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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 900x900, aar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53751639 No.53751639 [Reply] [Original]

Eat shit faggots who fudded this shit.
Bought my first bag for $5k at $3.63.
Don't give a shit about VCs getting in at $0.03.
It was a fucking pipe dream in 2016.
Today it has hundreds of developers, cool projects like oc.app, dmail.ai, cubetopia, etc so of course it should be worth like 100x more.
Still most undervalued project in crypto.
We haven't even started SNS.
I'm unironically probably going to be a millionaire in like 3 years.
Thanks biz.

Btw, more IC chads should start using our dapps, increase user activity will pump our bags.
Come here:
Investments & finance
Encrypted mail
Pajeet reddit and airdrops

>> No.53751684

I see pee lmao

>> No.53751732

Alright, have fun losing it again when it drops back to below a dollar. ICP is the biggest meme on /biz/, even bigger than GME.

>> No.53751813

You are so fucking clueless.
Normies have no idea about ICP.
They don't understand shit like that front-ends for DeFi is hosted on AWS.
Most normies don't even know how to use a plugin wallet.
NFID on ICP takes care of that shit.

We will see sooooo fucking hard FOMO when the word starts to spread of what can be built on ICP.
Next few years will be glorious and you will stay a poor faggot loser without the ability to do fundamental research on the underlying tech for different cryptos.

>> No.53751911

Wasn't this like $420 2 years ago and then dropped to $3.5? Might be my cluelessness but this doesn't sound like a reliable investment.

>> No.53752014

I don’t understand how people just do hot takes like this. Have they been psy-oped? It doesn’t take long to do your own research and see that ICP is doing things and have finished things that are new, that no other project has done or is capable of. This fact alone should get people interested in ICP. As somebody who’s been in crypto for a while the innovators are always the ones that end up mooning and staying around

>> No.53752040

its a larp, retard

theres nothing in the space like icp
everyone knows this
everyone shit posts because they think it would give them an edge

icp is the zoomer's chance to invest in the next apple
invest in PLATFORMS not apps

t. made 25 million from the dot com bubble, and see the exact same shit playing out with icp and crypto

>> No.53752112

25mm in the early 2000s is insane. what did you do to make that much? what kind of similarities do you see with icp and crypto

>> No.53752124

Its simple - they are browns telling lies on the internet because they are forever butthurt about buying too high.

>> No.53752181

Ok ESL whatever you say

>> No.53752205

i will hold you down while you rim my dirty ESL anus. you will be erect inside your chastity cage (xtra small sissy size) while doing so.
you will swallow and enjoy it.

>> No.53752219

Hiiiiii Raj. Suck my cock.

>> No.53752230

3000 ICP at 3.8 average here

Wait, do you buy things at the top then wait for it to bottom to sell?

>> No.53752231

>t. made 25 million from the dot com bubble, and see the exact same shit playing out with icp and crypto

No you didn't you're a poor fucking ESL monkey

>> No.53752245

I love reading your posts in an Indian accent they sound so fitting. You can really feel the impotent low IQ rage

>> No.53752248

after i'm done squirting diarrhea shit down your eager little white boy throat i'll flip you over.
you will spread your ass cheeks for me while panting like a happy dog. i will pee in your anus

>> No.53752250

LOL I can smell you Indian monkeys through my screen, gross

>> No.53752253

This. There is no way anyone that rich would browse /biz/.

>> No.53752258

take a good whiff little sissy white boy. you can get as close to my asshole as you like. you can even shove your little nose up it, i know you want to.
i hope you like curry smell on the inside of your body as well :)

>> No.53752292

I would break every bone in your frail little Indian body you fucking disgusting street shitting parasite. Go fucking die already and get the fuck off my board

>> No.53752320

i love it when little sissy white boys talk back. i know that your cock is straining against your chastity cage (xtra small sissy size) as you type your flirty little comeback. i think it's really cute. i can't wait to walk you around the streets of mumbai on a leash as indian men shit all over your face and body. you'll get used to it, and in time you will learn to love it. :)

>> No.53752334
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>> No.53752441
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>> No.53752457
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>> No.53752466
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2023-02-17 19.26.17 - smiling indian boy chatting on a computer Adolph Menzel style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53752478

Why is icp pumping? Why now?
Make it stack?
End of year price?
Is the internet computer really the best tech in crypto?

