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53733381 No.53733381 [Reply] [Original]

Capitalism simply doesn't work (anymore). If you can't buy a house and some land from working and saving up a bit then that means it doesn't work.

Labour -- > [ Transform box ] -- > Basic capital

The box simply ceased to work.

>> No.53733392

that's why we buy BTC

>> No.53733393

whats our political ideology called now then?

Just work and own nothing?

>> No.53733398

Yes, communism.

>> No.53733402

We rolled back the clock anon, we feudalism now.

>> No.53733407

>Just work and own nothing
>dont work and still own nothing
Sorry you cant vote to own things, and a third party vote is a vote that may as well not be cast :^)

>> No.53733414

a better word is creditism

>> No.53733454

I agree, if income taxes and fake money/easy credit ceased then maybe things would be better.

>> No.53733468

Capitalism allows the NEET lifestyle (as long as you consoom), so i'm ok with it. In communism you don´t work, you don´t eat, comrade.

>> No.53733487

allowing the working class to build up capital was originally never part of the deal, that was just an effect of some policies that were put in place at the beginning of the 20th century before being removed again over time.

>> No.53733660

Which policies?

You had log cabin presidents in the U.S. who literally started from scratch and became millionaires.

>> No.53733678


>> No.53733686

paycheck protection plan bailouts were absolutely disgusting displays of wealth transfer from labor participants to banks (business owners did skim off quite a bit as well.)

when you think about it, it's hilarious how jew politicians would rather destroy the middle class than simply command banks and landlords to push out loan and lease agreements by a few years.

>> No.53733711

Capitalism has too broad of a definition for you to say that it's working or not working.

You could replace your phrase by "living in the US" and it would make exactly the same sense

>> No.53733725

Feudalism, communism is more desirable than we have now

>> No.53733735

the factory worker in 1860 didn't have much of a chance to climb the ladder. you'll always find anecdotes of people who made it from nothing, that's still happening today. but the "american dream" meme was a short term phenomenon of a very specific time, but wasn't the norm in the history of capitalism.

>> No.53733821

>the factory worker in 1860 didn't have much of a chance to climb the ladder

Are you sure? Some fat Iranian professor made some calculations and it seemed that eventually he did climb the ladder just by working.

>> No.53733847

>false dichotomy factory work
you might want to read about the "putting out" industry. 40+ hours a week of steady wageslavery all year round is an aberration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putting-out_system

>> No.53733900

That's interesting as fuck, no wonder working in a cubicle like some dumb animal feels so "off", alternatives always existed.

>> No.53734068

farm life also wasn't as miserable as capitalist jewslaves make it out to be. we've seen a marked decline in standard of living when you consider the rigidity of the contemporary wageslaving ritual and the long commutes that wagies must endure (at their own expense, no less.) working from home on the farmstead or in pursuit of the "putting out system" was a given while now it's a privilege for some -- although that's quickly falling to the wayside for the hybrid work arrangement meme.

>> No.53734102


>> No.53734139

Anon's first time on 4chan?

>> No.53734300

Why am I paying taxes if my government inflates the currency by just overprinting, and then finding a foreign war with no capital to repair infrastructure in its own country? Why am I even paying for Social Security when I don’t want it? (((They))) are not playing by their own rules. (((They))) are deliberately destroying any chance of prosperity for the common person. Doesn’t matter what ‘ism you follow, the game is rigged.

>> No.53734319
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The times they are a changing.

>> No.53734336

Yeah and peasants used to become nobility during certain very good harvest periods, it was very common in Spain and Germany, so the whole social mobility garbage is also a meme.

>> No.53734384

It will stop working once there's nothing profitable to invest in. We are..... not there.

>> No.53735253

What the hell? We´re here discussing the evils and benefits of capitalism. Do a 360 and get out

>> No.53735283

"Capitalism" isn't a real economic system or model. Definite it. Nobody wrote a book on that. They wrote a book on socialism though. There are only free markets and then the extent to which the government decides to intervene. Ergo your grievances actually lie with the state and how it's perverting certain markets, like housing/education, which are severely overregulated and simultaneously oversubsidized.

>> No.53735316


100 years ago: You find a plot of land for basically free. You put together a shack with your own hands and some help from family. Job done.

Today: Chaim Shlomowitz makes you jump through 100 hoops to finally get a house built over the course of 3-5 years, then Shaniqua shows up with a 0% down state subsidized FHA loan. The perversion of housing is a double whammy of overregulation (artificial scarcity) and oversubsidization (artificial demand).

>> No.53735362

>here are only free markets and then the extent to which the government decides to intervene. Ergo your grievances actually lie with the state and how it's perverting certain markets, like housing/education, which are severely overregulated and simultaneously oversubsidized.

This is the right answer. When you look into any "failure of capitalism" you will find the government intervening in there and fucking it up.

>> No.53735410

The west is has transformed itself into a command economy, not a capitalist one. Capitalism requires a buyer and a seller to negotiate price, that part has been increasingly untrue due to artificial and government-backed liquidity providers on the sell side and government supported companies administering government-backed bailouts on the buy-side for when prices get too low.

>> No.53735433
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>Capitalism simply doesn't work (anymore). If you can't buy a house and some land from working and saving up a bit then that means it doesn't work.

