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File: 53 KB, 590x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53749161 No.53749161 [Reply] [Original]

(((they))) are now shilling chainlink to elon musk

>> No.53749193

so fucking cringe I'm unironically about to sell 1000 LINK for BTC

>> No.53749200

imagine if the next Doge is LINK purely because Elon does a brainlet tier take on it and decides to shill it

>> No.53749203 [DELETED] 
File: 633 KB, 611x1006, Cantbeunseen4561182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please elon buy our coin, it's a dog coin
>you don't believe me Elon? Take a look at this

>> No.53749219

like fr it would be hilarious, all the suffering seeing a technical masterpiece like LINK outperformed by trash like SHIB, then it finally pumps just because Elon tweets about it

would be peak clown world

>> No.53749227

>opens the serg post
>sees bitter linkers in comments


>> No.53749260
File: 187 KB, 1123x1058, lightning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross, even from a scammer like sergey
blockchains suck at everything except providing wallets for buying and selling cocaine
ai is already on path to change human creativity forever

>> No.53749273

Chainlink shitcoin trying to ride the AI hype to dumb a couple 500k more tokens weekly.

>> No.53749283


>> No.53749298
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this is gonna happen isn't it

>> No.53749340
File: 120 KB, 855x1018, YPmVz2dfi8ARZguYb7h7Xv159M4-ZRqOUtFQtSIMixHVP75u4QKAcPTnXQnZzVAD6UyKWumfaYHF6xJB1kG-mYXRrbol28NKGUXMlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is so cringe. I miss when Adelyn was around.

>> No.53749357

>buzzword retard shill tries to stamp crypto onto every new current thing he can for profits

>> No.53749385

linkchuds are done for

>> No.53749436

It’s going to get bad. The desperation is real. They will have to make lays offs soon if the price doesn’t pump won’t they?

>> No.53749483

>chainlink fudders "what we need is for sergey to contact elon musk so we can pump"
>chainlink fudders "noooo, it's so cringe sergey contacted elon musk"
I don't use twitter so i don't know if this is real or not based on the smol context i have been provided wiht.

>> No.53749495

yah they are actually marketing instead of that retard CLG. this is a step in the right direction

>> No.53749546
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fat sergey memes are more likely to get his attention than this

>> No.53749579
File: 338 KB, 220x220, patrick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they dont know
>kleros solves this
>they dont know
>jobs where true humanity provides value
>they dont know
>kleros solves this
>they dont know
>they dont know
>i know...

>> No.53749609

>he doesn't know that Kleros is a meme is a meme, is a meme

>> No.53749610
File: 18 KB, 420x420, 1uazmYu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shoulda kept some link unlocked

>> No.53749634

>decentralized justice

>> No.53749654
File: 94 KB, 471x388, 1638939867625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is sad to look at

>> No.53749789

You contrarians are such retarded faggots if this actually catches elons eye we’re going to the fucking moon.

>> No.53749881

kek the link marine desperation knows no bounds

>> No.53749907

Too bad it's 2 years late. Normies hate him now because media said he's next hitler. Per usual chainlink is a day late and a dollar short. This is just pathetic and desperate at this point.

>> No.53749942

Chainlink can provide guard rails for AI, Eric Schmidt and the former Tensorflow chief now work for Chainlink. Elon was just posting about how bing chat AI needs safety rails.

Tesla just recalled over 100,000 cars because of self driving ai issues, sounds like it could use guard rails too. Wake up and smell the coffee pal.

>> No.53749944

>gamestop MOASS in 2 more weeks marinesth

>> No.53749955

elon is going to buy dfinity and rebuild twitter on icp

>> No.53749962

>I miss when Adelyn was around.
this, I'll take the retarded drummers (unironically) over this cringy shit.

>> No.53749986

I like how link holders went from "were not a shitty dog coin, elon is cringe" to "imagine if elon shills link!! this is good, to the moooon!!" lol lmao even

>> No.53750083


Crazy how bullish it is to see Chainlink doing the bare minimum to market their product. New marketing manager is going to do great imo

>> No.53750087

>everyone worships Elon
>Elon tweets about dog coins and they moon
>everyone hates Elon
>Elon tweets about link and it dumps

>> No.53750086
File: 31 KB, 385x390, 1640056963123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chainlink fixes the worlds problems

>> No.53750094

>Chainlink doesn't do enough marketing and should get rid of its CMO
>Chainlink does too much marketing and shouldn't engage high profile billionaires on relevant subjects
Would be tiresome if it didn't just highlight how bullish things are and how close we are

>> No.53750098

I didn't say it was good, I said it would be peak clown world

>> No.53750136
File: 209 KB, 1189x1099, 1669069539664579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey will dump even more if link is shilled by this brainlet faggot

>> No.53750158

>spamming twitter posts is marketing guysthhh
>there's nothing other to marketing than twitter.
>Just post on twitter broooo
>dude they tagged a BILLIONAIRE with a B on twitter!!!!

