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53751814 No.53751814 [Reply] [Original]

It's a red flag for HR, females your dating or your friends gfs if you don't have an instagram account those days

>> No.53751867

Like I give a fuck. I don't even talk to women.

>> No.53751991

I married before tinder, I don't have this problem

>> No.53752005

Only if you’re ugly. As a man YOU should be setting the trend

>> No.53752022

I've seen the exact opposite. They find you more interesting and attractive if you're not on social media because it automatically differentiates you from the men they regularly deal with online

>> No.53752101
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This is the correct answer. If you're ugly and poor, anything you do is a "red flag".

Be a chad and you're immune to red flags.

>> No.53752115

Imagine actually caring what sub 100 IQ NPCs think

>> No.53752176

no but you apply for jobs

>anon put in your socials here

>> No.53752195

if you can't get hired and all your friends gf shun you, yes it is a problem if you want to live a normal life you fucking stupid autist

>> No.53752233

Only thing that matters is being attractive and having a smooth confident voice. Anything you do will be seen as cute and wholesome. If you don't have either of those traits you're a creepy regardless what you do

>> No.53752259
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Fortunately, I do not associate with women.

>> No.53752314

this is so based

>> No.53752367

Snapchat has been the standard for years now boomer.

>> No.53752379


if the 25 HR roastie interviews you and see 0 accounts, you will get flagged as an incel or right wing extremist

>> No.53752387

I don't give a fuck
>woman I'm dating
she don't give a fuck and prefers it since I'm definitely not using it to shop for skanks online
>friends gfs
i don't give a fuck

>> No.53752429

ok, enjoy never getting a proper job

>> No.53752451

delete instagram.

>> No.53752456

i have a proper job but thanks
>no i mean one of the 3 positions i imagined in my head only not the job you have

>> No.53752472

Yep, not having a social media these days is social suicide, you just get labeled as being a loner loser freak. God I hate this gay ass world so much

>> No.53752477
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>he dont got a gram
How you suppose to rizz them shawties bruh?

>> No.53752554

I completely deleted my instagram and I had like 2,000 followers and only followed a few. hundred.

Instagram is such a wack thing to have these days

>> No.53752587

maybe its different in europe then

>> No.53752659

>no social media profile
>no retarded social media friends
>no retarded social media job
>no problems
life is this easy

>> No.53752691
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It really is true, these days if you say you don't have an Instagram 99% of the time girls will look at you as if you just loudly proclaimed that you're a pedo serial killer

>> No.53752714
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>6’4”, big dick, know how to fuck
>Jawline so sharp my razor blade bleeds
>Chad face
>Small Business owner
>pump’n’dump women

I will never be domesticated femoids, I will never get in the cagie Jews.

>> No.53752738

Agree and amplify. Women find serial killers hot.

>t. Cereal killer Anon

>> No.53752760
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>> No.53752763

only if you go to kindergarden, shake kids heavily around and scream that you dont have instagram, the teacher will call you that

>> No.53752781

Why the FUCK would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you because of some insignificant bullshit such as not having social media? Are you a retard or what?

>yes I want to spend the rest of my life with some superficial whore and have her bear my children

Mega ultra retard alert!

>> No.53752809

I never said girls will call you that. I said they will look at you AS IF you just loudly proclaimed that you're a pedo serial killer.

In other words, it's a giant red flag for the vast majority of women if you don't have an instagram these days, not something which helps you.

>> No.53752824

Literally just get /fit/ and you’ll realize it’s not a LARP. A lot of opportunities open up when you start to take care of your body and stop eating garbage.

>> No.53752844

only an issue if you were late to the game, didn't get in early with the cuties. Chasing women in current year is pathetic. Early investors don't care

>> No.53752855

The social pariah effect of not being on social media is extraordinary. Do not fall for the common 4chan copes. The men trying to convince you that you'll be a mysterious stoic alpha male if you abstain often suffer from bouts of depression and loneliness in between posting about how smart they are for not liking 'gay normie shit' that 'only shallow people care about'.

EVERYONE is influenced by social media. Why do you think it is a global phenomena with billions of users from every country on the planet?
Do you think someone handsome with 30k followers is going to spend hours coping on how unfair the social dynamics of social media are? No, the cute girl you have a crush on just liked his vacation selfie. Generally speaking, if you have no presence or a shitty profile, people are going to come to the conclusion that you're lower status and that you have something to hide. Paradoxically, even the crabs trying to convince you that they are Marcus Aurelius II for not posting pictures online are also influenced by follower counts. Everyone, even the normalfags, like to pretend it doesn't matter when prompted, when it clearly matters a lot.

