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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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537317 No.537317 [Reply] [Original]

>be 19
>about to apply to uni for spring and paying all in my own loans i'm about to take out, no father so special snowflake
>grandfather just died
> 3rd generation in owning two different huge auto businesses on the northeast side of the US, new england mostly
>sucks, he was really cool, 3rd generation from Italy
>go to the court and the executor tells us the will bullshit
>my mom is really excited which made me angry
>she received his 2012 Lexus SUV
>shits her pants and now i'm even angrier
>don't even want to fucking be there
>first dude in my life that died who I cared about
>sister gets two necklaces, a bracelet, and a million fucking rings holy shit dude
>also shitting her pants
>she didn't even know the dude and he just gave her thousands of dollars worth of fucking jewelry
>gets to me and I wasn't expecting anything special, maybe a heirloom or something for the males to pass down
>everyone but me is told to leave the room out of his request
>my mind starts racing and i get lightheaded for some reason, that happens all of the time out of anxiety, probably a developing brain tumor or aneurysm
>was getting very scared and confused and I didn't like what was happening
>He has left me, very specifically to me, all of his 'liquid assets'(?) at 71.5 million US dollars along with all of his 6 properties in the New England and British Columbia areas, his stakes in the auto wrecking business, his 60 foot 'yacht'(wouldn't really call it that), and his 15 cars (i saved the ones that were circled onto my flip phone: 1967 Jaguar 4.2(?), 1993 Ford F-150, 1963, 1970, and 1990 Corvettes, 1954 Mercedes 300SI, 1988 Porsche 911 3.2, 2001 Mercedes Benz G500)
>I kept grinding my teeth and felt like i just drank a cup of coffee on the entire way home
>i'm now re-thinking my life right before applying to universities for electrical engineering

You know that feel when other people are feeling jealous of you because they're cunts? That feel is my current feel.

>> No.537320


You could've just said $71.5 million.

Anyway, good for you. Don't go peasant-tier with engineering. Fuck, I wouldn't bother working with $71.5M. If you do, do whatever you'd actually enjoy. If that were me, I'd be popping bottles and fucking bitches and not greentexting, or even feeling anything.

>> No.537322

OP, if you're not full of bullshit, please don't be an idiot with the $$$

>> No.537323

Fuck uni. Fuck work. The only reason people do that shit is so they can retire and do what they want. You get to skip all of the shit in between and get right to the good part.

>> No.537324

Gimmie 5000 to start a business op, ill return that with interest

>> No.537327

Fuck college, fuck work. Put half of that into a safe investment, return rate can be low as fuck because when you have 40 mil in anything you'll get a lot back, and live only on your interest.

>> No.537328

Don't let money change you, or you'll end up like the countless individuals who won the lottery and are now bankrupt.

Enjoy yourself but remember to save, invest and be a great dude to everyone.

>> No.537329

Op, don't listen to these faggots that say not to work. Your grandpa left you all of that for a reason. He gave everyone else bullshit. He gave it to you because he trusted you. Don't let him down. Take over the goddamn world. That's what I would do. You have been given a lot of responsibility. Use it wisely.

These fucks saying blow it all never have felt the pride of working and knowing you are a useful, necessary person. It's called pride. Use it. Balance it. Don't get a big head. Do some good for the world. That's what I would do if I were handed millions. Please, don't waste it. Most of us only dream of this. DO NOT WASTE IT.

>> No.537330

You are now the modern equivalent of the gentleman of leisure. Go to college and major in whatever the fuck you want, and go pursue whatever you want in life.

Just don't blow the money on retarded shit.

>> No.537333

going against the grain with the others here but stay in school and study what you want. also probably a good idea to double major in a business related field, so you have some idea of how to manage your new assets and stake in the auto business.

of course, you will most likely never need to work in the future, but I suggest you do purely so you won't be bored and isolated from society, and that degree will help you get a career started.

like >>537327 said, invest your money and live off the interests.

also don't let people know you've got money or you'll get people coming to you trying to use you or get freebies.
never loan money to family or friends because you will never see the money again. if you give money, you are giving it and not lending.

money changes people, both the ones with the money and the ones without. don't change how you act and live, and watch out for people around you who change.

