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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 657x370, wyckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53739691 No.53739691 [Reply] [Original]

If you are nothing buying LINK right now you hate money.

>> No.53739719

Zoom out

>> No.53739732

? Are you retarded? You are just going to say some random shit?

>> No.53739741

I'm not buying because I've held 41,000 LINK for more than 5 fucking years and I missed my sell window and I'm not putting any more money into this ponzi until I get $50/LINK back again at which point I STILL won't put any more money in and STILL won't sell.

>> No.53739768

You acted greedy, iIstead of learning from your mistake you became resentful.

>> No.53739782

Same kek. I'm so done with this piece of shit but at the same time I''ll probably won't sell next time we hit ATH

>> No.53739834

shut up nogger

>> No.53739886
File: 180 KB, 1517x734, 1676577759569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 2 more weeks until the jackoff marines! You act like you havent been saying this for the past 3 years.
Only btc matters

>> No.53739888

I sold 95% of my stack earlier today for 8% gains. I feel there is a good chance it will dip again before march.
Let's pray.

Also swingers get the rope.

>> No.53739975

You are selling in a bullish trend...

>> No.53740003

Why would I? The product is fundamentally broken. Oracles cannot solve basic issues with immutable smart contracts, there will never be institutional adoption for fear of oracles locking them into permanent losses.

>> No.53740099

Do you think link can hit 5.5-6.8 within the next 2-3weeks?

>> No.53740162

The price is in a reflexive death spiral.
Everyone knows about the dump from 52. How sergey dumps on token holders. How link underperformed everything for the past 5 years.
No one buys because the price action is terrible, and the price action is terrible because no one buys.

>> No.53740289

Is this the jackoff indicator?

>> No.53740297

Did you look at dot and uni?

>> No.53740412
File: 198 KB, 1231x867, D69E8382-0016-4CAF-BD21-1C75214944B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling now is too risky. We are exiting this range in March. Don’t be greedy.

I am the anon from yesterday’s link breakout post.

>> No.53740445
File: 35 KB, 715x608, 1B344788-D704-4C79-A621-4D87D8C5B862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sell LINK be prepared to join the graveyard of other anons who thought they could swing. Bobo getting a bit to comfy in his britches, maybe 15 a LINK will be the enema he needs.

>> No.53740453

these threads are the best sell signal
every time

>> No.53740513

I'll bite... why is the breakout happening now? Is this purely a technical play? Why wouldn't I Just stay in ETH and BTC...

>> No.53740566

They shook out a huge amount of normalfags, anyone left probably isn’t selling and if they go lower the price range is targeted by joggers too poor to buyin but want too. 7-15 dollar LINK is rape territory for retail assholes.

>> No.53740708

ok but that's a generic comment that applies to the whole space. Why Link over other coins?

>> No.53740741

There literally is no breakout happening. It is bleeding hard vs BTC meaning the entire ''gain'' in $$ is due to BTC pulling the market up with it

>> No.53740867

Because it was found by a bunch of neck beard autists before any others. That simple.

>> No.53740880
File: 79 KB, 1255x825, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely this time...

>> No.53740883

>only btc matters
a fucking crypto price manager coin LMAAAOOOOO

>> No.53740893

Thats what youre supposed to do you fucking idiot

>> No.53741185

It's completely flat, isn't this a sure sign of an accumulation band? It almost looks intentional.

>> No.53741222


>> No.53741223

yes he's saying surely now is when we break out of it

>> No.53741250

Well, I was completely ignoring his comment, the pic he posted looks very manipulated like link is being kept between 6 and 9 USD.

>> No.53741447
File: 91 KB, 1493x534, 1675055259504865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is following Phase D Wyckoff almost exactly. We're in for a pump between $12-$15. Seriously, GTFI.

>> No.53741465

When do you think this will occur?

>> No.53741471

Damn you’d have 300,000 if you sold and just bought back in.

>> No.53741475

Poster below me is a homosexual

>> No.53741487

2 more weeks! until u get back to...$10 MARINES!
>while btc is going 30k

>> No.53741504

It's impossible to time the market, I don't think anyone expected link to top out at 52 or bottom out at 5.

>> No.53741522

"you hate money"
nah, i hate being exit liquidity

>> No.53741523

It's not going to $10, but $15. Then CCIP will take it to ATH, and we will shake the tree out back down to $25, before reaching a peak of $100+ this year.