If your country has a central bank it doesn't practice capitalism, it practices lite socialism. Capital societies allows institutions to go bankrupt, but as we have all seen the central banks and governments just print currency out of nothing to keep failing institutions from ending. This stealing from the future is your problem right here, got nothing to do with capitalism.

>> No.53735463

>Definite it.
your objective reality in a country that is commonly described as "capitalist" and not what your idea of what capitalism should or should not be. that is, capitalism is forced participation in institutionalized scams.
>half of your tax burden going toward healthcare and retirement scams for boomers
>a quarter of your tax burden going toward endless wars and defense spending
>a quarter of your tax burden going toward various other black hole government waste
>fiat monetary policy subverted by private interests
>food subsidized by the government, with those subsidies guided by lobbying such that everything you eat contains high fructose corn syrup and microplastics
>unsustainable housing and transportation markets wrought with nickle and dime regulatory/ancillary scams, propped up by endless supplies of cheap credit and creative financing perpetually teetering on the edge of total collapse
>unsustainable higher education and healthcare markets propped up by a mixture of government spending and legitimization of scam industries like insurance or non-dischargeable student loans
>a never ending drive to import millions of room temperature IQ shitskins to perform menial labor and pump the tax base, only because we've effectively outsourced their non-productive (pre working years) upbringing and 8th grade education to their shithole host country
>a never ending drive to undermine and subvert the domestic labor force with skilled immigration visas and outsourcing

>> No.53735483

>powerful forces cannot conspire and collude for their own in-group benefit because.... they just can't, okay!!!!! the free market and competition says so!!!!!

>> No.53735492
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better version

>> No.53735515

only came here for the pic, i dont care about commie seethe

>> No.53735540


This is just nonsense. Capitalism: everything I don't like. Lol. The truth is it's a stupid word and basically just a pejorative used by socialists. They want connotations of fat cats hoarding wealth, like that isn't a feature of literally any economic system possible. Fidel Castro lived in a palace and executed "competitors."

If you want meaningful change you need to define the actual mechanisms that are causing issues and then attack those and lobby for their removal or reformation, you can't just yell at the sky.

>> No.53735550

(((Powerful forces)))

>> No.53735560


No, they can. It just gets way more monstrous when they collude with the literal kingmaker, referee, and guard of the game board: the state. Entrenched corporate power tends to be the biggest cheerleader of "regulations" for a reason. Those are weapons they use to stifle competitors who can't reach the same arbitrary thresholds.

>> No.53735564
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Yep and there are no jobs so we all starve

Many such cases

>> No.53735630

Technically I agree but colloquially it is referred to as capitalist.

>> No.53735715

yes anon it's pure coincidence that literally every capitalist country has unsustainable housing and healthcare industries.

>> No.53735755

wow what a retarded post, the countries that actually fare the best in combining both quality and availability of housing are capitalist countries, and those countries have the highest material QoL in other areas to boot (basically all of western europe).
no non-capitalist country comes even remotely close

>> No.53735806


As we have all mentioned, there is nothing "capitalist" about highly state-influenced economies. In case you haven't noticed, the most state-regulated/subsidized industries are also the most price perverted.

Your TV and t shirt has gotten cheaper in 20 years, while your housing and education have soared 10x. Guess which one features a ton of state interventionism... just stfu.

>> No.53735833

>Your TV and t shirt has gotten cheaper in 20 years
tvs are cheaper because of smart tv advertisement revenue (data mining) subsidization. clothes are cheaper due to a marked decline in quality over the past few decade and a new push for outsourcing to even shittier third world nigger shitholes like vietnam and pakistan (rather than china.)

>> No.53735838


Thanks for the breakdown anon! That was totally the point of the post. I guess this conversation is solved

>> No.53735907
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my point, niggerbrain, is that your examples of "improvements" aren't actual improvements, they're scams and objective declines in quality and usability which are painted as good things -- it's obvious that i'm talking to a low IQ nigger consoomer.
>it's cheaper, we're doing better!
>*ignores that these $30 2022 dollars jeans last 18 months before falling apart while the $60 2022 dollars jeans from a decade ago lasted 5-10 years*

>> No.53735946

why do people defend the very system keeping them down?

>> No.53736042

This always happens to my pants.
What i am doing wrong?

>> No.53736087

anon i don't know what you're talking about. it's perfectly reasonable for people to pay hundreds of dollars a month for life saving medications like insulin, which have been produced with relative ease and for cheap for literally the past 100 years. who CARES if it's such a commonplace scam that pharmaceutical companies mark up (with total impunity) the price to $300 when the cost to manufacture the drug (with no R&D expenditure) is in the tens of dollars!

>> No.53736134

>capitalism = just the US and not any other countries
>don't look elsewhere please
>please guys keep your eyes on the US healthcare system being expensive it's all i have
btw insulin nowadays is a much more sophisticated product than it was 100 years ago and you can buy the trash insulin for pretty cheap at walmart for like 20 bucks if you want to experience the third world cheap healthcare experience

>> No.53736150


>t. low iq nigger that wants to obfuscate and split hairs over offhand examples rather than addressing the central point

You are a window licking, crayon eating, giga nigger brained faggot little fuckstick whose solution for a state created problem is to let the state do everything, I think that about sums it up. I have no clue why you're ranting about jean quality now you utter faggot.

