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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53747796 No.53747796 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think.

>> No.53747798

Oh well. Guess I tried. Good luck struggling youth of the interwebs.
>lift, read, start a business

>> No.53747804
File: 57 KB, 942x190, TrJEVIDENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the only way to "improve" is to change gender, according to the tranny janny

>> No.53747824

I don't even know. Working everyday towards a better life, and taking personal resoundingly, is "off topic" on a business and finance board, so I guess I'll just keep doing what I do.

I hope you all TAKE ACTION towards making it.

>> No.53747835

don't bother the tranny janny and repost it

>> No.53747842

Anyways. >>/biz/thread/S53747187
Now we wait for 404.

>> No.53747857

jannies are mentally ill trannies on hormones and any notion that their lot in life is their own doing triggers them and must be purged

>> No.53747872

take it to /b/ or /pol/ or /fit/

>> No.53747882

They could still benefit from: lift, read, and start a business. It's an equal opportunity philosophy.

Anyways, I'll try again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. I'm not trying to start a movement or anything. Just want everyone to take some action to improve themselves instead of feeling howled.

>> No.53747894


>> No.53747920

literally wrong board, like the other anon said try
and if it takes off there you can cross post it here for your /biz/raelis to benefit from

>> No.53747927

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business
Business starts with a state of mind, body, and spirit devoted to organized action with the intent to improve the lives of everyone it touches. This is the ONLY board on 4chan for that message.

>> No.53747937

kys, improvement can be worth for trading too, so it's finance related

>> No.53747952

yes by that logic everything is finance related
don't be a nuanced autist

>> No.53747951
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>middle aged loser incels who moderate a mongolian throat singing forum FOR FREE don't like self improvement
gee I wonder why

>> No.53747964

exactly, if you write "finance related" in the thread then it's finance related, understand?

>> No.53747965

>This is the ONLY board on 4chan for that message
/b/ is actually qualified as well, but whatever anon, keep banging your head up against the wall

>> No.53747970

>financially speaking are women good investments?
all of these shitty threads are shitposting demoralization slide threads, understand?

>> No.53747989
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>> No.53747998

>why did tranny janny clean up my off topic trash?
Good question. He doesn't usually.

>> No.53748004

"Women good investments" it's incel board culture
if you think they're slide threads fuck back to pol
"Improve yourself" is based
if you think they're slide threads fuck back to Israel, which is not a legitimate state

>> No.53748013

See? I knew the thread would be a magnet for people who want to watch kids fail. I didn't anticipate the mods would hop on board to shut it down. Guess I should've known better.

Guess I'll just go reply to a love from Kazakhstan thread at bump limit on a business board...

>> No.53748052

Just post it anyway and ignore the mods

>> No.53748106

Probably because this is a business and finance board, not your self-help group you fucking faggot. Perhaps you should go to therapy or buy some more self-help books.

>> No.53748142

if you kill yourself it's finance related, stay in topic then

>> No.53748154

Funny how you can post coomer threads with "how do I profit from this" and suddenly they're on-topic.
I don't even think there's any malice in that.
Jannies are just literally that pathetic.

>> No.53748162
File: 63 KB, 602x666, Chad thumb up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jannies, unpaid cut dick faggot scum
Eat well, sleep well and exercise
If you can't help or improve yourself you will never make it
Fat ugly retards get left behind
The world is yours if you fuckkng want it lads
Be disciplined, be driven
No point in having wealth if you don't have your health
Jannie niggers are seething because they played themselves and aren't brave or intelligent enough to realise
Fuck you you overpaid worthless tranny faggots

>> No.53748258

OK, so the thread idea has successfully been derailed and co-opted through well poisoning and us vs them. Fuck.

Lol at
>be healthy, don't stop learning, and take small action steps towards starting a business ISN'T business related

Next thread:
Any ideas for a pic rel? Thinking of a screencap of a tweet of an anime girl having interracial sex with a black Sergey from chainlink, while a sad pepe watches, with a tiktok logo on the bottom. Seems business related enough.

>> No.53748277

Lmfao no it doesn’t. Business is about accumulating capital, and it doesn’t require any of that. Go to church if you want to talk about that. Business if for hungry wolves and the height of materialism.
Buddy this is a niche business board on the shithole of the internet. You’re talking to trolls, degenerates, scoundrels and opportunists. If you want to help le kids go out in your local community and try helping people who actually want it.