>> No.53752500
File: 1.26 MB, 947x944, ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53752663

i made $250k on GNS in the same time but congrats

>> No.53753137

Lol, please don't buy ICP.

>> No.53753158

If you buy RLC you have mental illness

>> No.53753430

Either they troll or are shaaart retards who think that charts are more important than underlying tech in the long run.
You have to be braindead to not see the potential of ICP.

>> No.53753488

I made 5k in like the past 12 hours in arbi lmao, stay poor icpmarine

>> No.53753980

The price was manipulated by FTX (SBF) and the project has been fudded by Alameda (SBF) in order to protect Solana (SBF). Dyor.

>> No.53754017

yeah funny how this run was kicked off after his arrest and the release of the kyle roche/avax report

>> No.53754285

Yeah, I agree with this.
You're also LARPing though, obviously.

>> No.53754697

You guys are pretty weird even for pajeets and incels

>> No.53754790

No thanks I will not invest in project called I see pee

>> No.53754852
File: 2.09 MB, 1440x1440, IcyPee-HighRes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about icypee?

>> No.53755518
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>> No.53755935

thank you. our little sissy white cuckold friend will soon find out just how weird it can get. :^)

>> No.53755969
File: 4 KB, 477x163, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi lads have any of you been able to resolve this error before? Getting it or a generic Site Can't Be Reached error on all ICP sites

>> No.53756012

glowies disabled access to ic0.app
yes really

>> No.53756306

Spamhaus put ic0.app on a domain block list

>> No.53756544 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53756548

Based fellow $4 < buyer

>> No.53756623
File: 11 KB, 255x230, 1638738034071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually did wtf kek. Got it working on https://identity.internetcomputer.org/.. Thanks bros

>> No.53756908


>> No.53757228 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53757319

8k stack here. Roughly $5 average. I see no reason this doesn't easily go back to $100. Realistically I think it could run up to $500 or so. This is by FAR the easiest sure thing in crypto. I also hold a stack of KAS and AZERO but those aren't as sure of a thing. Would like to get my ICP stack up to 10k but it's getting a bit more difficult to accumulate now.

>> No.53757339

Is 1000 pees enough?

>> No.53757403

Normies don’t buy use cases, they fomo into shitcoin pumps. But pls spoonfeed me on ICP senpai

>> No.53758234

watch the entire dfinity catalog on youtube and come back.

>> No.53758282

Do you hold any nft’s or sns-1? Or just ICP stacker

>> No.53758320


>> No.53758372

I’ve watched almost all of it. Canisters, decentralized internet, etc. Could listen to Dominic talk all day. Don’t really get the tokenomics.

>> No.53758428

bought 100 at moonman days am i hopeless?

>> No.53758455

i did the same, 150. hold 0 now. thinking of getting a bag if it ever goes back to sub $5

>> No.53758466

>A mere 5k
Thanks for the confirmation of your skin colour.

>> No.53758562 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53758754

I bought at $40

>> No.53759076

I only managed to acoomilate 400 cold pisses gents. Go on without me

>> No.53759103
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>> No.53759138


>> No.53759202

fren, buy some SNS-1 and grow your stack, do it fast or you will be a bottom feeder. Monkey Infinity NFTs too, they're the new blue chip

>> No.53759270

based sneeder. never heard of monkey infinity tho, where buy?

>> No.53759506


>> No.53759726

2000 piss stacklet here. Feels comfy.

>> No.53759737

Is 1000 icp enough to make it? I didn’t buy at this price not going to lie, bought around at $28

>> No.53759765
File: 763 KB, 950x756, ICP girl 2000 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53759913

How's 1 to 2 million dollars sound?

>> No.53759954
File: 795 KB, 1200x800, ICP girl 2001a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has your shitcoin employed any cryptographers?


Dfinity has 15

99.99% of the shitcoins in this space are either erc-20 derivatives or ETH-forks like avax or L2's larping as L1's like matic.

Imagine being so new that you never heard of Dfinity. Imagine joining the space in 2018 and still peddling shitcoins to ''make it''
Does your shitcoin have a wiki?


Dfinity has a wiki
Does your shitcoin have a patent?


Dfinity has a patent.
Does your shitcoin founder have a patent?


