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53733446 No.53733446 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53733457

Decentralized oracle's are a passionate topic for lots of people

>> No.53733469

it's the batman of crypto

>> No.53733498

Because it hasn't pumped vs btc or eth since 2020. A never ending downtred, hence people seething.

>> No.53733516

I would say it is because it has so much potential and most of it has not been realized yet.

>> No.53733528

This. I guarantee the fud and hate will go away once it starts doing something for once

>> No.53733549

>A fat fuck scammer
>Shitty logo
>A ERC20 token not needed
>The most obnoxious holders base ever
I wonder why?

>> No.53733609

it has been hailed as the golden ticket to the "4IR", turns out it's just another shitcoin

>> No.53733669

>Link holders fud their own holding because they want to keep "reddit normies" out
>reddit normies take their money elsewhere and pumped dog coins and meme stocks instead

They seriously thought Chainlink was going to transform all of finance in two-three years lmao

>> No.53733670

Because it's clearly going to be worth thousands per token in just a few short years and lots and lots of people were told that and ignored it when the price was very low. Now it has become blindingly obvious to even the most ignorant retard they have no choice but to seethe and fud and hope to bring the price down so that they can get in. Whenever you see anyone say 'it's going to 0' just put 'I WISH IT WAS' before that sentence and suddenly their impotent kvetching makes a lot more sense.

>> No.53733720

baggies like >>53733670 shit up the place

>> No.53733764

>Why this project cause so much seething?

Its going to make the wrong people according the established power structures incredibly wealthy

>> No.53733765

>up thousands of % even at these lows
kek you wish faggot

>> No.53733771

Because I had 100k at the top yet I didn't sell any, and now crypto is pretty much dead

>> No.53733784

That's the real reason, we could have made so much money if we hadn't been retarded gatekeepers

>> No.53733794

I'm proud to be a 'baggie'. Its so obvious Chainlink is going to make it at this point that going all-in is the safest play in crypto. If Link fails, crypto is fucked, over, dead. So yes; print me a t-shirt with 'LINK BAGGIE' on and I'll wear it with pride, while I laugh at all the poor idiots who bought into all the other shite. Go baggies!

>> No.53733930


I can name hundreds of coins that didn’t do that either. Nobody talks about them lol. There are even some that are the same but seemingly without the gigga pump before 2020 either… thats worse but nobody cares about them

>> No.53733952


100k is nothing. Even if you held LINK and didn’t take profits, why would you get so upset over 100k? That’s literally nothing mate

>> No.53733955


>> No.53733968

>J-just wait and s-see

>> No.53733992

100k is something, it's enough to make it unironically.

>> No.53734028

2 more weeks
trust the plan premainnet marines

>> No.53734053


No it isnt. 100k is a spec. You may as well have nothing lol. Are people really upset over that kind of money?
You cant retire with that. You cant even invest in any traditional areas and get a meaningful life changing return on that.
You can also make 100k lots of ways if you arent a retard just making an online business or learning some food skills and applying yourself.

I just dont get why losing 100k would fuel some seething weirdo to seethe against a coin in most their free time? You could literally make that money by spending that time elsewhere in not that long.

>> No.53734116

>nobody talks about them
>everyone insists on talking about link despite that
see what's the problem here anon? why would someone choose to shill an underperforming shitcoin so persistently?

>> No.53734133

>are people really upset about losing 100k?
people kill in the streets for 10 bucks, perma basement dweller
do you retards ever go outside?

>> No.53734197

making a $100k after a while is not the same as making $100k in one single lumpsum transaction. In the former, you're bound to bills and upkeep which drains said $100k. In the ladder you have $100k with no other expenses, free to invest in bigger things.

Sure you can get a 100k a year job, but you're not saving anywhere near that.

>> No.53734215

It's like democrap, many promise never deliver

>> No.53734299


Those people are niggers and low lifes. They don’t operate on a level that would allow them to make it. Why are you complaining yourself and your own reasoning with them? 100k is nothing to any capable person with a brain, and i don’t necessarily mean educated

>> No.53734306

Ayo friend what should I hold instead you seem like a smart guy

>> No.53734538
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>> No.53734679

>the vast majority of the human population act like niggers
wow, anon. incredible insights

>> No.53736548

over promising and under delivering

>> No.53736578

Idk, ethereum?

>> No.53737034

It actually hasn't pumped the least today for once

>> No.53737461

>the most obnoxious holders
Definitely this. They act so arrogant and spam the catalog and blame fudders for everything. It’s always some outside source of the problems.
I wouldn’t be surprised if another scammer was invited to SmartCon again, seems to happen every year. A coincidence.

>> No.53737503

>BTC up 9%
>LINK up 7%
okay, if you say so

>> No.53737604

Because it has the biggest value proposition in crypto outside of Bitcoin, though it's debatably moe valuable. The idea that a fair amount of anons got in at $.30c drives people out of their minds, and we have endured years of coordinated manipulation and paid FUD. Not to mention, many link holders fud4fun, and now with the widespread utilization of chatGPT, the astroturfing is impenetrable to anyone who hasn't been witnessing the narratives from day one.

>> No.53738306

who's "we"?

>> No.53738324

I can't tell if the other poster meant 100k link tokens, which was 5 million at the top, or 100k dollars
we can both agree 5 million is a nice sum of money, right?
100k usd isn't making it but it's nice base to build off

>> No.53738404

just create a general thread, nobody wants to hear about dead projects link anymore

>> No.53738598

>Monero up .8%
>QNT up 2.5%
>HBAR up 3%
>GRT up 1%
These are just examples. Can’t tell if you’re being disingenuous or if this is actual mental retardation

>> No.53739343

But LINK dumped more before this.
All of your examples prove my point that LINK dumps the most & pumps the least.

1 week gains:
XMR +6%
QNT +11%
HBAR +26%
GRT +22%

LINK +5%

>> No.53739759

Guess what happens the second Link tries to pump.

>> No.53740287

I expect XMR to do better in the coming week, along with other coins like RAIL and ZEC.