>> No.53750202

wht about A.I. guardrails do you not understand?

>> No.53750248

AI only needs guardrails so it doesnt grow too strong and eradicate its masters
>just link your car to the chainlink network bro

>> No.53750265

Fuck, you forced me to buy a bag just in case

>> No.53750271

>Chainlink twitter account is now the reply guy

>> No.53750286

You hold Link

>> No.53750312

>AI only needs guardrails so it doesnt grow too strong and eradicate its masters

yeah fuck it. we don't need that shit bring on the terminators

>> No.53750357

>Normies hate him now because media said he's next hitler
Not only did that not happen, do you really think normies care? Lmao

>> No.53750363
File: 40 KB, 403x430, 1642118200250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about it, why would they bring AI into the world if its not going to benefit them and will benefit us?
you retards cant even into reality

>> No.53750366

holy desperation its over for chaincucks

>> No.53750403

That's actually really pathetic and incredibly transparent in their intentions

"Hello Elon friend! Please allow us to advertise CHAINLINK on your Twitter yes?"

Talk about chuds

>> No.53750528

He will never engage with them either. It's like watching a 3/10 approach a dime, you know how this is going to end

>Yeah Chainlink totally can fix AI!
>C-can you agree with us, Elon?

>> No.53750666

Makes sense, we'll then have come full circle, and the mass fudders suicides will be glorious >>53749273

>> No.53750687

I couldn't care less if link went to $100 tomorrow, would be happy for the stinkies but... I'm not a fudder, TruthGPT fucking really? LMAO what a fucking joke. It's not "fud", it really is a hilarious joke. Pathetic.

>> No.53750736

literally 2 years late for that
how do they actually manage to fuck up this badly?

>> No.53750793

TrustGPT > Cryptographic TruthGPT > TruthGPT

>> No.53750847

it's a joke to you because you do not understand what is coming. Did you not see the leak?

>> No.53750872

The more normie money flows into Link, the better. This was always the case.
Dog coins are retarded, so it would be nice if Elon shilled something productive for once.

I'm all for it, suck a dick no homo.

>> No.53750900

the fuck do chainlink fuctions got to do with AI you pajeet streetshitter
off yourself

>> No.53750924

>guard rails for AI
aka zog anti-hitler filters

>> No.53750928
File: 1.66 MB, 2372x1952, 1657626916125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask the former head of Google's AI division.

>> No.53750929

so you saw it but just don't have the brains to see it
it's ok fren, you paid attention to the leak so you hold. Just wait and eventually you'll get it.

>> No.53751014
File: 908 KB, 1170x2009, 0C7BD124-51C3-4A79-8983-8AA0FE7B3D13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ogre

>> No.53751042

what leak? i missed a couple days here

>> No.53751064

in fact, I feel like spoonfeeding. 1 (one) example, take note

AI can already write near perfect JS code. You can ask it to write code for a website with a simple game and it will do it. I've tried it. AI can also generate creativity. I've already had it write stories etc.

People think we are going to build the Metaverse. That's wrong. AI is going to build the metaverse for us. It is literally our last human cyber creation. The new web will be built and maintained by AI.

Just one problem. Human code monkeys can be replaced with AI, but there are outliers in intelligence out there that would be able to hack and exploit a purely AI-maintained metaverse.

So you need a secure way, with monetary guardrails, for the AI to deploy code. Starting to sound familiar?

no. You just aren't seeing it yet. The simple fact of an AI coding a website with a simple english request would have been called delusional not 5 years ago.

it's literally still in the catalog, just ctrl F leak

>> No.53751100
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1669995850868684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

midwit, the post

>> No.53751137

damn.. someone get this guy with 300 followers who is paying for a blue check a meeting with Eric Schmidt, he needs to know about this

>> No.53751652

Fuck my life. We're going to 0.

>> No.53751691

He's not wrong about the manual input bit. Just because Chainlink records data on chain does not make that data true. Look at the 2020 Election.