>> No.53736180
File: 389 KB, 763x990, Capitalism Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Capitalism" isn't a real economic system or model. Definite it.
Socialists have (see image). I disagree with it because it presents capitalism as a single pyramid which is bullshit because everyone has the potential to be their own pyramid. If anything, this image is the very thing socialists create with the only difference being the names of each hierarchy level.

>> No.53736184


Lift regulatory controls and allow insulin to be generically mass produced by anyone who wants to, problem solved. It's pennies in India. Only certain companies are allowed to sell insulin here.

>> No.53736189

wrong. i'm not going to argue with a nigger retard. for reference, i work in corporate finance at one of the largest PBMs in the country (hint hint.)

>> No.53736217
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the harsh reality is that we have just too many people right now compared to how things used to be. its only going to get worse. too many people competing for assets created this bullshit

>> No.53736218
File: 26 KB, 793x534, capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Capitalism: people being mean and greedy

That's just retarded though. As I said in a later post, the term is basically a pejorative. It describes nothing in reality. No one ever wrote "the Capitalist Manifesto." And it's deliberate: arguing against a made up term that describes nothing is a fool's game as they can endlessly dance around and pretend like nothing you say pertains to what they're criticizing. It's like yelling into a well.

It's better to ask: what specifically are you unhappy with? And then usually the answer is: oh look, the government is actually heavyhandedly fucking that industry up. And then they proceed to say the government should just take it all over then. That's right, let the very people already doing a fucked up job just assume total control.

>> No.53736231

nothing i said is up for debate, you brazenly calling it "wrong" with no argument is exactly the commie seethe i'm here to enjoy

>At Walmart, you can buy insulin for $25 without a prescription (“over-the-counter”) and without insurance. It comes in a 10mL vial and is called Novolin ReliOn Insulin. It is offered in both regular human insulin (“R” – for use at mealtime) and NPH (“N” – a longer-acting basal insulin). You can also get Novolin at CVS Pharmacy for $25 per 10 mL vial through the Reduced Rx program.
>The newer insulins, known as analogs, appear to be more effective at preventing dangerous blood sugar swings in people with Type 1 diabetes or those at a higher risk for severe low blood sugar.
you've been humiliated kid, now stop talking about things you don't understand

>> No.53736242

new formulations of inuslin are protected by intellectual property protection scams (FDA exclusivity), another inextricable feature of capitalism™.

>> No.53736273
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>a literal government law preventing anyone else from selling it is "capitalism"

You are so fucking thick it hurts. Everyone in this thread is scratching their head at your posts.

>> No.53736278

if the government is entirely removed from the markets, how can the free market fight giant monopolies and cartels ie corporatocracy?
genuine question here

>> No.53736286

hey retard you might want to learn how these programs work. hint: start with manufacturer rebates and try to understand how the system works, what the margins look like, and the countless numbers of middle men that are involved, who dip their hands in the rebate pool at every step. another hint: my very large PBM employer makes a fuck ton of money on rebates.

>> No.53736297

and btw just because you won't even address the other argument (as there is no response) let me shove it in your face again:
i live in a european capitalist country where high quality insulin costs approx 10 euros a month out of pocket. there is not a single non-capitalist country where an average person can own or rent an apartment that is half as nice as the place i rent for less than 1000 a month, or that allows you to earn as much money as i do even as a medical professional.
all you can do is gesture at the US in particular, and then only the extremities of its worst features affecting the bottom 20% or so of the population. no anti-capitalist country will EVER contest median material quality of life in the year 2023

>> No.53736299

it's not forced participation you absolute gorilla nigger retard, it's an election on behalf of market participants. the same way no one forces a company to file for patents and trademarks, yet every participant somehow engages in this behavior if it's applicable and available.

>> No.53736318

When I visited the mall to christmas shop a couple months ago I couldn't believe how shit quality all the clothes were. Yet they still slapped names like Calvin Klein on it anyway. Who knows who they had make this shit during the pandemic.

>> No.53736332

>black market

erryday i'm hustlin!

>> No.53736333


I never said entirely. The government functioned best when it was very lightweight, and just a referee. There's nothing wrong with trust-busting. There's nothing wrong with the public pushing back against a corporation either. As far as a cartel lol... corporate armies should not be legalized.

Market forces are stronger than you think. Entrenched big corps tend to become inflexible, dinosaur entities that are routinely outdone by upstarts and rivals. Think Sears vs. Wal-Mart, and then Wal-Mart vs. Amazon.

>> No.53736339

Bobby Fischer? More like Bobby Based, am i right?

>> No.53736346

may very well be true, but entirely irrelevant to the questions at hand, namely that insulin has a justifiable R&D cost, that you can obtain your insulin without that markup, and that you can do so in a country where you can earn at least twice as much as any non-capitalist country will allow an average person to earn meaning your purchasing power is objectively better, you'll have a nicer place to live and nicer material possessions in every aspect of life. as it stands today, capitalism is objectively superior to all the alternatives no matter how much you zoom in on its "weakest" parts

>> No.53736353


What on Earth are you even saying? How does that address what I just said you stupid faggot?

