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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53744907 No.53744907 [Reply] [Original]

There are probably 20 additional products cooked up by Sergey. Now I see why he hired Ari. He just needs psuedo-scientific bullshit to fool people into holding while he dumps over the next decade, slowly. There are still 500 million tokens in the vault

>Look forward to mainnet!
>Ok now we will focus on t-sigs
>Secure hardware enclaves with Intel SGX!
>Our new concentration is Town Crier
>N-no we mean Mixicles
>We are focused on off chain reporting
>Behold! VRF is our killer application
>We are focusing on CCIP
>Staking any day now by the way
>We are focusing on NFT's using VRF
>We mean blockchain gaming!
>Oops layer 2 is the thing now
>Hey goy-- guys we are working on DECO!
>No no that's old news, behold Chainlink Functions

Holy fucking shit. Endless vaporware and you would've been better selling when it was only main net and price feeds. I am impressed at how "intelligent" this smart con is. 2/16 though, right guys?

>> No.53744925
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>> No.53744933

yeah, I agree
if they don't actually start to deliver on some of their claims this year, I'll be really disappointed
it does actually seem like chainlink functions is legit launching beginning of next month

>> No.53744942

kek, how can we forget the Cayman Islands register

>> No.53744944

Wow you sure are smart

>> No.53745014

>if they don't actually start to deliver

Good news, rest assured they will not deliver. Where is Mixicles? T-Sigs? They threw trusted hardware into the trash. What about the enterprise abstraction layer? Superlinear staking? How could I forget FSS? Has anyone heard about fair sequencing since 2021?

Smart enough to see a long con, yes

>> No.53745162


The fact none of this exists in 2023 should be solid proof they’re purposely fucking people over for a cash out

>> No.53745251

Why do you know so much about links history? How long have you been following link?

>> No.53745373


And what if they carried on with T-sigs when it basically fell to the wayaide and was not going to be asopted or worth it over other new solutions which they swapped to and are now used?
You’d be here whining that they apent all this time developing a product that was outdated and dead before arrival and lost their relevance instead of them being on the trend and growing like crazy and have more use than almost any other crypto on all their products.

Mixicles is DECO btw.
Its amazing how stupid you really are. You have no problem highlighting the fact by whining about these things because you are so stupid you can even understand what I explain above without me telling you.

Thank fuck you are not involved in any business at all and likely never will be allowed past grunt work. You dont have any real ability to do it

>> No.53745374

This is why I said, there are probably 20+ more "new products" waiting to be unleashed once the narrative dries up. Remember on this board how excited anons like >>53745251 were for canDID, DECO, and a new frontier? What about Arbitrum's launch, Chainlink becoming a validator, and FSS being implemented?

None of this will be implemented, it's all meant to syphon cash out of people on this board while BTC continues its ascent to $30k, $50k, etc.

>> No.53745407

Ah yes, another Dunning Kruger idiot here to tell me why he's so much smarter. Your emotion, sans logic, says you are a Chainlink Labs employee or an angry bagholder from ICO. Either way, you're retarded and will only get angrier as LINK unveils vaporware after vaporware. Congrats on your defense accomplishments though, Sergey would be proud

>> No.53745499

Cope. They promised ccip and enterprise in 2022 and delivered a hot steamy shit instead. Eat it up if you want

>> No.53745516


Bloody hell anon thats a lot of cope about your low IQ being highlighted.

You need a thicker skin. You gotta work with the cards you are given. You have a lower IQ and you cant help saying things that will make you look stupid or incompetent in many contexts(otherwise you wouldn’t say them) so you need to take that into account and develop a coping strategy around it. You could max your potential as a low IQ that way

>> No.53745527

What country are you from?

>> No.53745581
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>They threw trusted hardware into the trash
ari is still working on this issue, legitimately

>> No.53745629

kek I am impressed by the deflection, it's ok anon one day you'll reflect on your mistakes and repent for your sins. Until then, enjoy seething and coping, it looks good on you

>> No.53745641

This reads like a brit. Is this horse rimmer? Oh shit he’s come back to scam some more

>> No.53745784

kek Linkpool jonneh would be in here, pissed off that I'm exposing his employer

>> No.53745923

Sorry to say but this anon is right, Sergey fatfuck said CCIP would be ready in 2022. Its only crab time from here, it sucks ass. No money to be made here yet.

>> No.53746091

Don't forget that he also promised the enterprise abstraction layer. There are no enterprises using Chainlink. They also fired their enterprise sales team, hint hint.

>> No.53746139
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>> No.53746541

>Hey, how's my little - what's that cheesy smell?
>Nothing mom.
>... OK. I haven't seen you come out of your room in a while, is everything okay? Are looking for work? Looks like McDonald's has a nice little sign-on bonus!
>N...no. I told you. I'm fudding chainlink mom. It's very important.
>'Fudding' the what?
>So I research things *gestures at folder on another monitor filled with 80 cock cage images* and post them at this group of guys that are going to make me live in a pod and eat bugs. They're linkies because they bought a cryptocurrency called chainlink.
>So THIS is what you've been doing for the last year? Have you made any money off of these crypto-coins at least?
>Oh not really. I had chainlink once thanks to my allowance... I bought some in 2021 at the top but then I signed up with Bancor and uh... well yeah that was that time you grounded me for losing my money.
>Wouldn't you feel better going outside and making money? All you do is wake up, sit at the computer, post about this link thing you don't have, and go to bed. Why do you do this to yourself?
>I don't know, mom. I don't fucking know.
>D-don't cry, sweetie.

>> No.53746903

Yeh, I'm just gonna keep my Link stack anyway, thanks guys.

>> No.53746935

But we still arent selling and never will

How does that make you feel?

>> No.53747666

>duuuuuudddddddeee it's a heckin' consthpirathyyy!!!

>> No.53747676

>uncleoldfaggot necrobumping his own thread