You self-help cultists are so goddamn cringe. One of the issues with the modern internet, not the worst issue but still up there. Go live your life. All you niggerfaggots are trying to sell your shitty meaningless perscriptive lifestyles while living shit ones yourself.

>> No.53748299

>why did my wildly offtopic post get deleted

>> No.53748311
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I love this post
Thanks anon I appreciate you dude

>> No.53748321

I ain't trying to sell anything, edgy wolf of wall st. I'm trying to get kids to take responsibility for their own lives and start making positive changes instead waiting for a better life to happen by bagholding scams or latching on to trust the plan ideologies.
>self improvement is fud

You know what though. You fucking win. I won't waste my time. I'll just keep living the constantly improving life I've built from literally nothing, and do what works for me.

>> No.53748326

for a guy preaching about self-improvement you have spent an awful lot amount of time bitching about the trannie jannies in both threads instead of offering any actual self improvement tips
plus, every second your thread stays up literally invalidate your original complaints

>> No.53748327
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why his "off topic" good thread gets pruned, why my in topic financial related threads get 0 replies, why completely useless faggot piece of shit demoralization threads get bumped and stay forever?

>> No.53748346

That's a different argument entirely.

>> No.53748353

>bitching about the trannie jannies
I'm upset that the thread was deleted. I'll show myself the door and return to calling baggies nigger-faggots anonymously. I tried sprinkling a little fresh water in an ocean of piss, and was shocked to find there was no point. Lol.

>> No.53748358

Mods are gay faggots and tranny kikes. Fuck them all sieg heil

>> No.53748360

Dumb off-topic poster complaining.
I off-topic post all the time, but I take my bans in stride unless it's a false advertising ban for discussing something I'm not even invested in.

>> No.53748378

Israel has no right to exist, and you know that

>> No.53748395

>Pray to God what every day, multiple times per day from the heart
>Pray the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) every night before bed
>Listen to and sing worship music
>Watch church services and homilies and Christian teachings from godly men
>go to mass every Sunday and holy day
>Read the Bible every night before bed
>Donate to your local church
>Serve the poor through your local church
>Serve the local church
>Read Christian literature
>Pray the Rosary
>Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength
>Post on 4chan about the love and glory of God

>> No.53748396

Irrelevant, dumb fucking retard. You may as well be a bot, just kill yourself.

>> No.53748427

>>Read Christian literature
Aristotle and Cicero are cool right? I know the enlightenment Christian writers considered them righteous pagans. Dante even gave them a special ok-ish section of hell to live in.

>> No.53748529

You can read whatever you want as long as you are glorifying God through it. Everything is permissible, but not everything is helpful. God bless you.

>> No.53748585
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Just but shit tokens and never sell, I guess.

>> No.53748595

Jannys will burn in hell this is certain

>> No.53748654

God bless you anon. My life has improved immensely since I implemented these (liturgy instead of mass, prayer rope instead of rosary etc.)

>> No.53748684
File: 28 KB, 300x250, 11E0D613-A96B-4E32-986B-1E280B49784B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christcuckery is inherently anti Business and will never make you any profit.

>waste your time every day praying that God is doing something for you instead of manifesting and shaping your own Reality
>worship music? lmao wat, also more waste of time. how is this making you rich?
>waste your time watching some shit that doesnt make you any money and doesnt help you make more
>donate your hard earned money to a church that has billions of dollars
>pay for poor people out of your own pocket and with your own precious time
>read brainwashing material that promotes passiveness
>spam 4chan for FREE

christcuckery is a jewish scam designed to keep desperate and dumb People poor.

tl;dr become a christcuck and ngmi

>> No.53748692

That’s amazing anon. I’m glad it has helped you. It changed my life as well. I’m far from perfect, but no longer the monster I was. Praise God. He is great in every way.

>> No.53748715

>worship money and never care about anyone else but yourself
>who needs a soul anyway? aren't we merely meat on a giant ball of carbon orbiting around the sun? why even bother right?

>> No.53748733

You are like a child to me. I can sense the arrogance and le intellectual enlightenment of a 20 something le fedora atheist college student. I hope you realize where that leads sooner than I did before you also end up far gone down a dark road. There’s a better way.