>> No.53736354

>yes anon it's pure coincidence that literally every capitalist country has unsustainable housing and healthcare industries.
ditto for communist countries and any other -ist countries
almost liek there's a common denominator almost everyone likes to pretend doesn't exist

>> No.53736368

thanks anon, I thought you were an ancap or some shit
excuse the "cap", please don't get triggered lol

>> No.53736489
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Just think like a parasite bro. They don't have self-control, always more and more. They always push the envelope because there's no self awareness. When they're literally being skinned alive by a bunch of homeless people, they will genuinely scream out why why why. It's automatic, runs like a program bros.

>> No.53736568
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>the harsh reality is that we have just too many people right now compared to how things used to be. its only going to get worse. too many people competing for assets created this bullshit

>> No.53736585

that's the problem of corruption.
>Entrenched corporate power tends to be the biggest cheerleader of "regulations" for a reason. Those are weapons they use to stifle competitors who can't reach the same arbitrary thresholds.
this happens, but usually corporations want deregulation.

>> No.53736621

no system will ever work because all humans are flawed but yeah keep imagining you know how society should be ran LOL

>> No.53736810
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>everyone has the potential to be their own pyramid
not in a pure capitalist system, that's a myth. wealth become crazily concentrated among a few persons. that's what start communist revolutions

>> No.53736903

What are you even saying anon? That you can just break patent LAWS without LEGAL reprecussions from the justice system?
You are forced to comply. It is non-optional. Mandatory. Obligatory. Compulsory.
The FDA itself is a FEDERAL agency with the primary focus of ENFORCING LAW.
The USTPO is similarly, a FEDERAL agency.

>> No.53736942

no one forces you to file a patent.

>> No.53736946

> if I can't buy [arbitrary standard I created out of thin air to support my argument] then capitalism has failed
If you want to return to nature, you're welcome to build a mud hut in the woods and hunt/forage to survive.

>> No.53737033
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>not in a pure capitalist system
Yes, they can.

>wealth become crazily concentrated among a few persons. that's what start communist revolutions
That has nothing to do with what capitalism is. There are going to be pyramids of all different sizes because humans are not equally productive or ambitious. Communist revolutions happen because of envy and spite, the destructive desire to take what others have.

What you're really talking about is corporatism, or more to the point state monopoly. The central banks of nations do exactly this, yet no communist state has ever gotten rid of them because communism is all about complete concentration of wealth with a different name. Seriously, the only difference is that the central banks have share holders, both are the same scam that has us in this economic turmoil.

>> No.53737048

Yes, they do.
If you cannot see the consequences of NOT filing a patent you are a fucking retard who doesn't belong here.
Only 1/2 of my points.
Keep pretending the government is your friend and not the exact same as the corporations you despise.
Anon in another thread pointed out the communsit situation perfectly.
>one day there'll be no milk on the shelves for a week, becasuse some minister decided it wasn't in the states interests and has positioned himself to profit from the lack of milk
>next week there'll be shelves full of cocounuts because he needs to break even on his investments and he happened to seize a bunch of shipping containers full of coconuts
More governemnt just means more of the shit you, supposedly, want to avoid in capitalism.
Communism is the most government.

>> No.53737079

Many people would do that but all the land is privatized or state owned, can't do shit without expensive permits.

>> No.53737117

>can't do shit without expensive permits.
AKA government regulations.
It's the exact same in communist states.

>> No.53737130


>government gives companies a button to press to squash competition
>they push the button


>> No.53737167

Maybe you are just weak, I have 100k saved up and I’m busting my balls to get more. One day I will build a house regardless of how many demoralisation threads you post

>> No.53737194

uoooohhhhhhhhhh (sob emoji) (sob emoji) (sob emoji)

>> No.53737203

It's called Usury, and we've known it was trouble for thousands of years.

>> No.53737287

I'm not blaming pre credit boom capitalism or the gold standard, I'm specifically attacking the one we have now.

>> No.53737369

>because humans are not equally productive or ambitious
and it's directly correlated to the environment and family you're born into. meritocracy is kind of a myth.
>What you're really talking about is corporatism, or more to the point state monopoly
hmm no. the purest form of capitalism we had with little state intervention was in the UK in the 1800s, and even then there was some state intervention because it had to put some rules. any game requires rules and an enforcer. capitalism emerged with the states formation.

>> No.53737405

communism and free market capitalism are both utopias

>> No.53737432


Meritocracy is not a myth. People who work hard and are remotely reasonable around me are doing well, and the shitheads aren't. It's actually much more just than I was told growing up.

Perhaps the bigger travesty is lazy whiner faggots getting paid a lot to exist here while legit hard workers in poor countries have to toil for peanuts.

>> No.53737484

Retards like you are the worst. Every time real problems are brought up the dumbest faggots show up with their faggot memes like le central bank to undermine any chance of figuring anything real out. If you want to reduce everything to a cartoon or slogan at least choose one that does something. You subhuman meme addled gorillaniggers could be promoting tariffs, an actual policy with actual results that actual politicians have backed before.

>> No.53737527
File: 541 KB, 1216x547, The State Alone Is Responsible For Inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it's directly correlated to the environment and family you're born into. meritocracy is kind of a myth.
No. For example, Argentina is fucking OP geographically and yet the government and its people piss it all up the wall. China is now extremely prosperous but wasn't when Chairman Mao was in charge.