Dfinity's founder has 12 patents
Does your shitcoin have any Dapps?


Dfinity has 366 + dApps
Does your shitcoin have any GitHub commits? Are the devs actually working on the protocol?

Does your shitcoin go offline, during AWS outage or Cloudfare Outage?

ICP is immune Cloudfare or AWS outage.

https://status.avax.network/incidents/7qd8vdd8d1jsAvax crippled by Cloudfare outage.

Polygon matic congested because of a flower picking game.


Solana, everybody knows that Solana goes offline every 1-3 months.

Future of finance, bro.
Is your shitcoin staked on a cex or a node on AWS?

ICP offers ''onchain'' staking on decentralized cloud, VS staking on a CEX and get fined.

>> No.53760011

entrepot.app, we're wash trading, enjoy

>> No.53760032

Thanks. Haven't seen this before. Are the. Dfinity Space Apes Official from dfinity or just somebody used that without permission or do you know

>> No.53760096
File: 231 KB, 604x604, ICP girl 2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KINIC (ICP search engine)


SportFI rush

SportFI fish hunt

SportFI Rescue



Flappy Bird

Rock, Paper, Scissors

>> No.53760360

Do they have any intention of bringing NFT functionality to the NNS?

>> No.53760683

Sounds like WAGMI

>> No.53760785

When will they fix the url names?

People dont realize that icp is the only chain to run full dapps from the blockchain.

Other projects only use blockchain to interact with tokens. You can’t really use other L1’s for more than a nft marketplace or defi site with at least a centralized frontend. Anything more does not run from the blockchain and is a false narrative. No blockchain runs their games from the blockchain except icp.

>> No.53761484


Throw in:



>> No.53762023
File: 38 KB, 755x713, 30k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kneel before your king.

shit prints more than 100 icp a week.

>> No.53762310

What are your unrealized losses? Great stack tho.

>> No.53762364

30,000 computers. Holy shit. And with compounding interest staking rewards you'll have over 50k once it unthaws. Jeez dude. That's 500k every $10 ICP moves up or down.
You lucky son of a bitch. And I thought my 2k ICP stack was impressive.

>> No.53762403

If this is real then congrats.
You're the first one I've seen with a bigger stack than me in biz.
Mine is 20 000.

I feel like your risk management is pretty dumb though.
I keep my ICP in several different wallets and have several different neurons.
You want to hedge against different scenarios.

>> No.53762467
File: 534 KB, 1280x720, 1636771522415.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big risk, big reward.
i'm all about go big or go home.
That's how i got here in the first place.
But long term icp is a guaranteed winner so i'm not worried at all. My stack will more than double by the time it unthaws and who knows where price will be by then. Most certainly in the triple digits for sure though.

comfy af.

>> No.53762518
File: 3.83 MB, 231x209, 1674359657866410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel. im hoping sns1 is gonna pull atleast a x50 from here so I can stack more pees

>> No.53762907

nice vc scammer detected.

but you actually locked so you're not a scammer. (you probably have more unlocked though)

>> No.53762963

If I genuinely kneel before you can I have one days worth of ICP?

>> No.53763313

i bought so high i want to kms. if i waited for the dump i could have had your stack.

>> No.53763680

Fuck Swiss people and their scams.. DFINITY is swiss garbage

>> No.53763860

I disagree.
My networth is $2.5M but I usually don't go overboard even if I have high conviction.
I have high conviction about ICP, but it's still just 5 % of my networth.
I urge you to read about and understand this concept: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_criterion

>> No.53763933
File: 1.30 MB, 1264x1314, 1635532373544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own.
I've done my research. (over a decade worth)

There is no single greater investment opportunity in the entire world right now other than the internet computer. Nothing else even comes close. I intend to reap the rewards to the fullest extent.

I make over 100k a year. Every paycheck i buy more. Gonna keep buying all the way to $100. See you at $1000 per computer. Not selling a single drop of piss until then. See you then, fren.

-Posted from my internet computer

>> No.53764232

It's not even crypto, but the community is too dumb to realize

>> No.53764901

Good luck fren!

>> No.53764944

what kind of jobs do you guys have? or had?

