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File: 224 KB, 1170x756, 6ECFD468-2245-4FD6-B02B-59554E566B50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53741682 No.53741682 [Reply] [Original]

This kike deserves to be crucified for baiting in so many stupid retail investors.
16 times he said disinflation.
He knew exactly what he was doing

>> No.53741743

Is what he HOPES for. It was the same story for “transitory” inflation, they knew it probably wouldn’t stop suddenly but they hoped it would. You people think he’s trying to predict the future, all the Fed does is adjust accordingly.

>> No.53741926

Maybe I'm giving Jerome too much credit, but I don't think he's screwing anyone over on purpose. Instead, I think he's a midwit and a coward.
He really wants to believe that inflation will just go away on its own with minimal rate hikes so he doesn't get yelled at for causing a recession.
After Powell is eventually jettisoned by Congress, no Fed Chair will ever again utter the words "soft landing" for fear of being compared with Jerome.

>> No.53741952

Calm down bobosister, he's not finished nuking the markets yet. This bear market rally will be over soon.

>> No.53742949
File: 602 KB, 477x678, Jerome POW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did Jpow say at the top of mount everest?
>What animal did Jpow ask the clown to shape his balloon?
>Why does Jpow blow his own balloons on his birthday?
He really likes inflation
>Why doesn't Jpow allow gum in the office?
He doesn't like bubbles being popped
>What do you call Jpows sexual orientation?
>What is Jpows favorite hentai?
Futanari inflation
>Why can't Jpow stop visiting the adult toy shop?
He gets to inflate
>What do you call Jpows girlfriend?
>What is Jpows favorite mode of transport?
Air balloons
>Why is superman Jpows favorite comic book?
They never cease printing

>> No.53743076

Jpow is going to kill himself when trump loses

>> No.53743113

>16 times he said disinflation
Because disinflation has indeed occurred, just not enough. They will have to keep rates above 5% for two years, as Powell has repeatedly said.