Anecdotal experiences about how 'I have a gf and don't have social media' are the exception. Of course, rationally speaking, you don't NEED to do anything since social status is so fluid and context dependent, but you're really shooting yourself in the foot for no reason. Never in the history of this species has it been easier to take control of your personal image, present yourself as attractive and high status in any context you choose, and to reach and be available to as many people as possible

If the thought of posting on social media terrifies you, that means you're aware that you're unattractive and have a boring life. If you think it is 'effort' to use social media to your advantage, that's a sign. You should fix that, pronto.

>> No.53752865

>vast majority of women
its a red flag to dumbass skanks and retarded people that you wouldnt want to associate to begin with.

>> No.53752867

The moment any interviewer asks me about my socials (exception being linkedin), I'm just going to walk out. Major red flag.

>> No.53752897
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>caring what women think

also, maybe it's your engrish thats a red flag

>> No.53752901


>> No.53752930

The vast majority of women, yes.

>> No.53752934

Only because you're an insecure bitch or the woman you're talking to is a stupid whore.

>Me telling a woman I don't have social media:

>yeah I think social media is perpetuating our narcissistic society and is destroying actual communication
>''wow Anon you're so right and also mysterious''

>You telling a woman you don't have social media:

>*rubs back of head* h-haha I don't have Instagram but I-I was thinking of creating an account a while ago
>*her vagina instantly dries up*

A woman desires a man who is convinced of his own opinions. I mean why would a woman want a man who can't even stand up for himself? Why would she want a man who won't be able to teach her future children anything of value?

Failed normies are so pathetic.

>> No.53752966

>ur a 7/10 at best
>so what u doin saturday


>> No.53752987

>>yeah I think social media is perpetuating our narcissistic society
How much of a kissless virgin are you? Holy shit I'm laughing

Yeah bro, girls become instantly wet once you start complaining about the state of society after a girl simply asks for your Instagram lmao

>> No.53753006

t. literal and unironic virgin

I don't give a fuck what women think, you do, which makes you a pathetic little bitch in their eyes.

>> No.53753043

Im 25 and have literally just told people that I used to have a facebook addiction and everyone is like "OMG same that's so cool that you quit"

What you wrote here is chud cope seethe and dilate youll never fit in no matter how hard you try. Always trying to prove to the next guy how "interesting" your life is. Your life is fucking boring bro just as much as the next guy's is, get over yourself.

>> No.53753045

Yeah bro let me know how much girls want you after you cry about the downfall of le society after she asks if she can snap you lmao.
You literally sound like you haven't talked to a female in a decade

>> No.53753049

If its a red flag for them, its red flag for me too

>> No.53753068

I haven't talked to a dumb whore in a decade, you're correct.

I feel sorry for you if all the women that are available in your area are stupid cunts. You would be better off taking a vow of celibacy if that was truly the case, but it's not, you're just a sad cunt who thinks all women behave like the screenshots you see in incel threads.

Have a nice day, I'm gonna some some weed now.

>> No.53753109

>bragging about your virginity

Lmao I coomed inside my gf last night. You will never be as tall, good-looking, charismatic and based as me

>> No.53753111

>kissless virgin who cries about the downfall of society when asked for his Instagram also unironically copes with weed
At this point it's just sad.

>> No.53753125

>incel is also a straight edge faggot

lmao this shit's writing itself

this will be my last post btw, bye you sad cunt

>> No.53753211

If you're cool enough you can explain to them that you're above that shit and they'll respect you for it.

>> No.53753226

>Are you a retard or what?
Yes, he is.

>> No.53753253

Based neither do I

>> No.53753303

>put your socials here

Don't have any

>> No.53753316

Only for unattractive people. Sorry about the hand you were delt, OP

As for employment, this only goes for LinkedIn. The fact you failed to mention LinkedIn tells me you are low-income

Poor and ugly... yikes...

>> No.53753356

If a job demands that kind of bullshit just to get to the interview, imagine the actual work environment.