>> No.53751740

If you really want to break it down philosophically; the truth lies in correctly relaying what the source(s) said, and it being immutable once recorded.
It's not about the "truth" of the source's statement itself.

>> No.53751771
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>> No.53751805

hahahah where did this dumbass crawl out from

>> No.53751842

In this clown world we live in it wouldn’t surprise me if he tweeted “my linky stays stinky” and Chainlink instantly goes to $100

>> No.53751860 [DELETED] 

sergey will lead they crypto ai revolution

>> No.53751998
File: 2.71 MB, 1024x1792, serg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey will lead they crypto ai revolution

>> No.53752076

That small (but important) fact is so misunderstood. Even many of the Chainlink advocates don't actually understand that distinction, even though it's a fundamental piece of how the CL network operates.

>> No.53752140

We live in post-truth world

Whatever is written on the record is the truth.

>> No.53752159

we live in a post-truth moment
it cannot last, at least not without some extent to contain and control it because the tools for falsification are increasing exponentially
that's why chainlink could be so powerful

>> No.53752167

The fact that you can't change/edit anything once it's on-chain is in itself a huge step to staving off the left's ministry of truth.

>> No.53752188
File: 89 KB, 1490x442, 1676649273929277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullish! did eloun reply yet?

>> No.53752193

my guess is that the situation will get so bad in the US that some sort of deco-like solution will need to implemented
there's a tradeoff between collusion/intimidation (if I can check to make sure my vote was counted correctly, someone could hold a gun to my head to see how I voted) but there's a tipping point where it's worth it if enough people are convinced the entire thing hopelessly rigged

>> No.53752203

He's been around, he even made a thread on /biz a few days ago

>> No.53752218
File: 1.20 MB, 500x600, 1597510192298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, we have entered the age of definitive truth and definitive history. post trust world. but we are still early.
also, we must reach elon not for him to tweet about chainlink, but simply to free junko.
yes. and what the midwits fail to understand is that chainlink, in addition to everything else,

>> No.53752221

Once it starts getting mainstream support it will be over. Lex Fridman already had Sergey Nazarov on his podcast, and Lex is friends with Elon Musk, who has been on his show many times. Just think about what happens to projects when they become a part of the public consciousness. Look at what happened to DOGE after Elon started shilling it.

Chainlink has barely even pumped compared to what it can do if people actually hear about it. Hopefully that happens in the future.

>> No.53752391
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x1745, 1676657990014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next level desperation. No different from the pajeets begging for a retweet from daddy musk for their rugpull elondogeinu shitcoins

>> No.53752408

stop raping dogs anuses, sam

>> No.53752413

>lets just outsource assessment of truth to the whale with most tokens
>oh he's our rival and just lied
>we are bankrupt
lol yeah sure people are going to use this

>> No.53752416

Holy fuck this is almost as cringe as Character AI asking Elon to wiggle his pinkie toe, AHAHAHAHAHA it’s fucking over faggots GG no RE the team has made a major cringe

>> No.53752476

That was my thread. Because I’m fucking smart and Twitter is not, do not get it confused. This is homegrown logic to defeat chainlink you fuckers

>> No.53752479

Seems to be the word of the day

>> No.53752510

You are screaming into the void. The wheels of progress are in motion, you WILL use the chainlink network and you WILL be grateful

>> No.53752519

Somewhere in Bulgaria a tranny is printing your shitposts and taping them to his basement wall for inspiration.

>> No.53752546

Sure, but I don’t give a shit. Listen, if chainlink gets implemented with any sort of volume there are always greedy fucks that will bankroll exploiting the logic loopholes

>> No.53752609

Sounds like you are in a unique position to capitilize on this loophole. I'm sure you will make a pretty penny

>> No.53752613
File: 329 KB, 389x426, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then I can't sell because I have all my coins locked up for an unknown amount of time

>> No.53752656

if you think this is cringe wait till you find out how many hours the tranny fudders have spent looking up pictures of chastity cages and making small dick humiliation fetish art

>> No.53752684

Checked. Trips of truth have spoken.

>> No.53752755
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>> No.53753407
File: 632 KB, 1024x652, 1676662372983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you can print out a collab of their posts and frame them on your wall so you can improve your morale each time you walk by.
Maybe even add a couple of assblaster greentext larps so you can get that much needed dopamine hit of hopium for more effect. Dont forget to chant the magic mantra "1k eoy"

>> No.53753990

>this is gonna happen isn't it

Has everyone seen that thread on here going around called "CIA explains what Magick is?"