>> No.537335

one last tip, the people who are rich stay rich because they don't spend and waste their money on unnecessary luxuries. keep spending within your means and treat yourself occasionally.

don't flaunt the money as a status symbol because the ones who do are usually the poor trying to prove they're rich.

>> No.537336

Become batman.
You have the money to do what actually matters.
Gather skills, knowledge, and relationships.

>> No.537346

fuck uni bro

invest that shit now

>> No.537347

this. OP you have resources and chances that most people would kill for, please don't waste them sitting around for the rest of your life.

>> No.537349

One more tip, you now need to become a tripfag and annoy the shit out of everyone on /biz/. That's what everyone with enough money to retire does.

>> No.537351
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underrated post

don't be a fool OP

>> No.537357

>tfw when my grandpa is just a shady criminal defense lawyer

>> No.537360
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“One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose, and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is rare and don't throw it away.”
― Stephen Hawking

>> No.537363



>> No.537364

10/10 OP

Would write a script with Adam Sandler as the main character

>> No.537365

I appreciate all of this advice that everyone is throwing at me. I need to re-think a lot about my future and everything is blurry to me right now.

>> No.537366

Yeah OP you have been granted a signal privilege. Most people must work in order to support their material needs and never get to know the joy of a life's work based on their passion. If I had the money you have I'd still go to school and major in EE, maybe in history or arts to for humanities.
I'd apply myself to research or something. I'd conduct studies on things. I'd try to launch enterprises that better life for society.
I'd never spend the money on luxuries, maybe i'd live well and blow a million or two on vacations and meeting women, but after that i'd try to use the freedom the money gave me and do something constructive.

Cure cancer, rid the world of fossil fuel dependence, run for office, do philanthropy, something, ANYTHING!

>> No.537367

>Keep studying EE
>Graduate with an idea
>Make idea come true
>Benefit humanity

>> No.537368

Just emulate your grandfather, he obviously did very well for himself to leave such a large sum for you.

>> No.537369

go to university anyway, it is what he would have wanted, though maybe study finance or business or something instead

why do you think he gave the money to you and not your mom or sister

>> No.537372

You should go to Uni even though you have received a windfall. Those assets won't mean a thing if you don't have any personal responsibility, self-control, and ethics, all of which you will learn a great deal about in Uni. Study a field that you enjoy, but will also be able to seek employment in. Learn about money management and the implications of being an ultra high-net worth individual.
Furthermore, I would strongly recommend that you go see a financial advisor, particularly one that caters to ultra high-net worth individuals. It's pretty easy to blow through that money if you don't manage it properly. It is also important to find an ethical advisor so that you You must choose when and how to realize the income that you have just received so as to mitigate tax consequences. There will most likely be generation-skipping tax, estate tax, and gift tax associated with his transaction.

>> No.537373

are you retarded? i never said he shouldn't work

i just think that uni is a waste of time/money

he could be investing that shit right now

>> No.537375

I like this thread.
I come from a rich family but they've always bred me to one day take up the reigns and preserve our family wealth so I've never actually thought of this shit. This is strangely motivational for some reason.

>> No.537384

Go to uni regardless of the inheritance dude. First of all its good for finding a quality girl. Second of all - its good for broadening your horizons in an academic way. As for the money - don't blow it, make it work for you.

>> No.537387

Put money in bank.
Travel the world.
Think later.

>> No.537388

OP honestly, what are you going to do now?
You can do whatever passions you have ever desired in your heart without worrying about money now.
Or you can now multiply that fortune into something to give YOUR grandkids.
Maybe both.
I am highly jelly OP.
Damn, keep us updated.
This is extreme, and the kind of thing I want to be able to do for my grandchildren.

>> No.537392

Getting a business degree sounds like a good idea. Manage your money so you don't lose it and all that.

