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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53742338 No.53742338 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ bros, I don't get it. I look around and I see miserable people, working miserable jobs, all living lives they hate. trading 5 days of their life so they can do mediocre shit for the 2 day weekend.

And then I see top 1% of people living extraordinary lives, spending more money in a day than what I could fathom earning in years of my life, I see government officials and bankers taxing us and inflating our savings away while their assets and art collections triple in value.

I have tried many times to raise my income, I got burned, I've tried "saving myself rich", the math doesn't work, I've tried gambling like you fucks on the stock market, the forex market, the crypto market, turns out you can't turn your 5 figure life savings into 8 figures or some shit in a few years. and anyone who says they can do that for you just wants to steal your money.

I've lost all hope. All I can do is cope with whatever gives me dopamine or otherwise i'd have killed myself by now. I'm convinced that 99% of us are going to be slaves like our ancestors while the wealthy live like kings. have you guys realized this yet? any of you feel just as hopeless? have any of you escaped and felt different? care to tell us your story?

>> No.53742362
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>> No.53742364

is the system rigged? is the "american dream" just a dream they sell us to keep us working for them? I'm realizing my whole life was built so I could wageslave saveslave and dieslave to the benefit of a 1%er

>> No.53742369

Wow these glowie faggots are really ramping up the long elaborate larp posts about some faggot demoralised mind sink huh?

>> No.53742373

What no pussy will do to a MF

>> No.53742391

I wish I was a glowie, my nigga im just genuinely tired of this shit

>> No.53742411

>my nigga
I'm not your nigger your faggot Zoomer loser. Lurk moar. Go to /pol/. You're a bluepilled cucked plebbit brained retard. This is not the place to have a cry about your life.

>> No.53742414

>I have tried many times to raise my income, I got burned
Have you tried learning valuable skills, or some dropshipping bullshit?

>> No.53742473

somewhat, if there's anything I took away from it's that you have to provide value to earn value. either through a product or service or learning skills to help provide that product or service, and then you have to seperate your time from income if you want those crazy numbers those millaionaires are making instead of being tied to how much you work in an hour.

but it isn't that simple, haven't been successful and i'm still trying since it's like the only route I see out of this slavery.

>> No.53742565

Thing is, you will never be a billionaire, anon. You're just another NPC raised in a culture which is fundamentally based in christian values and morals but at the same time rejects it so there is always conflict to distract us from the real issues. Be content with your lot, that's all I can say. If you can share your opinions and struggles in this vietnamese wallet sewing forum maybe you're not doing so bad in life. Imagine having a kid with polio, imagine not having money to buy food for your children. that's real pain. I made it thanks to crypto, and all I can see how unfair all is. And how all could be easily solved if we were good and helped each other. But that's impossible because while some people are good natured others derive pleasure in harming others. We can never attain paradise. Also there are certain (((people))) who lust for money, power, control and degeneracy and doesn't care, in fact they actively contribute to the destruction of our culture and civilization. Keep struggling, anon. Do what your time whatever bring some dopamine to you

>> No.53742602
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>Go to /pol/.
You need to go back as well, stop contaminating other boards you runt.

>> No.53742706

Every day I debate ending it all during my 4 hour commute to my parents house.
I can't afford to move closer, and I can't find another job...

>> No.53742712

>what is the point of it all
OP tried writing with a blunt pencil the other day but there was not point.
We gotta stop with the blind jokes because OP doesn't see the point.
Why did OP get fired from his pencil sharpening job? I would tell you but there would be no point.
What's the difference between a OP and a knife? Only one of them has a point.
OP's dad bought him a house, he pointed to it and said "hang in there son."
What did the fingerless OP say to his glove? We both have no point.
What do you call OP's life? Non-existant at this point.
There was once a broken pencil. His existence had no point.
Why is it called the circle of life? Because there's no point.
OP once made a pencil with two erasers. It didn't have a point.
Why does OP love tennis? It's the only love he gets because in tennis, love is 0 points.
The difference between a triangle and OP? A triangle has a point.
Why are condoms like OP? They've both been filled with cum at some point.
What does OP have in common with a cotton field? They've both been plowed by niggers at some point.
You know what the point of this joke is? Here it is >>53742338
OP got stabbed once, the only time he had a point.
OP, do you know where the point of the arrow is? In the head.
What did the doctor say to the needle? I see your point.
I decided to sharpen my pencil at last. Now i have a point.

>> No.53742825

the schizoposters on /g/ are such high quality im glad i started browsing here

>> No.53742863

/biz/ is the financial arm of /pol/ newfag
Go back

>> No.53744359

>gambling on the stock market
you've got the wrong attitude towards it it never was gambling it's a skill and doing it wrong costs you money if you improve at trading and learn to enjoy it there's nothing stopping you from making it

>> No.53744383


Pick up Dark Souls 3 and you can see life could be worse.

>> No.53744447

OP doesn't understand most of the mega rich are just as miserable as us. They are trapped in a human body on this planet with us and it makes them seethe

>> No.53744528

To be a better man

>> No.53744599

>have to provide value to earn value
not true
>through a product or service or learning skills to help provide that product or service
not true
>seperate your time from income if you want those crazy numbers those millaionaires are making instead of being tied to how much you work in an hour.
not true

listen trading is a skill but you aren't providing anything and it takes almost no time to do it at all it's so easy to do most traders do whatever they want all day and have charts on a second monitor

>> No.53744685

Sounds like you've convinced yourself you can only be happy if you're the idle rich or something.