>hmm no. the purest form of capitalism we had with little state intervention was in the UK in the 1800s
Purest form of capitalism is no counter party risk. Abolish creditors and debt, then you will see capitalism.

>Retards like you are the worst. Every time real problems are brought up the dumbest faggots show up with their faggot memes like le central bank to undermine any chance of figuring anything real out.
Image is for you anon,

>> No.53737583

>Meritocracy is not a myth
>lazy whiner faggots getting paid a lot to exist here
Choose, retard. You can't claim Meritocracy is working just fine and requires no change to be realized, and then turn around and say that useless people are raking in "a lot" of money to exist.

>> No.53737591

>easy credit ceased
Agree with this one. This allows people to sustain an illusion of higher lifestyle. If credit money disappeared people would realize how poor they really are. But as long as they can borrow money to buy an overpriced suburban shoebox and suv they can delude themselves that they made it an live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.53737627
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True which is why we need to hand over large corporations like Walmart to the control of the workers and spread out profits evenly between all the workers of these industries. Any company with a marketcap over 10mill should be employee owned and operated like mondragon.

>> No.53737648

There's no way to actually determine if it was because of merit or because they were favorited. It's an un-testable hypothesis and can be disregarded.

>> No.53737655

>illusion of higher lifestyle
Only half true. The fact is that in the developed world we live really comfy and quality lives because of specialization. The issue more than anything is that most people don't know when to stop, their greed takes over.

>> No.53737682

>If your country has a central bank it doesn't practice capitalis

Capitalism is not "any time two people voluntarily exchange anything" and that is a horrible definition of the term. Please hiakians, please fuck off.

>> No.53737701

>China is now extremely prosperous
not even close in you rate them in GDP per capita. they rate 78th. they developped like crazy but it was due to state intervention too: the ccp invested in infrastructure and education, and subsidized certain industries
>Abolish creditors and debt
oh. so no free market?

>> No.53737709
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Capitalism is a system of production codified by the private ownership of the means of production where laborers have to sell their labor for a wage to the owners of capital in a market based system.

That is and has been the "definition" of capitalism for like 250 years.

>> No.53737725

>command economy

See this is why these retards will never actually hit the mark because your bias definition of terms allows you to weasel your way out of any interrogation of your ideology by proclaiming "OH IT WASN'T REAL CAPITALISM"

Capitalism is a system of production in which the means of production are owned in private.

Nothing more nothing less. Cope.

>> No.53737735

Ryan Cohen would rather they crash every train carrying hazardous materials in America than kick off MOASS

>> No.53737825

governance in cooperatives are way harder to manage though. blockchains can make the governance process easier though. we can build ecosystems where everybody who work for the procotol can be rewarded equally. but then some people will say that they contributed more to the success of the company and thus deserve more

>> No.53737895

The central bank has a monopoly over the medium of exchange, can inflate through currency creation or tighten through currency destruction as well as setting interest rates. Central banks are just arcades with tickets to buy goods once you put your labor into the slot machine. Shut the fuck up until you understand fractional reserve banking.

>not even close in you rate them in GDP per capita. they rate 78th. they developped like crazy but it was due to state intervention too: the ccp invested in infrastructure and education, and subsidized certain industries
Your argument hinged on meritocracy being a myth, yet China went from extreme poverty under Chairman Mao to being one of the most powerful economies in the world right now in a span of 50 years. State intervention has only happened since Xi Jinping took office in 2008.

>oh. so no free market?
Credit/debt has nothing to do with a free market because it's just a fictitious instrument. Please tell me you're not lumping that in with investments.

>> No.53737923

Yes I agree, I was thinking of blockchain technology, or P2P networking as a better means for democratic management, though, I still believe that democratic management will have to be done by the on the floor workers to some degree. It isn't so much about being rewarded equally, but, being rewarded a currency that cannot be exchanged for a profit, necessarily.

Some one who does oil rig work should be paid more than a super market worker, but, the issue is the companies should not be expanding predicated upon profit. That is the real issue and it's a complex situation.

>> No.53737945

>Argentina is fucking OP geographically
Remember when every country in the would formed a train to gangbang argentinian debt into bankruptcy resulting in an extremely hostile relationship(environment) between argentinians and banks?
No, no-one does.
Your first point does not even relate to anons point that environment and family are the key factors. It is undeniable and any attempt to do so is spitting in the face of ten thousand years of religious tradition AND all modern scientific evidence, simultaneously.
>E.G niggers raised in white families have even less instances of violent behavior than their adoptive family despite all their direct ancestors violent tendencies
The same can be said of anons with genes for heart disease, remove them from the obese family into a healthy family and they have LESS INSTANCES of heart disease than even the healthy families
>tl;dr genes are sleeved and dormant until the environment triggers their unsleeving. the environment can be chemicals, hormone thresholds etc.
>protip; this isn't advocacy of cuckoldry

>> No.53738004

>The central bank has a monopoly over the medium of exchange, can inflate through currency creation or tighten through currency destruction as well as setting interest rates. Central banks are just arcades with tickets to buy goods once you put your labor into the slot machine. Shut the fuck up until you understand fractional reserve banking.

Yeah and that shit is important and necessary so we don;t constantly experience a great depression every 10 years kek. How about you Hiakian morons actually learn economics before you open your stupid fucking mouths?