>> No.53741525

True, but it is unique to think about. I started buying at $20 so I’d definitely have more if I had waited

>> No.53741546

>peak of $100+ this year.
its all so tiresome

>> No.53741591

>dumps the most
>pumps the least
buy my bags

>> No.53741678

>he thinks it's ever going back to $50

>> No.53741857

Currently technical. But there is going to be a swift update in March and link is going to have major developments this year including ccip where it will run all the bridges between all L1’s. Technical precedes fundamental.

>> No.53741944
File: 962 KB, 1124x987, nav;lskdaj55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at this chart makes you realize just how absurd the past nine months have been. nonstop (((black swans))), a deluge of screeching fud/demoralization making the board nearly unusable, and brutal cognitive dissonance between link's monopolization of crypto and it's price action...yet we're still here. many of us with more link than we had when this all started. it's been a pleasure boys.

>> No.53741973


Eyy the drop incoming. I kinda feel like buying a 15% of my stack back but dunno I do feel like it can drop a bit more. Maybe I'll buy 25% back at 7.15, 35% back at 6.8 and 40% as close to 5.8 as i can stomach

>> No.53742049

Is it going to wack off finally?

>> No.53742088
File: 71 KB, 744x1200, FB_IMG_1676587545267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 is the number of completion

>> No.53742117

I dont know man. A 16x in one year seems very unrealistic. Maybe for a new shitcoin w a sub $5m market cap, but this is already billions…i dont even think it can hit $25 this year

>> No.53742165

Pretty insane and this token is 6 years old, no sane person would see this as a good investment

>> No.53742220

And thats why you pajeets are paid to FUD link

>> No.53742251

I'm hoping we are near the end of the tunnel, these past 9 months have been rough

>> No.53742252

same argument applies to btc and eth pajeet

>> No.53742499

Go chase pump to get dumped, nigger.

>> No.53742821

What if you bought link and hate money ?

>> No.53742876

Feb 16 nothin happened again fuck this gay piece of shit I should’ve sold at $50 cant fucking believe I fell for the time traveling meme your a fucking faggot 42 fuck you german faggot boomer peice of shiet

>> No.53743112

Hillbilly. Seven is the perfect number because a triangle fits inside a square; 3+4=7. 3 pebbles form a triangle and 4 pebbles create a square. That's Pythagoran, not Biblical.

>> No.53743176

Sounds freemasonic to me G

>> No.53743317

I bought at 0.15 and have held this whole time up and down. From a few thousand bucks to over a million back to barely above 6 figs.

I'm sure it'll pay off, but damn. I just know that if I tried to swing, I'd have lost half my stack somehow. I just know it

>> No.53743372

$6 waiting room

>> No.53744927

A good rally up could take the price to 9 or a major breakout to higher positions. I am also watching the price action on some low cap alts, which are at good entry levels like AR and SYLO foe possible accumulation

>> No.53745092

Does anyone have that Pepe video with all the LINK Pumps triggering BTC Dumps?

>> No.53745121

shut up linknigger

>> No.53745360


>> No.53745447

Reminder LINK was $8 before staking, now $7.20

Reminder BTC was $16000 before staking, now $25000

>> No.53745607

>and STILL won't sell.
>Also swingers get the rope.

kek. hey OP, how's your reading comprehension? well, anyway, besides that i agree with you. all in linkies

>> No.53745619
File: 40 KB, 280x392, 1675370889756403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just 6 more years marines, then we can eat dog-food instead".

>> No.53745640

>It almost looks intentional

>> No.53745658

sometimes wyckoff has a down thrust after spring. we WILL see $4 again

>> No.53745669

I have my buy orders set.

>> No.53745690

>Bullish trend
>When other coins does X2~X4
>Link only does 34% and crab

>> No.53746162


>> No.53746362

I like LINK, it's 1 of the very few trades I've made a decent profit off of (pennies to some of you fags). Truth of the matter is, is that while it's a good project, Fatass dumping monthly is kills the price. The well was poisoned early on by LINK-marines shitting down the throats of normies, and at the end of the day... an expensive link is out of the question considering the infrastructure it provides. No one is going to want to pay $1000 thousands of times over for some backend peace of mind.

>> No.53746766

Pump and dump is a sure way to get rekt anon. I'd rather invest in assets with utility and staking like Link, Dot, Ride and Senate

>> No.53746793

chainshitters are always good for a laugh

>> No.53746969

I want to, but I feel like 20k LINK is probably enough to make it and I don't really need to buy much beyond that point.

>> No.53747479

I have a bag of LINK already. Just looking to add ORE since it just got listed on MEXC.

>> No.53747487

Don't think all coins at sub 5m market cap are shitcoins. I have eyes on ORE and it's a sub 5m with good utility.

>> No.53747700


I'll never buy ORE because the shills are sub 85 IQ and so obvious its physically painful