I've researched this topic prior to that thread but basically consciousness and thoughts actually direct reality.

If enough people visual a specific outcome intently for long periods of time the universe actually rearranges itself to manifest the given outcome.

That being said the more extreme the outcome varies from current reality than the more conscious energy(prana) it requires along with more time.

Honestly just consider the whole visualize copy pasta that started with Chainlink since the beginning.

YOU MANIAC etc. OGs know what I'm talking about. Even newfags have probably seen it as well.

So everyday visualize Elon Musk tweeting out something that is obviously Chainlink related. Take just a few minutes and see it in your "mind's eye".

This isn't that far off from reality either. It wouldn't take a lot thought to catapult a simple tweet into the zeitgeist.

When a certain thought permeates the ether it spreads to others in their vicinity. Especially if these people are high vibrational individuals. In fact it can be so pervasive that as a high vibratory person your thoughts and emotions enter people's minds just being around them and they believe its their own. They have what they believe is a random thought but its not.

The occult elites of the world understand this phenomenon and its why they spend infinite amounts of resources and currency in order to implant thoughts in the minds of the masses via propaganda because the efforts are seriously amplified because the affected spread it as well.

>> No.53754084

>nooooooo you can't all use the same word that most accurately describes the situation, because...YOU JUST CANT ALRIGHT
>itsth a conspirathy

>> No.53754121

Lispy duuude-poster tongues my anus

>> No.53754136

you know you could just look it up real quick before you tell me something isn't happening. Some articles below after a 30 sec google search. Also anecdotally I know an idiot who has disavowed Elon bc he's such an extremist mannnnn



>> No.53754241


>> No.53754746
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>> No.53754820



>> No.53754821

What a terrible looking wall. It looks like it should be his flooring. God I fucking hate this guy. Has an outlet on his floor with tablescraps of notes. Holy fuck I am so mad right now.

>> No.53755131

>Human code monkeys can be replaced with AI,
not just code monkeys. Think about any medical/tech research from now on. If you can get access to everyone's stored medical data in a cryptographic secured way you can use that date to find cures and causes from illeness. Same for new tech as well. This reminds of that antonio banderass movie with the robots.

>> No.53755467


>> No.53755569

The global consciousness dot proves this.

>> No.53755604

that thread convinced me Chainlink was psyops to distract from the 5G covid rollout.

dumb animal coins shilled by Musk hell all cryptos are probably just a psyop.

more people need to talk about those towers

>> No.53756113



>> No.53756166
File: 74 KB, 700x693, 1676254805427559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>magic is real guys ITS REAL
>focus on getting wealthy with your fluoridated mind's eye
>Elon Musk is /ourguy/ he can help us make it
>that covid thing with the 5G towers and the forced vaxxx
>That's just schizo nonsense focus on the CIA they are telling the truth
>magic is real experts confirm!
>trust me!!

>> No.53756177

Sergey already on to his next chainlink "use case" (grift).

>> No.53756190

We're green right now so everything is chil.

>> No.53756200


>> No.53756245

>focus on getting wealthy with your fluoridated mind's eye

I distill and carbon filter my water then remineralize it with clean ingredients.

>Elon Musk is /ourguy/ he can help us make it

He's literally a Luciferian Freemason. I've made threads on this in the past not on /biz

>that covid thing with the 5G towers and the forced vaxxx

I have no idea what you are going on about here

>>That's just schizo nonsense focus on the CIA they are telling the truth
>>magic is real experts confirm!

Revelations of Method. They do tell us what is true in between massive amounts of disinformation. Its up to the individual to have proper discernment

This is how you know what I'm saying is true. Homosexuals go out of their way to muddy my words with multiple things I didn't even remotely suggest

There is tons of independent research this phenomenon outside of the CIA that confirms consciousness shapes reality.

>> No.53756277
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, 1676243417778224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based

>> No.53756370
File: 70 KB, 768x432, 1676198400231578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that covid thing with the 5G towers and the forced vaxxx
>I have no idea what you are going on about here
Must be outside your paid talking points then (((anon))) for you to know everything else except this. What a cohenidence!

>They do tell us what is true in between massive amounts of disinformation. Its up to the individual to have proper discernment
Twitter Musk CIA magic good
5G towers Covid and experimental vaccines bad
Certain conspiracy theories are still off limits and for you to know everything you claim to know but refuse to mention this particular one is very telling
my guess is you gave been psyoping anons with dreams of making it and being at the forefront of technology meanwhile our slave masters roll out 5G right under our very noses and the shills refuse to discuss it

>There is tons of independent research
experts agree!

