelihood, fuck you very much.
Anyone who was not in the workforce or markets prior to 2010 and believes that 2022 was "maximum pain" is a total faggot. A soft, coddled homosexual.
Recessions are part of the normal economic cycle. You don't seem to understand that the Fed either has to curb inflation with higher interest rates or it can resume money printing and try to prevent the recession...and either of these will lead to a recession.
The Fed can only devastate the purchasing power of consumers so far until demand drops, businesses lose revenue causing them to lay off workers, and the economy grinds down into a recession.
Mumus are often people without any grown-up responsibilities or families to support who love them, so they don't really care. Truly depraved individuals.

>> No.53756768

people who have been in crypto knows the cycle, it's clear as day. There is no bullrun worth noting in 2023. It starts toward the end of 2024 with the real run in 2025. Anyone who's been here long enough knows that. Of course there's those bulls who think that any sign of green is a reversal and no matter how many times they get fucked over in a year, they will forget the next time the charts go green again.

>> No.53756801

are you fucking retarded? So you're arguing that killing demand (ie putting hard working families with responsibilities out of work) for no reason other than bringing down inflation to some arbitrary 2% target is better than just letting both wage and cost growth run hot for some time?



>> No.53756807

Now you are changing goalposts. What are you even talking about honestly? The gfc wasn’t max pain either then because other recessions and depressions were worse. Crypto bottomed in all the other cycles without having a “max pain” 100 year depression. Delusional bobo lmao.

>> No.53756813
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>> No.53756821

Women have two qualities that make them natural mumus:
1) they want to go with the trend
2) they are hesitant to infer a change in trend without overwhelming evidence

Both of these attributes make them natural mumus (aka retail suckers).

>> No.53756879

if it's so obvious and easy to time the crypto market, why wouldn't smart people front run and get in before all the people with their perfect knowledge of how the crypto cycles work?

>> No.53756898

So long as Tether exists this isn't the bottom.

>> No.53756902

we do, smart people & smart money are the ones with the knowledge. Why are you separating them?

>> No.53756929

u aren't smart money tho. you don't have any special knowledge

>> No.53756973

Kinda like how everyone decided 'don't fight the Fed' was just a boomer meme last year

>> No.53756974

You didnt miss a shit. Chainlink is about to have its run leaving the 300 day accumulation phase to double digits easiest 2x you will ever get double your bitcoin. No im not a marry your bags linkie. Purely technical point. Target depends on your greed but almost 300 day accumulation will not get a small pump.

>> No.53756975

It's not special knowledge, didn't say it was. Literally said you can spend enough time in the market and this basket weaving forums and you will figure out what's good information and what is just hopes and dreams

>> No.53757033
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funny thing is that it's the opposite of reality. The Fed are the ones who can't fight the market

>> No.53757099

>max paint hasn’t been reached
>he thinks inflation can be “curbed”
Where the fuck have you been the last twelve months you dumb fucking nigger. You missed the bottom, seethe poorfag youre ngmi

>> No.53757121

The Fed jawbones the market beforehand so that their moves aren't a shock to the system.

>> No.53757162

I lost over $70K when everything started to tank. Not because I was in an exchange that went belly up. I was just stupid to hold and because that's what everyone said. I'm still responsible. It just taught me to be better now that I understand more of what could go wrong. It took me over two years of being in the market, I'm really grateful I found one source to recver my money, at least $9k weekly.Thanks so much Elizabeth Kira

>> No.53757170

do they or is that just a narrative they want people to believe to create the illusion that they're in control?

>> No.53757230
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>> No.53757240
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Shut the fuck up fat ass.
Btc is worth whatever people feel they want to pay for it.
You can get blasted with a shotgun. >>53756329
>He is an evil and greedy creature.
So are you.

>> No.53757252

>Your digitial magical beans lost 78% of their value from ATH.
I didn't buy in at the all time high you fat, turd eater.
>Did you have to sell any of it to pay your mortgage because you lost your job and couldn't get a new one for a year?
No? Because when I lost my job I got a new one the day later.
>Then shut the fuck up. You don't know what pain is.
Right back at ya, fag boy.

>> No.53757265
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>dotcom bubble burst
You're the biggest fucking faggot ever.
Get your face sliced open, repeatedly, with a rusty, dull ass box cutter.

>> No.53757281
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>Mumus are often people without any grown-up responsibilities or families to support who love them,
I have a family, I have people who love me and I have responsibilities.
Stop talking about the brown dude at work you have a crush on and fucking kill yourself.
I'll keep buying BTC.

>> No.53757296


When the bullrun begins (probably a year from now) you'll be late then

You have time. Build your portfolio and DCA into projects you think have potential

Mute, Trias, Inj, Opul, Tao, Azero and Ocean are all going to do well imo

Good luck fren

>> No.53757308
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>> No.53757327
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This retard has no idea what a bear/bull market means.
Why do you fat faggots type like you're a six year old baby?
Stop posting, stop typing "moomoo" and "boo boo".
Its a bear market or a bull market.
Grow the fuck up you over sized baby.

>> No.53757367

mumus are scum they wanna cashout for fiat, bobo is your fren he wants cheap crypto for you and him. Who loses most if btc goes <10k? moonboys retards that heard about crypto in 2021 at bought at >40k, they deserve to panic sell at 8k

>> No.53757383

moonboy retards and boomers*

>> No.53757402

Doubt this is the bottom. Are people so short sighted these days that they forget rallies still happen during bear markets?

>> No.53757414

learn more about money.

>> No.53757427

It is and it isn't. For one, 'the Fed' is just the steering committee for the global banking cabal. So yes, it is merely a puppet of the consensus of private bankers. The 2yr rate is a real-time reflection of this same bankers' consensus. However, the thing is this: the most powerful bankers in the world own the Fed, who influence banker sentiment via jawboning. These banker 'influencees', in turn, are the ones who bid up or bid down the 2yr in anticipation of the FedFunds. Capiche?

>> No.53757444
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>> No.53757472

Learn how to think coherently.

>> No.53757507

I am in the same boat as OP. I've saved thousands and I'm sick of waiting to deploy it.
I am willing to buy up to 1k on BTC even though I don't like these prices, if anons think it will help cause a dump.
Will I still get the buff if I'm the one who initiated the dump? Or does it have to be someone else?

>> No.53757728
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>> No.53757851
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>> No.53757882

>Scared money don't make money
Cliched but true OP. I got in this past pump too late, trying to "make sure." My indicators were right but I was a pussy.

Fuck the gloom, next one will be bigger. Take it as a lesson going forward, Don't "believe" anyone, test your own indicators.

>> No.53758796

nothing personal, kid. just business

>> No.53758797

were you not browsing this board after the FTX collapse? There were a lot of pink wojacks and idiots claiming crypto was dead.

>> No.53758819
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This. Still short and strong.

>> No.53758843

c o s t a v e r a g i n g

>> No.53759153

Very based

>> No.53759221

Yeah, it may go to 30-40k and then come back to 12-10k area, history rhyming. I don't care, I make money both ways.

>> No.53759250

bobo is a nocoiner who will always be wrong about the 10 years and counting he rambled about muh tulips and he'll never own a coin until he buys the absolute mega top at 1 million+

>> No.53759264

better to lose ocassion than money, Anon.

>> No.53759285

Price is still low

>> No.53759350
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