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53745243 No.53745243 [Reply] [Original]

The truth is crypto only gives you one chance to make it, usually when you're a newfag. If you fuck that up you're done and will forever lament whatever coin you fucked up with.

>> No.53745267

Only happens to pussies like you

>> No.53745294

The fk are u talking about? There's a mooning project everyday on eth bsc damn even cronos. Besides that you got futures and options if you like day trading or you can even start your own projects with minimal investment for the liquidity. You suck balls at crypto OP if you honestly think what you wrote

>> No.53745295

why would I be a pussy for making it? Oh you thought I was one of the others, kek.

>> No.53745298

Nice projection OP

>> No.53745325

So the point of your post is to discourage people from crypto despite you making money of it? Even gayer

>> No.53745326

all you have to do right now to make it is buy AVAX and LINK and stake and hold, its that simple.

>> No.53745351

Sounding like an incel. Do you also post about how life is over if you didn't find your soulmate in high school? Lol.

>> No.53745412

I mean kinda correct and kinda wrong.
I won big being a newfag 0-60k then back to 0
Now if I had to do it all over again with 10k I could easily get to 100k but like you said once you lose you never win again.

>> No.53747866

STFU anon. You have a max of 3 bull runs to make it. This is a big chance and more reason you should buy ORE.

>> No.53747922

This. Hold Avax until $1000+.

>> No.53747978

When I was new I had blind, unfounded confidence in crypto and my choice of alts which put me in a position to profit hugely from luck. That's when I made the most money. Now that I'm more experienced I'm also more aware of the risks I just can't do the crazy moves anymore

>> No.53748055

no, the truth is "crypto" GAVE everyone a chance nearly a decade ago to make easy money, and if you didn't take advantage then you're playing catch-up for life gambling on alts that don't last a single cycle.