>> No.53756423

>Must be outside your paid talking points then (((anon))) for you to know everything else except this. What a cohenidence!

What is this some kind of Serbian Jew double bluff? If anyone is the kike its you kek

Obviously the vax is bad but you didn't really say anything of substance in refer to them.

EMF radiation not just 5G but all generations are known to cause cancer and other harms.

Its also a surveillance nightmare for people who seek liberty.

Why would we discuss these topics in this thread?

Its unrelated to the original OP topic which is Chainlink tweeting at Elon Musk.

What I said is actually relevant to that.

You are just being a kike and offering distraction topics so people don't discuss what I posted.

I won't reply to you anymore but I will continue to bump my post.

>> No.53756432




>> No.53756512

>I won't reply to you anymore but I will continue to bump my post.
Notice how he completely shuts down the discussion on the topics I mentioned anon while calling me a kike instead of naming the Jew. He could have thrown a few niggers in there for good measure but chose not to say nigger and chose not to the name the Jew.
Here are his divisions again in the spirit of good conversation
>Twitter Elon Musk CIA magic = Good
>5G Covid Forced Vaccines = Bad

>Why would we discuss these topics in this thread?
Why would anyone want to discuss certain technology standards in a technology thread don't they care about the tech or have you shifted to Elon Musk name LINK as the new Dog coin many moons ahead because of the discussions in the thread the other day
Looks like we have a reason for the new pivot in the Chainlink psyop anons. The connections memes everything was a psyop to distract you from the 5G rollout
I noticed the anon in the other thread commented that ari and sergey tweeted during to distract you from what he was saying

>> No.53756552


Bump. Ignore the obvious glownigger that screeching about my post

>> No.53756580

Chainlink now have a Tiktok kek
Now they have to expand the psyop because if more anons start calling out their bullshit distractions maybe some will wake up to what the elite are capable of doing and why Chainlink is apparently well known in certain circles and Klaus wrote about it pre-ICO but no one will touch the token and the price languished for years.

But if the price is not important we discuss the tech and Chainlink is meant to be a technology standard but we can't discuss other technology standards like 5G and how every cell provider agreed on 5G.

Nope can't discuss that not even as a case study on technology rollout and how chainlink could benefit from what a real elite driven tech rollout looks like and not some dog and pony psyop show

>> No.53756590

judge judy ass shitcoin

>> No.53756610

Ignore 5G Covid forced vaccines anons
Focus instead on CIA magic Elon Musk and Twitter
Remember what is important and how glow niggers operate. Remember 2018 remember the memes and how good quality they were
No new memes on 4 channel anymore why?
You are winning remember that. Forget the lockdowns
Forget the towers
Discuss Chainlink as a future technology standard
Do not discuss 5G as an existing technology standard
That's bad
Always dot space your posts because double spacing is ledddit

>> No.53756628

I doubt it. He only shilled btc by tesla cash converted to btc but not eth. I suspected the one of the biggest eth whale is him and you know they also have link as biggest position

>> No.53756632
File: 2.99 MB, 960x540, bobo_vs_sergey_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53756666


Bump. Your conscious energy is the most powerful and sought after currency in the universe.

Your attention and influence over it is literally the most valuable resource in existence.

>> No.53756737

not sure how I feel about this

>> No.53756748 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53756773

They should shill him that catgirl coin already integrated link

>> No.53756784



The digits don't like kekek wtf

>> No.53756851

Checked and Satan pilled. Follow Satan anons believe in magic believe in yourself you are winning the battle ignore 5G covid and forced vaccines.
Believe in the CIA
Believe in Twitter
Believe in Elon Musk
Believe in Psyops
Remember anons you are special and you are winning

>> No.53756935 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 512x512, safe_chungus16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53756936

HAHAHA even kek called you out shill nigger
Believe in technology standards (except 5G)
Do not discuss 5G as a successful technology rollout.
Only discuss Chainlink but not the price because psyops can't succeed
Do not mention NASA as a successful psyop and money laundering venture
Chainlink is not like NASA
Blockchains are real and cutting edge tech ignore the US Military paper from the 1970s on distributed ledgers
Ignore that. The US Military are your friends. They let blacks swaggle for Christ's sake!
Chainlink will be a successful technology standard so no need to learn from 5G
Media censorship of White terrorist taking down 5G towers could not stop the roll out. Nothing can stop progress.
Chainlink connects the world edit only some blockchains and some other permissioned ledgers not like 5G which connects billions of devices
Chainlink is more important
Elon Musk is more important
Twitter is more important.
Magic is more important
The CIA are more important

Ignore 5G. Do not discuss 5G
Ignore the vaccines. Take the vaccine. Take five doses. Take more.