>> No.537398
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Fuck you OP, I hate you bitch.

>> No.537399

I have to go to sleep now. I'll see if this thread is still up tomorrow but I have so much to think about.

>> No.537401


You have no idea what to do with 70m. You're not prepared to manage that, and none of us can help you because we've never had that much money either.

If you use it now, you'll fuck up because you are inexperienced. Find a safe place to invest it (S&P500 if you have to lol) and go to uni.

Learn as much as possible about managing that kind of money. Don't use it until you've got experience. Don't trust other people to tell you how to use it b/c money's a bitch and no matter how hard they will try to be noble, money corrupts like nothing else. People will take advantage of you if you give them the chance.

You are way out of your league and have a lot of catching up to do. Do that catching up before you start using the money. Live off the interest in the mean time.

>> No.537402


>> No.537484

You should probably start contacting Private Bankers in your region

>> No.537505

Buy yourself a nice house FAR from where you live now. You're about to find out just how big your family is. Get educated. Invest wisely, don't just accept anything an advisor tells you because it looks good on paper. And finally, be very wary of women.

>> No.537518

dont give it to your family members

>> No.537524

I'll find this guy and talk with him.


>> No.537525

General question here: If you were to bank all that money, would they even allow interest rates on it? because even at .001% interest, you're racking up $71,500 each time

>> No.537527

Yes, of course they'd pay you interest. No one with that kind of dosh would put it in a bank with $250k FDIC coverage, they'd buy treasury bonds if they wanted low risk storage.

Also, that's why the bank would certainly pay out .001% interest, because they can turn around and buy short term bonds that pay more than that.

>> No.537579

Alright, I'm awake. I didn't plan on giving anything to any family members. How would anyone know? I don't want to try and manipulate any of this money. I don't know anything. I have a GED(more personal/family reasons/had really good grades and was favorite by teachers/student of the month woop woop). I never even took an accounting class in high school or anything. I'm still freaking out after sleeping. How common is this?

>> No.537620

pick any science or research related degree you're passionate about. you now have the funding to experiment on whatever the fuck you want to.

or, invest and make some more.

you can now honestly live your life without the pretense of paying any bills, raise kids without having to worry about their tuition, or nutrition, travel, train or spend time on 4chan even. no one can give you shit when you've got that kind of money except yourself.

all the doors are open to you opie. pick any. except marriage.

don't get married. hoes will fuck you over if they know you've got that kind of money. it's just not safe.

al you gotta do is life your life man

>> No.537633

You should ignore all the noise and #1 is find and pay someone to manage your money for you. This will ensure you are getting paid professional advice and not free tips from turds.

Then find and pay a lawyer to draft up trusts and whatever else you need to ensure your assets stay with you.

After that, stay disciplined in all aspects but remember to try not to burn bridges: personal or professional

>> No.537642
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>be 29
>saddled with SL debt
>trying to make it
>work daily as a health inspector
>not what I wanted to do, but what I must do
<parents made money and didn't help with shit
>financial fucking retards
>bought 500k house in 2005 w/ 3-5% down and no way to pay it off in early fifties
>"sorry anon, you're on your own"
>laughed in my face when I got in to UC Davis and UCLA as a transfer student
>now they're divorced
>home foreclosed
>living in apartments
>grandma dies on dad's side
>last grandma
>awesome lady
>from rural poor Mississippi
>straight shooter
>pure class and manners
>all my sisters call me telling me "we'll see how much she loves us"
>hood rat with 4 kids on welfare her whole life
>other can't hold a job
>other is successful, but arrogant
>all of them chomping at the bit
>mom calls me telling me how much she loves her
>fucking talked shit about my grandma for the last 8 years
>months pass
>finally a letter and box come in the mail
>open the letter
>"anon, I'm sorry it's not much, but I love you and (my wife)"
>cashier's check for $50
>open the box
>all the original apollo mission patches from my grandpa's days as a journalist
>covered apollo missions with ABC radio
>grandpa told me stories when I was young and got me in to science
>tear up and hug my wife
>get back from framing the patches a couple days later
>sisters call
>"oh my god we didn't get shit"
>mom calls
>"w-w-what'd you get anon?"

