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5375448 No.5375448 [Reply] [Original]

Ufff, im saved!
BTC is on a downtrend til early january, its gonna go ez to 5-10k levels before getting any upward movement back. Im so glad im #comfy now and can do some shopping later.

Its never just one dip boys, there is always at least 2 or 3 before it gets back on track.

>> No.5375481

normie alert! hahaha

>> No.5375523

lol im into crypto since 2015 kid

Do you really think BTC is gonna up to 20k again like a naive normie? Good luck to you lol, you are gonna end up selling to me at the bottom ;)

>> No.5375590
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holy shit he panic sold the bottom.

you didn't just create this thread to reaffirm your panic sell did you anon??

post your portfolio then faggot

>> No.5375674

>ufff, im saved!
You dun goofed, normie scum. Enjoy your literal monopoly money.
Oh, that's right. By buying it, you accept the terms that state it is not money, currency or anything at all.
You just tossed your money into a flaming pit. Have fun.

>> No.5375692

In this market holding is never a bad idea. I bought 2500$ of ark and xvg.
Sold l9ng time ago for meager gains but if i would have held I would have around 50k or more
Same th8ng with yoyo i got justed 1600$ in one night if i would have held for 3 months l9nger i woukd have make 10k or more

>> No.5375705

lmao he obviously doesn't have enough experience with a little dip.. and he says since 2015 but he panic sells lol

>> No.5375758
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every single intelligent person in the crypto scene knows to simply hold and buy when it dips. It is really difficult to time good sell opportunities when it has such an upward parabolic trend.

"into crypto since 2015 kid" yikes

>> No.5375767
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the bottom was 11k lol
If you think the red days are over then you are wrong, this is just the beginning of a bear market headed down to 150-300bil.

All the Tai Lopez investors are thinking "oh man haha im HODLing XD cuz thats what noobs do" will get burned again in the next 72 hours.

I mean cmon, BTC almost 15x'd this year, are you really stupid enough to think this is a never ending moon?

>> No.5375830

>ID: Bag
Have fun holding those worthless tether bags, son.

>> No.5375874

yall just some bots/pajeets trying to maintain a good market sentiment before unloading on hopeful normies

>> No.5375886
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>> No.5375889

we need a normie section and automove all normies there lol

>> No.5375998
File: 123 KB, 701x776, impressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is still in its infancy stages and it will be around until after we die. Normies still have no idea about the future application of bitcoin and blockchain technologies. Do you really think that in the future we will be using USD for purchasing goods off of amazon or alibaba? Fuck no they will save money by implementing blockchain you faggot.

Also noobs never know how to hodl. They SELL based on emotion and fear. Everyone knows this. If you were actually a long timer you would NEVER say otherwise. Anyways enjoy your bitcoin millionaire larp after taking a huge loss.

>> No.5376162

I dont want to force my beliefs on anyone, but you are delusional if you think BTC is the future. Its a bloated slow network with really shitty 10-20$ fees per transactions, wow future of money here LOL

People think crypto is "decentralized" but in fact the price/direction of a coin is being controlled mainly by the miners and whales. They can fork or pump/dump the price however they like. Why would normies want to use a currency that is volatile as fuck?

The only way crypto might see a next big wave is in the case there is a financial crisis and people flee into crypto as a last resort

>> No.5376285

you're confusing bitcoin and blockchain. Blockchain technology IS the future of transactions. Bitcoin is just too popular right now to function purely for transactions without lightning network or further updates. I have a huge amount faith in the bitcoin dev team and the evolution of blockchain technology.

As cryptocurrencies become the norm for transactions in the future- bitcoin will go up as a result since everything relies on it.

Bitcoin may correct again but I guarantee you in the end you will regret this sell anon.

>> No.5376315
File: 611 KB, 2172x1536, 170181c383caae6ce64172a7491e00d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As cryptocurrencies become the norm for transactions in the future- bitcoin will go up as a result since everything relies on it.
What a leap
>but I guarantee you in the end you will regret this sell anon.
This is social engineering and manipulative talk.

>> No.5376439

not at all but you can stick to your guns and in the end we can see who was right. Bitcoin is the king of all cryptocurrencies and everyone knows it.

When bitcoin goes down so does the entire ship. If you have faith in blockchain, you have faith in bitcoin.

If you want to sell, sell. But the whales will buy and bitcoin will return. If you think blockchain will be the future of transactions, then bitcoin will go up in value 100%, it has always been this way unless a flippening occurs, but as we can see (at least through this period of time), everything still relies on bitcoin and it still has the first mover advantage.

>> No.5376460

I agree on blockchain technology being used in the future, but BTC will not be a currency used by the masses.

You could say it might remain a store of value/digital gold because of its "OG status" as the first coin, but it might also crash because of all the BCH drama etc, the BTC community is fucked since a long time ago.