>> No.53753366

Even though he had the looks he was still an incel at heart lol maybe these women deserved it as karma for doing the same shit to men but imo he just looks like an angry Polcel with those catty responses. A real chad would just leave them on read or block them if they annoyed him.

>> No.53753389


Holy shit, can you even speak English? Can you even put together a coherent sentence? You're a FREAK.

>> No.53753415

that's the red flag anon

>> No.53753586

you sure it has nothing to do with this vindictive nerd attitude? well adjusted people who get along with women may or may not have an instagram, but i guarantee you they don't call women roasties and lash out and call people incels and autists whenever someone calls out their delusional victim-fantasy.
i like to think i dont do this shit and i dont have an insta, haven't had a problem getting hired to date

>> No.53753967

yes im sure

>> No.53754359

i don't have any social media accounts anymore, deleted/disabled them all like 7 years ago after i finished high school and i haven't looked back
i sell a little BTC here and there to pay for things so i don't have to worry about finding a job

>> No.53754493

i'm mostly talking about jobs. and that your male friends might stop inviting you to stuff because their roastie gfs put pressure on them because you feel like a right wing incel

>> No.53754510

I am a red flag.

>> No.53754516

exactly, no "alpha male" would ever use this mongolian investment internet coins website they are out fucking your wives this night

>> No.53754534

He really was an incel from the old times. At least he actually had sex with over a hundred females. No idea how he still stayed that edgy after it.

>> No.53754541

>answer all their questions correctly
>demonstrate all the requisite skills and experience
>rejected for no clear reason at all

what a massive waste of time. if only pfizer didn't screw the jabs up and all these vaggots would die faster.

>> No.53754577

That's okay. If a woman has social media it's a big red flag for me too.

>> No.53754601

why would english be a red flag if i work in my local language? are you autistic?

>> No.53754615

>hurr durr im literally tyler heckin durdenrinooooo

>> No.53754628

>The social pariah effect of not being on social media is extraordinary.
I believe it still only have a facebook. I'm single and 33. What's first priority, da gram or da snap? How frequently do I need to upload to da gram? What sort of content do I post? I don't want to brag about traveling or look pretentious or take pictures of food or stupid bullshit. Do I just upload a few pics and then just use it to slide into dms?

>> No.53754664

Because you're the actual incel loser simping for that fat cow and getting upset he banged a bunch of whores and it meant nothing to him, you retarded spiritual jeet normalfag nigger.

>> No.53754720

What about these days though?

>> No.53754730

I think it's the same these days as those days

>> No.53754881

download tinder (if you arent super ugly)

faceapp your photos a bit, preferably pics taken by someone else but i have been doing fine with selfies

Dont show your power level ever

>> No.53755063
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>There are people that unironically believe this

>> No.53755178

>OP is a europoor
Get out, it's basically impossible to make it in Europe.

>> No.53755184

It used to be so easy in Zyzz's day, now every zoomer is in the gym on anavar fr

>> No.53755191

make what? EUrope is super nice, no nig nogs or loud americans

>> No.53755435

there is no proper job. youre either a slave or slave owner, no in between. I dont care how much you make in that fancy corp career, youre still a dog a leash and there truckers making more than you

fuck off fag

>> No.53755446

Based simple enjoyer. Normies love to complicate their lives endlessly when the solution is so fucking easy

>> No.53755447

ah no wonder I can't keep getting rejected for a job once the background check phases starts. I don't have any social media.

>> No.53755464

*I keep getting rejected.

>> No.53755475

i recommend you to set up a "normie profile" iny our name. you don't even need to post something, just add some likes to marvel movies and some podcast in your industry or something

>> No.53755730

Tinder worked great for me 10 years ago. Last time I made one (well over a year ago) I get a few land whales and then nothing but a queue of 10+ blurred photos that I would never see in my deck.

>> No.53755766

Guess I'll have to do that, this is going to be annoying, I've managed to get this far never creating a Facebook profile and I liked it that way.

>> No.53755796

you don't even need to login. but sometimes a boomer manager want to add you and it might be beneficial for you because optics

>> No.53755817
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LinkedIn and you're good.