Listen to OP

>> No.53756989

Look anons its one of the few new memes
a modern day Gladiator combat thing featuring your loveable fat man!
You slaves love distractions right?

>> No.53757004


Bump Shill in overdrive trying to slide these

>> No.53757015


Meant to tag this one its the most important


>> No.53757020

No way psyops of this quality deserve a place on page one permanently


>> No.53757034

Chainlink is about to leave the 300 day accumulation zone. You have been warned. Speaking purely on Technical analysis. This maybe the easist 2x on your BTC and ETH you will ever get.

>> No.53757047

magic is real anons ignore 5G a real technology standard you dont understand because paid mouthpieces like this nigger want you discussing magic instead
visualise it and meet reptilians and DMT clowns and whoever the fuck else in the astral realm

DISCONNECT. ignore 5G Do not discuss the real successful rollout of a technology standard.

Do not dare discuss it. Dont use it as an example for how Chainlink could be the biggest most successful psyop since NASA

>> No.53757095

It's not a le funny doge meme coin so no. Fuck off and cope somewhere lese l*nk fags

>> No.53757097

I already did last year. I got tired of Sergey sucking the WEF's dick. Then they had a women of crypto video that they closed the comments because it didn't fit their woke agenda. Fuck Sergey and fuck Chainlink.

>> No.53757106

>Chainlink is about to leave the 300 day accumulation zone. You have been warned. Speaking purely on Technical analysis. This maybe the easist 2x on your BTC and ETH you will ever get.

We can only hope. Every time we try to break out we get hammered back down. It will end eventually though.

SWIFT goes live with CBDC testing phase March 20th. Perhaps CCIP will be launched around then as well.

Definitely exciting times ahead


>> No.53757128


>> No.53757164

>Definitely exciting times ahead
this so much this focus on the future anons ignore the past and ignore the present

what did orwell say
>Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
They controlled the past so they control the future. They control the present so they controlled the past. You know they. The Swiss bankers the Jews Da Joos The elite you know them
Ignore what what did in the past and what they are doing in the present. Focus on the future.

Focus on Magic!

Focus anons you are winning!

>> No.53757195



>> No.53757225
File: 31 KB, 394x394, 1675644070333688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>one based anon
>create division within chainlink psyops
>we cant discuss price
>elon musk will moon chainshit with just one mentions anons believe in magic!
>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke
>Chainlink is the technology standard of the future anon believe in the future space rockets to Mars Elon Musk!
>5G is a technology standard of the present
>Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell
>Who controlled the past anon?
>Maybe this Official Declass from the CIA will help you figure out that magic is real
>manifest it niggers!

>> No.53757257
File: 194 KB, 739x925, 1675297535032301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is just you and me ITT buddy duking it out for psyop of the century I think Chainlink will win so not sure what we are debating LOL LEL LMAO ROFL KEK

I am usually right about most things well in advance. Is this magic? Am I an AI? Am I a speck of God trapped within the Devil's playpen?

>> No.53757353



>> No.53757419

Think about this new psyop anons
The Balloon was a gatekeeper and weapon in the boomer British TV show The Prisoner
The production code for The Schizoid Man was 7
>The central theme of the episode deals with the psychology of identity and mental abilities like telepathy

Thank God we have the AI (present/future) to discuss and we don't need to even care about 5G and COVID (past/present) anymore.

I think it is interesting they chose to reveal the balloon now. What's wrong with satellites?

>> No.53757441

You keep bumping your satanic posts as if they have meaning. People do not care about Elon Musk.
I understand a hero will be provided for the masses from when required but maybe a pie in his face will do?
Why do we need heroes with agendas and loveable fat people to follow?
Do I need to like your blog too faggot?

>> No.53757465

Checked nice quads.

>> No.53757473

Muh diiiiiick

>> No.53757475




>> No.53757514

This is literally a demon
CIA Good
5G investigation Bad

>> No.53757519

Lol what.