It's still capitalism though SEETHE

>> No.53738017

>Capitalism simply doesn't work (anymore).
Do you think we are currently working under Capitalism???
>FED prints infinite funny money and gives it to large investment corporations and the US government
>Government prevents hospitals from competing with each other
>Government regulates labor sending jobs overseas or encouraging illegal migrants
>patent laws keep getting extended preventing new innovations from helping everyone
>Every year more money is spent on welfare
fuck off

>> No.53738022

Argentina could theoretically go full isolationism if it wanted to. It has everything it from rare earths, fantastic climate all year round, meadows and rivers everywhere, an ocean to fish stretching half its boarder. It won't because the state is corrupt and the Argentine don't care.

>> No.53738081

I like the condom... pretty hot outfit

>> No.53738116


>> No.53738122
File: 3.38 MB, 3004x1867, Liquidity Pyramid - Gold Silver Fiat Debt - SilverBullionSG - Large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah and that shit is important and necessary so we don't constantly experience a great depression every 10 years kek.

This is the most delusional comment I've ever seen, especially when you realize that most of the economy is fake anyway.

>> No.53738172

Why is she dressed like a whore? and why is she smoking?

>> No.53738283

>yet China went from extreme poverty under Chairman Mao to being one of the most powerful economies in the world right now in a span of 50 years.
the reason it's one of the most powerful economies is because of its size and because western corporations were looking for cheap labor. they initially tried to relocate to africa but it was politically too unstable and productivity was not in nogs culture. they first relocated in japan and japan became successful. china offered huge incentives for companies to go there and offered cheap slaves.

>> No.53738369
File: 42 KB, 524x488, Sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>productivity was not in nogs culture.
You mean, the Changs have more merit.

>> No.53738530

Basically this. I own a home but it's too small for my family and I can't afford a bigger one without moving to the middle of nowhere or another country. Guess I should consider myself lucky.

>> No.53738686

a culture where productivity and making money is not the most important thing is not an inferior one. i respect nogs cultures of africa who didn't see the world as a profane thing to exploit for profit.

>> No.53738749

Oh goodie. Are we doing the "noble savage" routine again?

>> No.53738807

>the argentine don't care
ditto for america, brazil and everywhere else
"They don't trust" would be more accurate.
Their banks l;ed them to bakruptcy hand in hand with their government.
And do you honestly think america isn't still spooking the whole of south america?
Of course they are. The whole south GLOWS.
Look into petrobras
Many such cases.

>> No.53738914

you're basically saying that changs have more merit because they're good little ants and they didnt care if they completely polluted their land, sea and air.
africa also never had a chance to compete freely after independence because tariffs were put in place to protect western sectors (while they still steal their resources)

>> No.53738985

You're just full of excuses anon, especially when there have been other nations that were freed from imperialism exploded in prosperity.

>> No.53739005

no noble savage here, their societies weren't perfect, but to give an example of how culture influence productivity: if you give a chain saw to someone in a culture that value productivity, he'll use it to cut more trees and make more money. if you give that chain saw to someone who doesnt live in a culture that values productivity, he will use the chain saw to cut a tree faster and use the free time to do other things

>> No.53739040


You never stop paying “rent”, on your house you still have mortgage interest, land tax, insurance, and maintenance

>> No.53739069

>The fact is that in the developed world we live really comfy and quality lives because of specialization.
Who lives comfy and quality lives? Cuz from where I'm standing it seems like it's only the boomers and a select few of their privileged rat spawn.

Regardless of your job, unless you're in the top 0.5% of wage earners, there's no way that your income can keep pace with asset inflation. So it doesn't matter how hard you specialize, because at the end of the day you're still getting poorer while some boomer who bought a house for 20k made hundreds of thousands by doing literally nothing, and got paid social security UBI on top of that.

>> No.53739136

They basically are. The economy is too corrupt/unstable to attract any sort of international investment, and I'm pretty sure the only substantial export of Argentina is trophy wives and beef.

>> No.53739146

I've already pointed out that central banks are fucking everyone over right now. When you print billions and tell your nation to stop being productive that hardship will eventually catch up.

>> No.53739249

what you described is exactly what has happened in the chicken industry.

>> No.53739283

It's not just the banks though, it's every small town zoning council and university admissions councilor in America, all conspiring to shut the gate and board up the windows so they can enjoy twenty years of oppulance while the world burns around them.

I mean look at free trade agreements in conjecture with minimum wage laws. These things weren't pushed by banks, they were pushed by big corporations and unions. And what's the result? Running small business is economically prohibitive, labour (by law) cannot compete with overseas markets, and the competitive imbalance between small capital owners and multinational corporation is artificially tilted to one side; every city in America not adjacent to a major trade corridor becomes deindustrialized, and big pharma sees yet another opportunity to profit by getting this newly proletariat class hooked on opiates and milking them for what little they have left. It's not the banks doing that, it's the entirety of Western civilization cannibalizing itself for the benefit of a parasitic boomer welfare class and a few sociopathic yuppies.

>> No.53739333
File: 3.48 MB, 1680x1682, 1664392264156096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in the last stages of capitalism, similar to the last days of the ancien regime in France before the peasants rolled out the guillotines.

>> No.53739369

>It's not just the banks though
I totally agree anon, but the central banks are the biggest linchpin in it all.

