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53743432 No.53743432 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still the best hardware wallet in 2023?

>> No.53743492

just a minipump and all faggots want to buy hardware wallets to protect 100 usd worth of link and bat

>> No.53743539


>> No.53743573

I still use a trezor from 2016 to store my shit

>> No.53743791

If want it for Bitcoin, yeah
If you want it for alts then you're better off getting a ledger
trezor has given up working on altcoin support

>> No.53743901

trezor has evm so it supports ETH, avax, ftm, bsc, etc. but not stuff like atom unfortunately. I have trezor model t and ledger nano and I like the trezor much better except for alt support.

>> No.53744246

that word alone usually indicates a long history of tech dominatrix bs

>> No.53744565

Wasn't it hacked from a close range and isn't a ledger therefore superior?

>> No.53744621

The really old model was, but you shouldn't rely on and hardware wallet to be safe from physical access by someone with advanced tools. You should use a passphrase to protect the seed both on the wallet and recovery/backup. If you lose the wallet then you have a while until they can theoretically crack both the wallet and passphrase - impossible if you use a strong enough passphrase.

That's the other thing that better about my trezor, you don't have to store the passphrase on the device and can just type it in on the computer. On my ledger I have to type it into the device every time I want to use it, or store it on the device which is less safe, and its a completely pain in the ass to type it in.

>> No.53745955

>You should use a passphrase to protect the seed both on the wallet and recovery/backup.
how can you do this with a ledger?

>> No.53746502

You don't need to encrypt it at rest, the whole point is to make cracking it difficult even if someone manages to get hold of your computer.

>> No.53746529

What would happen if trezor stops operating and no new devices are available and / or no more software to access the device is built? Can you still restore the wallet?

>> No.53746574

>you have a while until they can theoretically crack both the wallet and passphrase
Not when I'm around brah, heuristic Chad prime. Every single break successful on the first permutation attempted.
<chest / bicep flex> HhhhhhhhhNNNNNunG.....!

>> No.53746779

Answer me gigachads or I eat my Trezor right now

>> No.53747265

Mostly compatible but there are a few derivation path differences here and there... they put the wildcard higher up in the BIP hierarchy for reasons I don't quite get. Their webpage gives details.

>> No.53747273

Like for XRP and I think Ethereum it would only show you the first address on another device... but you can alter the derivation path and the wallets are still there on other devices, you just have to use the /*/0/0 instead of /0/0/*/

>> No.53747280

Don't. It will gluten you.

>> No.53747867

Too late, I’m already on toilet dropping seed phrases. I knew it was only shitcoins on my wallet

So you say it’s possible to restore without the device and the software? Only from the seed + passphrase?

>> No.53748802

> isn't a ledger therefore superior?
I think privacy wallet is more secured, due to shielding/anonymous transactions

>> No.53748905

Yes. The seed is the most important thing. The pin is just to access the device. The passphrase (I believe) is for hidden wallets and is also necessary like the seed.

>> No.53751233

We barely have much privacy wallet, I use secret wallet, seem to be the best so far

>> No.53751276

Hack is inevitable in the space, just deal with it, anon

>> No.53751331

I really don't think that is possible

>> No.53751356

Secret wallet is cool desu, but I think Railway wallet is a better option because of their zero charges for shielding coins and nfts

>> No.53752045

Op here, I've read through the entire thread and it's not clear, so it is the best choice for BTC but not alts? And you need to save the derivation paths with your seed?

>> No.53752496

That’s what I’m afraid of as well but couldn’t figure it out so far

>> No.53752689

They can't hold Hbar so no.

>> No.53753025

>crypto is totally the future guys
>but getting hacked and losing your money is inevitable

Crypto bros really are as worthless as the shit they peddle

>> No.53753103
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I have the T, and a Keystone. I am liking the Keystone more.

>> No.53753113

yeah both trezor and ledger support passphrase aka hidden wallet, its a pretty essential feature if you want to travel and not worry about your wallet or seed getting stolen, they can't access your crypto or even know what your addresses / balances are without the passphrase.

He's talking about extracting the seed from a hardware wallet. Its really hard to do. But if someone has advanced lab-grade tools its always possible. But if you use a passphrase and don't save it on the device then even if someone extracts the seed they can't get your crypto.

So when you use your wallet you just enter in the passphrase, and the wallet forgets it when you disconnect it.

>> No.53753150
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It can't play the game

>> No.53753225
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>buy ledger
>buy hbar
>stake hbar

>> No.53753698

If you look at the OP pic they have the same hair color and similar facial features. She's a fake.