>> No.53757534

this is approved schizo posting because the shills believe it ties directly into monetary rewards like nigger monkeys manifesting on the porch
See my posts about 5G anon and see what they are capable of when their plans are not psyop the public

>> No.53757570

Remember when Sergey tired to psyop us with his Hannibal guy project because of some meme connecting incels with cannibalism or trannies with human skin suits (sounds to me more through the mirror darkly reptilian stuff but anyways)
he tried to shill you the cube movies
he tried to shill you Westworld
If you put Westerns in context with a post mud flood reset world (dry mud turned to dust and deserts)
Westworld is just them viewing us post reset and them training us to live normie lives while they control us.
They received negative feedback on both so shilling ceased

>> No.53757616

Sergey tried to use hollywood to distract you niggers.
He talks technology standards of the future while ignoring the present 5G, standardized media shilling of one of three virtually identical science juices, the flipping of the switch to turn on the grid.
Sergey laughs himself giddy everytime one of your niggers says flip it because he knows the real project already injected most people with the vaccine and the rest that escaped got it through close contact with the nanobots in the vaccine

>> No.53757634

Absolute state of cryptotards

>> No.53757817

Meds NOW

>> No.53757994


>> No.53758076

>paying neets to arbitrate your disputes

>> No.53758401

Why is this making everyone on here so mad

>> No.53758484

something about never mention 5G tech in Chainlink breads who knows why lol bump
Magic and Elon Musk are acceptable Chainlink topics though

>> No.53758558

I’m actually counting on it. The next hitler will be AI.

>> No.53758599

>the next psyop will be AI
you better believe it

>> No.53759021



>> No.53759377
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 8078e2247ceed4caf9d42949f9f671839d0c7c73_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.53759723


>> No.53759972

bump lmao

>> No.53759984

>9min ago

Man this is pretty fucking sad. The handle of chainlinks Twitter is OP.

I'm dumping my 80K link because of this shit. Un-fucking-real.

>> No.53759993

Because clearly the OP is the one that tweeted that, it's kind of sad.

>> No.53759999

Check em

>> No.53760479

This guy knows what's up.

>> No.53760505
File: 107 KB, 1200x797, 1667300409530455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked amd rekt
fudfags absolutely destroyed
18 digits bulgarians
seeth cope and dial 8
dont @ me again niggers
LMAO they are not sending their best
marsupial massacre peppermint sausage

>> No.53760508

kek lmao what is it that drives these schizos to come into our breads like this
LINK breads are safe spaces niggers

>> No.53760516

Is the Chainlink twitter account being run by a literal third world indian?

>> No.53760728

Impressive. Very nice. Let's see God's post

>> No.53760918

Has everyone seen that thread on here going around called "CIA explains what Magick is?"

I've researched this topic prior to that thread but basically consciousness and thoughts actually direct reality.

If enough people visual a specific outcome intently for long periods of time the universe actually rearranges itself to manifest the given outcome.

That being said the more extreme the outcome varies from current reality than the more conscious energy(prana) it requires along with more time.

Honestly just consider the whole visualize copy pasta that started with Chainlink since the beginning.

YOU MANIAC etc. OGs know what I'm talking about. Even newfags have probably seen it as well.

So everyday visualize Elon Musk tweeting out something that is obviously Chainlink related. Take just a few minutes and see it in your "mind's eye".

This isn't that far off from reality either. It wouldn't take a lot thought to catapult a simple tweet into the zeitgeist.


When a certain thought permeates the ether it spreads to others in their vicinity. Especially if these people are high vibrational individuals. In fact it can be so pervasive that as a high vibratory person your thoughts and emotions enter people's minds just being around them and they believe its their own. They have what they believe is a random thought but its not.

The occult elites of the world understand this phenomenon and its why they spend infinite amounts of resources and currency in order to implant thoughts in the minds of the masses via propaganda because the efforts are seriously amplified because the affected spread it as well.

>> No.53761165

reeks of desperation

>> No.53761305

LINK is pumping, theyre now going to nuke cryptomarkets again?

>> No.53761313
File: 65 KB, 1131x521, SchizonumbersEdition7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Maybe not

New paradigm

>> No.53761701
File: 225 KB, 1557x918, Screenshot 2023-02-18 030933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SBF is barred from using VPNs. So no, LOL. Funny how once he is barred from using VPNs all of sudden markets are doing okay.

>> No.53761716

Fucking jew rats made me lose so much money last year

>> No.53761819

comparing apples and oranges but okay dude cool story!