>> No.53739440

No, It's the family unit disappearing from western countries, and the government believing they're nobles and getting away with creating policies that strip people of their wealth. This has been going on quite a while though, but the population wasn't as vast back then so resources weren't as scarce. Also fuck billy bitch gates

>> No.53739490

>rolled out the guillotines.
we need another reign of terror

>> No.53739497

>only communist post in the catalog
>pedo image
Color me surprised

>> No.53739509

cope, literally no sign of this whatsoever, this is just what people tell themselves when they need a way to make their lives sound more exciting than they actually are. there will absolutely not be a revolution because people right now are extremely comfortable. the drop in comfort levels needed to facilitate a revolution in the US, east asia or western europe is unthinkably far off. anyone who isn't a coping commie cuck knows this

>> No.53739585

>No one wrote a book therefor it doesn't exist
Ideas come about before a book could even be written, then a name is put on them. Both practiced before they even knew what to call them

>> No.53739619

It stopped being Capitalism when the welfare state and fiat currency was created. You should never incentivise parasitism because then it becomes a free for all for who can steal the most from the system, they will never be able to roll it back because they could never get elected on that policy so they'll just leech as much from the system as they can for themselves and transfer their wealth into commodities and property before the system crashes.

>> No.53739626

Not to mention that society is more alienated than ever. Who's going to vanguard a revolution? Tribal aristocracies? Those haven't existed for a hundred years. Labour unions? Not in the era of everyone working two part time jobs and a "side hustle" to keep afloat. Ethnic minorities? They've been all but completely colonized by the Hollywood MKULTRA Industrial Complex. The managerial class? Their entire existence is as an ephemeral transplant and paid house nigger. Most people can't even be assed to start a family anymore, how can they possibly organize a community?

There isn't even the organizational capacity to start a revolution. Everyone is glued to hear phones, which is itself DARPA spyware and rapidly developing the capacity to individually detect and influence thought patterns and information access in it's users.

>> No.53739670
File: 131 KB, 875x980, Spot The Difference 16022023194500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In actual practice they're identical ideologies, you're just swapping the King for the dear leader.

>> No.53739829

Bobby Fischer was one of the greatest (if not the greatest) chess player to ever live. He was a knower.

>> No.53739830

Would you say that we are in a generation war?

>> No.53739832
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Yes tariffs are better than taxes but central banking is also a glaring issue.

>> No.53740054

>the drop in comfort levels needed to facilitate a revolution in the US, east asia or western europe is unthinkably far off
You're wrong.
As quality of life improves, so does the threshhold for tolerance.
People were protesting for twinkies anon.
Convenience itself is viewed as a necessity for QOL due to desentisization, and degredation of language. Just think of all the people who say "i'm going to kill myself if" over trivial things, the words mean nothing and further escalation is required over a slightly worse triviality. E.G from "i'll kill myself if i can't get twinkies" to "i'll fucking kill those who try stop me getting twinkies"
A better example might be the cyclists. People literally risking manslaughter, or homicide, charges to maintain a convenience they have mistaken for a right.
Anything that detracts from the convenient isn't viewed as a removal of a priviledge, but rather an inconvenience imposed upon by another. This imposition is considered tyrannical by the "inconvenienced" and a breach of their fundamental rights. As, as i said, the convenience itself is considered necessary for an acceptable QOL.
These inconveniences, regardless of their fundamental triviality, are all acceptable fuses for extreme behaviours in the most normal of people. People who, otherwise, lead blessed lives.
>tl;dr wants granted become as needs fulfilled and cannot be taken away without reaction
Go on, try and ban meat without preparing a suitable protesting counterparty with complete media support and further propogana and see what happens when have you immunized, and excused, the masses to leisure.

>> No.53740232
File: 46 KB, 680x489, vbhfghh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As quality of life improves, so does the threshhold for tolerance.
you're missing an important variable. people are willing to protest over meaningless shit compared to what they would protest over 300 years ago, but that's also because protesting right now is a risk-free disneyland experience. protesting is fun because there's nothing at stake, you don't get in trouble for protesting, especially not over "twinkies".

none of these people are going to give up their incredibly comfortable lives to fight to the death so that - IF THEY SOMEHOW WIN - they can try out an untested or a previously failed economic system.
i'm pretty confident in saying that there has never been a time in history where people have been less willing to roll the dice and die to hit a reset button on society

>> No.53740407
File: 181 KB, 386x368, 1616782617757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the USSR you could get free housing.
Shut the fuck up, the fuck is with you turds and houses?
>Hurr durr rentie!
Yeah. Im from a native American reservation from Canada.
I can throw my name at the band hall and get land.
Matter of fact, my uncle is living in our family home right now, so all I gotta do is get rich and go home to Canada to get tribal land, boom!
By the way, my notch count is at 50, I own 110 shiba inu, will continue to buy more, work more and lift more weights.
Yeah man, renting suck bro! Lol.