>> No.53748742

>worship money and never care about anyone else but yourself
better than "worship some middle eastern jewish guy and give all your money away to jews and poorfags."
>who needs a soul anyway?
falling for a jewish scam doesnt give you a Soul

>> No.53748752

at 30 I was already a multimillionaire.
did I get there because I wasted my time with religion? absolutely not.
so yea you know nothing kid, now go and donate your time and money to other poorfags, go work for free like some retarded janny.

>> No.53748764

Rockefeller was a "Christcuck". He did alright. Not that any of us will likely be on that level. I kind of hoped to get tfwnogf dudes to do some push ups and offer "understanding your home computer" classes to seniors, or whatever, for $15/hr to get started doing something they can build off of, but alas, I failed like the fag I am.

Oh well, back to imagine the smell posting and waiting for despair to rebuy my btc and eth, while I keep selling shit, watching retarded movies with my wife, and managing a very very small fledgling real estate empire (2 family lol).

>> No.53748772

>Look at this Israelite seething
You're seriously enraged, kike, can you confirm that Israel has no right to exist and denounce the talmud, just to be sure there's no Conflict of interest here?

>> No.53748783

Yeah ok kiddo and I’m the top sniper in the entire US Armed Forces.

>> No.53748805

Because we absolutely NEED 30 pajeet shitcoin shilling threads up at all times and you're wasting space.

>> No.53748812

For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?

I was born rich bro. Money ain’t shit.

>> No.53748819

Go to /b/ or /adv/ retard

>> No.53748848

>Rockefeller was a "Christcuck"
he was jewish and already born into almost unimaginable wealth.
>Israel has no right to exist
sure, fuck em and fuck their desert shithole.
>and denounce the talmud
sure fuck the talmud, fuck that jew manual that was written to enslave everyone else.
christcuck cope, your religion is designed to keep you poor. thats why you will never make it and give whatever little you have to the jews instead, playing by their rules like a good goyim.
you are nothing more than cattle to them but you cant accept this truth, you are already too far gone.

>> No.53748855

>I was born rich bro.
I'm a self made man, we are not the same.

>> No.53748859

>steps towards starting a business and improving your life isn't business bro. Go post next to Andy Six's creamy logs or qanon info drops!
That's like your opinion, man.

>> No.53748870

oh I get it, so you're a northerncuck and you're still butthurt because they destroyed your celtic-something religion, you're right to be enraged then

>> No.53748877

>he was jewish and already born into almost unimaginable wealth.
I think you come from an alternate reality. He was a Baptist from rural Ohio.

>> No.53748885

Absolutely based and WAGMI pilled OP. It's Friday boys, finish out this week on a banger. Finish that book before the weekend. Get an extra workout in. Finalize some business ideas.

Get after it.

>> No.53748889

>your celtic-something religion,
I dont waste my time with any religion, thats why I'm rich and why you are poor.
thats the story they tell to the goyim, you'd have to be retarded to believe it.

>> No.53748903
File: 72 KB, 666x1000, 51Xh8kTlirL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading picrel

>> No.53748921

I'm not poor anyway, kek

>> No.53748939
File: 97 KB, 691x1000, 61ju441nPjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's bring this back to OP's intended goal:

I'm reading the book "The Body Keeps The Score" because I know damn well financial freedom requires a clear head and strong emotions. My mind and body are fucked up from years of trauma. It's been great reading about the mechanics behind this, and understanding myself better. I feel like my decisions lately have been more proactive instead of reactive. Highly recommend it to my fellow traumanons.

>> No.53748983

Lmao everything I have I earned. “Self-made” men are the worst. I would know my father was one. The reality is that you made nothing yourself. And in the end your money will turn to dust just as you will. My eyes are on eternity.

>> No.53748993

>Lmao everything I have I earned
so what is it? were you born rich or not?
your larp is kinda falling apart here.

>> No.53749080

I was born rich but I am not rich. I had to earn my own way in life. What’s hard to understand. Self made men don’t like to share.

>> No.53749108

kek took 10 minutes to come up with an excuse, try harder next time with your larp.

>> No.53749125

I’m at work bro and gotta go back to the grind. I love you bro hope the Spirit of God falls on you and sets your heart on fire!

>> No.53749154

I dont need your blessings christcuck wagie

>> No.53749195


>> No.53749211

They’re not my blessings little lost lamb

>> No.53751758


>> No.53752279

Probably best to just let it die.

>> No.53752484
