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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53737151 No.53737151 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ nuthuggers worship this

>> No.53737231

I'm not gonna read any of that.
Just wanted to say, you can look aesthetic and be fit/healthy by just spending 1.5 hour a day in gym, 3-4 times a week.
You can use the rest of the time to make money.
Stop crying like a woman and get to work.
Also, butter elementals are subhumans and should be treat as such. Death to all hamplanets.

>> No.53737493

>fasts until body tells me to stop
>Ranges anywhere from 12-24 days

>> No.53737533

>muh set point myth
I changed my diet 2 months ago and lost 30 pounds. I've stablized just fine.

>> No.53737551

Being fat makes you a bad person

>> No.53737555

he's right, what's the issue?
lots of people think they can gain a ton of weight and take it off no issue
study after study has shown this isn't true

>> No.53737575

This, I cut down on the amount I was eating and I eat very sparingly after 2pm, and walla weight gongo down.

>> No.53737606

>Just wanted to say, you can look aesthetic and be fit/healthy by just spending 1.5 hour a day in gym, 3-4 times a week.

1.5 hour a week is enough already, literally the best investment you can do, but whatever fatties dont understand this

>> No.53738054

It's an oversimplification. Most people fail because they're not strict enough, not because dieting or other means don't work. I do agree with one thing that I think he is saying. People don't change.

>> No.53738091
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>americans are so fucking retarded they can't comprehend that eating less makes you weigh less
U S A! U S A!

>> No.53738209

>was 198 when 22
>175 now at 33
I did it. Now what? It's LITERALLY eat less. That's it.

>> No.53738233

you're a statistical anomaly

>> No.53738354

how much do you weigh you silly american piggie

>> No.53738459


>> No.53738476

Technically he is a statistical anomaly, but only because your average hamplanet lacks any form of impulse control or discipline. That's the reason they got fat in the first place, and also the reason they will not be able to lose it. Normal people will be able to lose the weight in most cases, because normal people can apply themselves if needed.

>> No.53738483
File: 853 KB, 1242x1468, 1666104095069266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of people think they can gain a ton of weight and take it off no issue

you can burn about 100 calories for every mile you walk. You can easily walk at 4 miles per hour. So on a given Saturday you could literally just go to the park or lake and walk for 4 hours while listening to an audio book. Not only will you burn 1600 calories but your cardiovascular health will improve making it easier next time

>> No.53738497

btw i lost 30 pounds last year without changing my diet

>> No.53738637

He's a statistical anomaly because most people who lose weight do it by picking the fad diet du jour like intermittent fasting rather than learning about nutrition and modifying their eating habits to be sustainable. When they inevitably go back to eating like a pig, they gain it back.

>> No.53738717

I did it myself at the age of 22. I went from 350 burgerunits to 220.

>> No.53738890

How is intermittent fasting a meme? I’ve been doing it for 8 years now by default even though sometimes I do pig out and binge drink, by default I eat once or max twice a day within a small time frame and then at night/early morning I say “nah, I shouldn’t consume any calories until my next meal”
It’s so easy and it’s the reason I maintain weight and at most I’ll fluctuate 20lbs when I’ve been lazy for extended periods of time (6-14 months)
The major rules for everyone should be:
>don’t eat dinner, make lunch time your biggest meal
>avoid sugars
>never drink soda or ice cream
>go easy on pasta
>get enough protein
>70% of your drinks should be water
That’s literally it

>> No.53738989
File: 833 KB, 992x567, dumber reason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your twitter cap OP
I'm going to cap your cap
Print it and pin it up
Cover my walls in twitter cap crap
Very enlightening
Thank you for bringing twitter to the 4chans
God knows i wouldn't have found out about it otherwise
>You fucking cunt

>> No.53739003

Read my post again. I didn't say it's a meme, but it IS the current fad, and it is not trivial to sustain. It requires a complete and significant shift of eating habits.