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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53753481 No.53753481 [Reply] [Original]

My brother emits this awful smell from smoking weed all day and probably not showering.

>> No.53753492


>> No.53753515

I know other people who smoke but never smelled that anywhere else. It’s like a warning pheromone.

>> No.53753601
File: 102 KB, 171x276, dead_glow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

government datamining thread to log who admits to smoking federally illegal drugs and cross-reference that with gun owners. Utilizing "anon" calls, these glowniggers willl use existing and forthcoming red flag laws to permanently tag and bag all users on this site who get caught up.

>> No.53753605
File: 390 KB, 585x585, 1608408746677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha weeeeeeeeeed bros

>> No.53753662
File: 33 KB, 640x350, 1626197883395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this real

>> No.53753714

I hate weed and I hate guns. I would never use either I think they are disgusting degenerate passions of decades past. I hope that our good government bans both of them. No one needs or should have access to a firearm unless you are a police officer or someone important for self defense. I love the intelligence agencies and I would happily give up all of my privacy rights to be under their full control.

>> No.53753742

he probably holds RLC too lmao fucking loser

>> No.53754167

A legitimate country would allow open season on blowing dope smokers’ heads off with shotguns at any chance encounter.

>> No.53754965

I'm 34 and haven't talked to my brother in over 2 years.
Enjoy having a relationship with him despite his smell.

>tfw depressed wife made my brother convinced my dad is the source of all their problems and he ultimatum'd the whole family to either tear up all bonds with dad or with him.

>> No.53755077

>all of /biz/ lives in muttland where fun is illegal
Nigger if I want to smoke some weed I'll just walk to the weed store.

>> No.53755647

your brother is him, right? >>53716923

>> No.53755818

probably, although smoking makes you lose weight, it also increases your apetite, they probably got fat on eating gums and chips all day