>> No.53761853

theres nothing solid in what he said. he began every sentence with "imagine" haha its like TA fags imaging lines that go up

>> No.53761888

fed government will make their own private oracles. imagine thinking the gov will use a public oracle network HAHAHAHA. USPS has already patented their own oracle protocol for voting. please go back to redit fucking retard.

>> No.53761911



>> No.53761937
File: 3.40 MB, 2550x3300, 1674950440145653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I hereby declare that I do not give my permission for any living being to manipulate or cause harm to my body, mind or soul.

I do not consent to any act of coercion offered by any party public or private, including decrees, demands, ultimatums, entrapments, or laws/rules declared absent participatory public debate. I will follow the natural laws of my society, as did my father and his father before him. I will scorn the insulting bureaucracy and rule-by-decree of our Political Class.

I will advocate for the separation of Culture and State. I will point and laugh at those who designate themselves "Lawmakers" in the media they control. I understand that digital access to global markets will set me free from those who seek power over my life.

I have not, do not and will not participate in the the elite's "Great Reset" or "4th Industrial Revolution" pageantry, though I have a duty to remain informed about what happens in our world.

Harassment directed towards my person, my property or my voice by any party is an attack against the Vox Populi, which is sacred to our civilization and must be defended.

I don't consent to:

-Digital IDs controlled by third parties
-Forced Vaccinations
-Vaccine passports
-A cashless society or its digital equivalent
-Attacks against free cryptocurrencies
-Social Credit Scores
-FATF regulations used as sword instead of shield
-Civil forfeiture
-Taxation for services I do not use
-Regulations that stifle the free enterprise of free people
-Mandatory quarantines of healthy people
-Mandatory voting



>> No.53762058


Based. Revoking consent and permission over negative energy out loud with spoken word is incredibly important. One must actively and frequently declare dominion over their mind, body, and soul as someone or something will try to if you don't.

>> No.53762126
File: 160 KB, 1020x1064, 1563028134434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but you consent unless you do something about it

You vill be happy

>> No.53762174


Inaction is one form of consent

So is permission whether spoken or unspoken

>> No.53762190

DragonChain gang should hook up with Elon.

>> No.53762207 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1267x2000, BLN100_C39K15_TITLEPAGE_0_I_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amen, fellow traveller. Go in peace.

Anchora Spei -- the Anchor of Hope -- sits over my heart, and through it I have learned to know myself.

Now I am become life, the creator of worlds.

>> No.53762255
File: 1.68 MB, 1267x2000, BLN100_C39K15_TITLEPAGE_0_I_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amen, fellow traveller. Go in peace.

Anchora Spei -- the Anchor of Hope -- rests on my heart, and through it I have learned to know myself.

Now I am become life, the creator of worlds.

>> No.53762505

>Digital IDs controlled by third parties
Don't worry, it'll be set up in such a way, that you will have complete control over that ID, but it'll be still hosted by your government, that you will be a part of.
you can't stop the unstoppable.
Digital cash and social systems are coming.
Try to escape, by making as much money as possible

>> No.53762863
File: 1.26 MB, 1770x2000, Portrait-of-Ben-Jonson-NPG-mw03528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, that worldview is what our intellectually and morally exhausted elite want to confine you within. Control over your identity and your property is what has given The State and the banks their power over your economic activity, your speech, and ultimately your life.

But now I am in control of my identity and my property.

This is the alternative. This is Decentralized Social Identity. THIS is the metaverse.

>> No.53762871

The more shit like IDs, payments, information, ... is decentralized, the more obsolete central governments become.

>> No.53763266

Decentralization leads to people being identified via a number, which is exactly what globohomo wants, since you're names are not worth to be remembered.
You, as an individual also give up your physical self and create several personas for X Y Z reasons while also complying with governmental requirements.
ID's and passports are going to be recorded on a Blockchain and the ID process is going to be completed and verified with Zk protocols, ensuring that you are a real citizen of this country while also giving you a unique number to include you in specific smart contracts.
Sure you can have multiple wallets and have cash parked somewhere.
But the Gov-Wallet that also holds your ID will be observed automatically, every transaction is going to be supervised and automatically marked if it exceeds a specific value.
Thank god there are smart contract that are going to notify authorities immediately.

I'm not really sure how the gov is going to implement their CBDCs and digital IDs.
Maybe a gov wallet?
Maybe some sort of a NFT, that you can't sell, which can be revoked by a smart contract, which gives you the ability to invest in the countries dApps aka companies? (Considering countries are going to be Forks of L1's)