>> No.53740432

>but that's also because protesting right now is a risk-free disneyland experience.
Stop playing dumb. It's more dangerous than ever in modern history.
You are classed as a terrorist in almost every country over ANY protest and can be detained permanently in most of the first world.
The only protection is the fact that there are greater numbers which is offset by a larger police force and greater legislation.
The only "safe" protests are glow-ops and even then, not really.
>none of these people are going to give up their incredibly comfortable lives to fight to the death so that
Their lives are not subjectively comfortable in their own experience. You've completely ignored my desensitization point. All comforts become a necessity over time. We are chemically programed for this, either by divine design or evolution. Almost no-one compares their suffering downward to a quadrapilegic or a starving african. They compare themselves upward to celebrities, politicians and billionaires.
>try out an untested or a previously failed economic system.
Tell it to antifa, blm, nu-facists, muslim brotherhood etc.
>i'm pretty confident
>in saying that there has never been a time in history where people have been less willing to roll the dice and die to hit a reset button on society
Go to last point.
People are risking their lives for less and less. They are risking their lives for convenience on the daily and becoming desentisized to said risks. See smokers, car drivers, paycheck livers, drug dealers, tax dodgers etc.
You are so wrong it's unbelievable that it's not intentional. Please explain all the glowop fuckery since OWS.
People are risking their lives for the most trivial of reasons nowadays. During the depression it was about a meal to eat, anything to sustains. Not fucking sugar rolls and pronouns.

>> No.53740504

In the USSR you got paid in bricks and had to build your own home.
That was their "free housing."
Go on, look that up.

>> No.53740582

The market distortions are only part of the calculus.
I do fine with capitalism no matter who the winners or losers are. Just make sure you’re one of the winners.
But what about the social changes from capitalism?
Sure I have money and the good house and the nice vacations but what good is any of this to me if there are feral niggers roaming free looking for white people to kill.
And now you’re stuck homeschooling your kids because even private schools are infested with disgusting trannies who only care about turning kids into necromorphs.
So I hedge and have homes in other countries but it seems like a roundabout way to fix the problem

>> No.53740827

More like a generational grift. Most boomers have no idea how bad things are, and there is a multimillion dollar propaganda machine in corporate media that keeps this illusion going. Their wealth is artificially inflated, then syphoned into the pockets of a few corporate giants, and their children are groomed from birth to accept their status as indebted serfs.

>> No.53741213

because people seem to want to fight it with a system that will lock them down

>> No.53741626

Feudal lords at least had an obligation to their subjects whereas the current powers have no such thing. Also, better outfits and organic foods.

>> No.53741706

>Feudal lords at least had an obligation to their subjects
Arbitrary obligations subject to change at a whim.
You're not allowed to eat and if you wore fancy clothes they would be confiscated as the lords rightful possessions in lieu of tax, or simply for the rightful benefit of your superior.
You owned nothing as a serf but what the lords decreed.
The caste system was rigid.

>> No.53741735

You're not allowed to eat meat*

>> No.53742365

Why does this photo make me horny?

>> No.53742395

This. The problem isn't capitalism, it's the government destroying the value of the currency.

>> No.53742425

ok breed less then, solved
leave it to more competent people

>> No.53742484

>take wholesome kids cartoon character and turn it completely degenerate
die jew

>> No.53742784

that means you are pedophile. seek help.

>> No.53742807

The west has been run by communist banker cartels that use the worst of capitalism to make money and oppress.

>> No.53742993

Perpetual wage labor is arguably against the foundational values of America. Before the Civil War the southern press and politicians used to claim that the north wasn't any better than them because there were perpetual wage workers in the cities ("wage slaves"). I think that was bullshit as a defense of slavery, but the attack did actually bother many northern politicians. Lincoln himself felt compelled to take a stance on it in one of his speeches to congress by saying that perpetual wage labor was not a problem in the north, and that most wage laborers were young men who were saving up some money to buy their own farm or start a business. If I remember right he also threw around some figures to claim that most adults were property owners.

The reason he made that argument was exactly because he felt that it was a threatening accusation to suggest large amounts of people in the north worked for wages for life. For someone like Lincoln, the idea of America was a country of property owners, and their ownership of property was what made them citizens capable of engaging in the republic equally. That also isn't to say that people WERE actually all property owners on equal footing, but it is to say that is a core vision of what America was supoosed to be going back to many of the founders. That is also the reason why the labor struggle period of the late 19th and early 20th century was so violent compared to now, and it was the most violent in the whole world. People were outraged that they felt trapped in factories and workers tenements and such. It was an extremely ignoble position to be in and counter to a lot of peoples sense of what was dignified about America as a nation. They associate Europe with servitude, America was where you were "free", which didn't just mean living in a republican form of government but also meant having access to property ownership and a form of independence through it.

>> No.53743017

The source material was pretty degenerate.
A story of mental illness told to underage children on a boat ride.

>> No.53743185

Not in real countries issuing currency instead of a global reserve that you get murdered for questioning. My central bank is great, it extracts money from foreigners and pumps it to me.
Fishing town trades fish for products from neighbor towns. The more they fish the more boats they buy to fish even more and employ more people in their town. Despite their economy booming as they produce more each fish buys less products from the other towns, the fish based economy experiences inflation despite no government being involved and each step contributing to the inflation being considered positive for the town.

>> No.53744148


>> No.53744195

The jeans in your pic are not pure denim. They are a mix and have strechy fabric in them like nylon that makes them less durable. You can still buy pure denim jeans if you want, they are just less confortable

>> No.53744329

she's obviously 18 retard