More to life than that, and plenty of rich people are miserable. Stop thinking social media is real. It's a curated highlight reel to convince others that you're better than them, and you've fallen for it.

Find what makes you happy, figure out a way to prioritize that and do it as cheaply as possible.

Life is about as miserable as you make it for yourself in western countries, so change what you can, and get overb it for the stuff you can't.

The alternative is how you feel now.

>> No.53745277 [DELETED] 

the point is to get rich or die tryin'.

>> No.53745289 [DELETED] 

>plenty of rich people are miserable.
only two causes for this
1. Mental Illness
2. They don't know what it's like to struggle

>> No.53745293


>> No.53745296

go back

>> No.53745300

if you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away. if you spend your time making a beautiful garden the butterflies will come to you. and if they don't come, then you still have that beautiful garden.222wn

>> No.53745384

It sounds like you're feeling frustrated and disillusioned with the current state of society and the distribution of wealth and opportunities. While it's true that there are many people who are struggling to make ends meet and may feel trapped in their current circumstances, it's important to remember that not everyone's life is the same. There are people who are born into privilege, and there are others who have had to work hard to achieve success.

It's understandable that you feel like you've tried different things to improve your financial situation, but haven't been successful. It's important to keep in mind that there's no single path to success, and that what works for one person may not work for another. It's also important to keep in mind that financial success isn't the only measure of a fulfilling life.

Rather than feeling helpless or defeated, it may be helpful to focus on the things that you can control. This might include building strong relationships with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests that bring you joy, and finding ways to contribute to your community. While it's true that the distribution of wealth and opportunities isn't always fair, focusing on what you can do to create a fulfilling life for yourself can help you feel more empowered and hopeful.

>> No.53745424

This. And crime doesn't pay either, over the long term, so that's ruled out too.

The only thing I can say is:
-Own a business.
-Keep waging all your life, invest in SPY or some shit, but have someone special to come home to that will make it all worth it.

I'd gladly do the latter for 50 more years, but I'm a KHHV so it is entirely pointless.

>> No.53745479

hi chatgpt

>> No.53745490

kek, how did you know

>> No.53745507
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>but have someone special to come home to that will make it all worth it.

>> No.53745525

>you have to provide value to earn value

Wrong. The real blackpill is that you are being paid precisely because they company has not yet found another way to capitalize on their multimillion dollar opportunity without some workers (besides the owners) to help see it to fruition. In other words, they would actually lose money if they did not pay you something so in effect paying you something actually makes the money. Especially since they're not paying you anywhere near the amount of the net proceeds that they make on this year's new company initiatives.

A job is not a charity. It is a scheme. A decently paid "6-figure" worker's ONLY value to the company is how much they can twist the company's balls, how much these workers would cause the owners to lose if they walked out. Your value is how much you can bargain in this regard, how much you've been ingrained at the company, how much do you know how to operate things that others do not. You have to basically have your hand on their nutsack to be respected, with a light tugging force.

>> No.53745597

you can tell after a while. the responses are never in the form of banter too. you typically get a couple of mini paragraphs every time as a reponse. it kind of sounds like its writing a book report all of the time

>> No.53745647


>>turns out you can't turn your 5 figure life savings into 8 figures or some shit in a few years

OP yes you can and it isn’t hard. In fact it is very easy. You just need a little trading knowledge. You probably tried to go into forex or stock trading or crypto and didn’t know JACK SHIT about it. And remeber, it’s a zero sum game and you are competing against people who literally watch charts 20 hours a day and have memorized every single common, uncommon, and rare chart formation and can tell what they all mean in an instant and react appropriately. If you haven’t put that kind of time in, of course you are at a disadvantage. I’m not saying you need to become that obsessive, but do yourself a favor a devote a solid year to studying the markets and you can succeed.

>> No.53745678

OP it actually does work, you can easily make millions in crypto. The problem is you need a triple digit IQ. If you don't have that, you're totally fucked. You're totally fucked because you're a fucking idiot.

Get back in the wage cage and keep civilization running, and be grateful that we'll let your loved ones cremate you instead of the state taking your body to turn into mulch.

>> No.53745742

The only way to become rich is to start a business or to be a good trader. A job should only be a means to an end to finance these endeavours.

>> No.53745985

>Just wageslave for the rest of your life and reflect back on having spent 80% of your waking life doing something you hate
>Just spend all your precious time building dating apps for zoomers and advertising apps for boomers and other meaningless drivel to make a small handful of people so rich they could buy your life over ten million times.
>Like the rest of us!!!!
If anyone is glowing here it's you

Industrial revolution & capitalism fucked society, the average human is not happy. We were not meant for this shit.

>> No.53746033
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>turns out you can't turn your 5 figure life savings into 8 figures or some shit in a few years
no shit
>99% of us are going to be slaves like our ancestors while the wealthy live like kings
Yes, life has been the same for centuries, only ours is easier and less diseased.
>Waah waah wahh, life is so hard, i have to work like normal people. why can't i be a 1% and live on easy mode
Disgusting. You're not worthy, thats why. The entitlement these days. The only thing you're entitled to is death, enjoy.

>> No.53746111

Its called feudalism. Look it up.

>> No.53746395

I'm not sure what this anti-feudalism grift on the board is at the moment. Serfs lived far better lives than 99% of people living today.

>> No.53746423

This. Not being rich is bearable if you have a nice wife/gf and friends, if you’re alone then it’s hell

>> No.53746568

>reddit spacing