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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53732571 No.53732571 [Reply] [Original]

Being in crypto has completely ruined my chances of ever being able to work a normal wagie job for the rest of my life. Can anyone else relate?

>> No.53732593
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Are you going to call a meeting, good sir? I’ll take a seat right here in the front row.

>> No.53732603

Yep. It's like a gambling addiction, except you do nothing instead of constantly betting.

>> No.53732611

same, just seeing the amount of $ flowing the markets, let alone how much i made in the altcoin bull markets during 2021, gets me depressed af comparing to the bi-weekly paycheck.

>> No.53732613

>finding an easier way of making money made me less appreciative for the original way I was making money

>> No.53732634

It made me start my own business, why work for shekelberg when I’m perfectly positioned to work for myself? Waging is for people who gave up. It’s not even that hard, I’ve met so many incompetent business owners who make 6 figs that it really moralized me about my chances. Always fell for the muh 90% of small businesses fail psy op and never tried but it’s really not that hard. You have endless motivation to improve when you run the ship and I’m a min maxer.

>> No.53732648

how did you choose an industry/idea?

>> No.53732665

Basically just find something you’re a nerd about that you can sell to others, find a niche customer base that billion dollar corporations don’t care enough about and produce your shit with a high end luxury angle that’s low unit high prices and you’ll make money once you get your name known in those circles.

>> No.53732710

The real money is in the cheap high unit mass produced shit that big corpos dominate the market in, as a one man you have to enter the high end low unit sector of that market and fill a niche. Then just design a good product with all your nerd knowledge, market it to enthusiasts and build your name in those communities. You’ll have a few thousand customers at most since it’s a small niche but it’s enough to make mid 6 figs a year consistently and even grow to 7 figs eventually after you build it up enough.

>> No.53732715

Yeah its kind of difficult to go through the grind every day when you can make so many thousands in minutes.

>> No.53732750

What are you personally into? I wouldn’t enter a market I know little about cause I wouldn’t have the knowledge to build good products. Make a prototype of something that’s missing in the niche and you personally would use, market it to elitists and it’ll sell every time.

>> No.53732900

I can relate, except it wasn't crypto. It was a lack of egotistical pride and immunity to peer-pressure that prevented me from joining the wage cage.
Face it anons, barring the few who get paid decent for work they kinda enjoy, most people get bullied into working.

>> No.53732926

>my crypto is up 60k so far this year
>I make $60k/year (before taxes)
>I spend ~20 hours/week on crypto and 40 hours/week at work
It's not adding up frens

>> No.53732931

Whats the initial investment required to get that ball rolling
Producing few high end niche units doesnt sound cheap
And right now throwing it all into crypto is probably higher return for far less effort