>> No.53765697


>> No.53765740

>ic0.app blocked by an isp
>canisters blocked by dfinity
>100% of traffic flows through dfinity
This entire thing is built on sand. Nothing that makes something a blockchain is present here. There is no trustlessness, there is no decentralization, there is no immutability. Nearly 2 years since genesis, 6 years since the project was founded, and they haven't overcome any of these problems. Do they even want to?

>> No.53765855

Sounds like you're talking yourself out of it. Go ahead and sell it's fine.

>> No.53766074

I can't. I locked in 2021.

>> No.53766149

Look at the market you dumb bitch. Your shitcoin actually underperformed

>> No.53766762

I lost so much money reeeeee

>> No.53767078

I like how people actually boight ICP with Market Cap above like $30B.

>> No.53768592

How about you look the past days not just 24h.
This shit is starting to outperform af.
2023 - 2026 will melt faces.

>> No.53768623

I'm neither you little fag, I fuck your mom on the regular

>> No.53768636

Raj I would probably break your little fucking neck if I hit you hard enough you little monkey. I'll make you my bitch you faggot cuck

>> No.53769042

Lol, gay

>> No.53769078

Yeah I'm retarded for thinking this actually had potential but you're smart money somehow

>> No.53769584
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>> No.53769840
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>> No.53769976

IT matters to me because I’m an old privacy and cypherpunk freak. ICP is the most exciting new tech since TCP/IP, and IT’s telling how the fudsters use inversion to tell you IT's an nwo project that will have you eating bugs.
If we want to decentralize the whole Internet and not just store of value and smart contracts, the Internet Computer Protocol is the first project that has a chance to do IT.
ICP does threaten to make a majority of crypto projects redundant, so IT’s no wonder desperate shills from every project out there come down on ICP to fud IT as hard as they can.

>> No.53770045

Some examples?

>> No.53770054

which crypto projects host their own website on chain?

>> No.53770213
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>> No.53770266


>> No.53770276
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>> No.53770293
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>> No.53770314

>Internet Computer


>> No.53770345

It's a shame a potentially solid project has such a cringeworthy name. but since pretty much everything in crypto is useless and overhyped as hell, there's a high chance this won't do shit and it's just heavily shilled for a quick profit.

>> No.53770380
File: 654 KB, 750x562, ICP girl 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53770382
File: 179 KB, 1078x1280, ICPHITS2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53770393
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x732, icpclown5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53770467
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>> No.53770494
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>> No.53770540


>> No.53770617

.- ... .... .-.. . -.-- / - . .-. ...- --- .-. -

>> No.53771144

A year or two ago someone larped very convincingly about being a top 5 BTC owner. There's no reason why someone that made it from crypto early doesn't know about this place, and odds are that if 100,000s people made millions on those runs, a few used to post here every now and then.

>> No.53771695

100 %.

>> No.53771713
File: 632 KB, 960x540, dfinitypresentation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did dfinity allow this freak on their podcast?
ICP continues its upward trend as the Internet Computer platform gains more attention and usage, signaling increasing adoption and potential for growth.

>> No.53771740

no. youre a retard for buying a brand new coin at a 30b valuation.

>> No.53771777

you have never written a line of code in your life beyond a "hello world" script and you think you can comment on what can be built on your ponzi shit coin.
you are the ultimate normie
kill yourself

>> No.53771836
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ICP token stands out for its innovative approach to blockchain technology, utilizing the Internet Computer's unique architecture to enable unlimited scalability, interoperability, and efficiency for decentralized applications.

>> No.53771884


>> No.53771899

Which crypto projects can be shut down by a spam filter
Which crypto projects route 100% of traffic through one organization

>> No.53771906

>odds are that if 100,000s people made millions on those runs, a few used to post here every now and then.
I wouldn't be surprised if trump and the muskrat read 4chan, or at least have done. Particularly the muskrat. I wouldn't even be surprised if he's posted on here a few times.

>> No.53773345
File: 78 KB, 1167x1157, IMG_20230203_133504_416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICYPEE CHADS making it as we speak

>> No.53773759
File: 2.54 MB, 864x1080, ICP girl 2000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53775741

I'm one of them.
I got a 1M Fantom bag early 2019.
It was worth $3.5M at peak.
There were a couple of Biznessmen who had 1M + FTM bags.
Didn't cash out all, but I got a good piece of chunk change.