>> No.53755838

When I moved to the city after living as a hiki during lockdown I had 2 zoomer high schooler girls ask for my Instagram out of nowhere (I'm 25) and I only have a Twitter account where I post unhinged shit. So I sperged out at them and I also assumed they are making fun of me. This was the only time in my life I was approached by a girl, only 2 weeks after spending a year in my room. I also put my pic on photofeeler where I got 80% from women but I must cope with hats since I have a receding hairline. It's over

>> No.53755879

hmmm, could be that 32 is too old for tinder yeah

>> No.53755964

Who cares? If you are worth anything then you will be fine, literally create a "fake" social media where you put nothing real, see it as a manipulation tool against dumb normies.

>> No.53755982

You can totally trust this non jew copy pasta

>> No.53755994

I only use an anonymous twitter account to follow a few good traders and have nothing important to shout out into the big normie crowd that is valuable and don't want to become a slave of twitter.
Why do you need to control your personal image so much?
Why do you care what others think about you if they are superficial enough to make a first impression from your last vacation picture you took instead of working and building something valuable?

Most people with a high follower count carry a sickness called narcissism and need an ego boost through their follower count with the dopamine effect of getting likes.
Is this what you want to become?

If someone else does not like it then they were not meant to share the same time and space and want a different life experience.

>> No.53756057
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>no twitter
>no facebook
>no instagram
>no tinder
>my steam account is soon in drinking age in US

>> No.53756206

LinkedIn is for fags. I would rather die poor than play that ass-licking game. Bunch of rats

>> No.53756234

Remember how bad the virtue signaling was before covid happened? When the job economy was at its most competitive and cut throat? I remember seeing posts from these rich kids securing interns where they'd give a long winded acceptance speech for their summer positions. I remember HR roasties patting themselves on the back for giving a poor homeless man a 30k a year job after he worked for free for months.

>> No.53756285

I disabled my social accounts 3 years ago and never looked back.

>B-but roasties won't hire you because you're weird!!!

Doesn't matter. I'm a software engineer. I have literal roasty pussy hitting my linkedin daily

>> No.53756345
File: 296 KB, 498x498, 89800ACF-F85C-4A50-9B68-6975A402788C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what kind of jobs you are applying to, not a single company asks for social media outside of perhaps linkedin

>> No.53756489

nah social media is vapid
if someone ask just say you dont have time for that

>> No.53756532
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Get help.

>> No.53756535
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it's a red flag for me if you do have one, so i guess that works out

>> No.53756635
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>think it's just 4chan memes
>go outside and interact with the avg woman
>it's true

>> No.53756729
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>> No.53757063
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>> No.53757072

What kind of cringe jobs are you applying for?

>> No.53757083

i have those things, but software jobs

it's not official you don't get hired, but the girls will google your name and see you never come up and thing you are a cringe incel

>> No.53757129
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my work regularly involves working with celebrities and I get photos taken with them
>i own a cool off road capable car that i take on overlanding and rock crawling adventures
>i donate and serve on a few boards of non profits in my city so i'm always at swanky galas and shit
>i go to cool international locations and get into adventures
Explain to me how I can show this off if I don't have an Insta.

>> No.53757585

You don't need to show off anything unless you're an insecure little bitch who is hungry for validation, and/or is afraid NPCs (especially women) won´t like you or find you interesting. Just tell people what you do, and only if they ask first, otherwise keep your faggotry to yourself

>> No.53757735

This guy says you dont need marketing guys. He fell for the delete the social media meme. If you dont have an instagram normie girls will automatically assume you are a weirdo with no friends. You probably fell for the buy a japanese shitbox guys they are reliable and dont depreciate meme too.

>> No.53757883
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>>anon put in your socials here

>> No.53758096

I just put my linkedin in that field, maybe my GitHub too.

>> No.53758119

I stopped caring about this shit over a decade ago after people said I was weird for not having facebook. Sorry niggas, myspace was the only social media account I was going to sign up for.

>> No.53758152

Well it's a redflag for me if you have any social media presence at all.

>> No.53758278
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>> No.53758415

>It's a red flag for HR
This is flat out untrue. I know OP is trying to troll/shitpost, but in background checks if you get that far, the only thing they're looking to verify is your previous employee and MAYBE your certs/education, that's it.

>> No.53758458

this is true, I had a girl all over me even after I told her I have zero social media because its gay. Too bad she was a single mother as she was cute.

>> No.53758473

>we couldn't find you on Linkedin, anon?

>> No.53758485
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fuck what the normies think.
i havent ran into a job yet that required me to list my socials.