You're lucky anon. I can't even get rid of 70k in loans. Just do something cool or help people. Don't let it go to your head.

Also if you pay off my student loans I'LL SUCK YO DICK.

>> No.537645

Put it all on bitcoin

>> No.537647


this guy is right. go to college and work. you have no limitations.

I had to decline getting a doctorate because I couldn't afford it. Probably one of the shittiest things I have ever had to do. Don't waste it anon.

>> No.537651


>travel the world
>OP travels to Africa
>gets ebola
>greedy family gets the money

you fucked up

>> No.537652


>put money in the bank
>bank closes down and steals the money
>mom has a lexus

>> No.537656

how about you give me money to start my business and you become a shareholder so if my business does well, you get your original money back + more

>> No.537671

Don't touch the money yet.

go learn how to run his shit so that you don't squander his gift

>> No.537703

Go to to Goldman Sachs

Give them your money

You are set for life

Do whatever you want, if that means Uni or work, then do that

>> No.537712
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>consolidate assets
>decide if you want to keep the cars/houses/yacht
>make sure you protect his stuff
>don't tell family, play it cool
>def go view properties and assets
>don't move too fast
>this process should take a year+

Your team
>lawyer (someone who knows taxes, inheritance, protection)
>real estate agent
>financial planner/banker (someone who deals with the money)
>property managers (I would sell the real estate and buy where you live tbh)


Definitely go to Uni someday after the dust settles. He'd probably want you to do that, and it's smart because you have no limitations and you seem like a smart guy.

I seriously hope this isn't a troll post because I'll post my SL account number if you are for real. Hell, better even if everyone in my family kicked the bucket i'd still get nothing. You're my best chance anon!

>> No.537788

Hey OP - BCfag here. What are the BC properties, are those businesses or secondary residences?

>> No.537793

>w-w-what'd you get anon?
Women worldwide

>> No.537801

Be careful with you:re money and invest wisely.
Do get some sort of education in something you enjoy and/or go into philanthropic work.
DO NOT WASTE and DO NOT GET SCAMMED. (none of my wealthy relatives left me any money:(

>> No.537802

>you wa
Do not blindly give money to investors. I know some of them, they make money weather or not they make you money. They really dont care.

>> No.537834


Since you admit that you know shit about accounting or money management - you should find a financial planner/wealth manager. And don't trust all your money to one wealth manager either.

>> No.537873

Is there any way I'm entitled to things if my parents die and don't put me in their will? Surely there must be something that says things must be split up at least semi-fairly between remaining family members.

>> No.537882


don't go there anon. You really don't want to. It's called contesting a will. It rips families apart. If your folks don't want to give you anything then fuck them. You shouldn't be thinkin about that.

>> No.537886

That's ok I don't really consider them a family anyway. They were usually really mean to me and treated me like shit for no reason. I just want my rightfully deserved shekels for enduring the pain.

>> No.537904

First, OP, I'd like to congratulate you on your great fortune and tell you I'm sorry for your loss. Do as >>537360 >>537329
and >>537322 say. Don't squander this gift and don't let it corrupt you. Make your grandfather proud.

What I'd like to ask of you is to take a minute and write everything down. What exactly did he do? How did he start? What problems did he face and how he got over them? It'll help settle your nerves in any case.

Also, check with your doctor about that anxiety shit you're having. It's probably nothing, but better safe than sorry. You're more than capable of affording it now anyway.

>> No.537959

I saw your thread, OP, and thought up some advice. Firstly, the majority of replies in this thread are correct: use your wealth to build/expand your empire. The rest of your family are pretty much wastes of life, and your awesome, late grandfather knew this just as he knew that *you* were the most worthy of his heirs to be chosen by him to take his mantle. Your character must be excellent. Here we go with some advice you may not have received yet....

>buy a small parcel of land somewhere cheap
>build a tiny cabin, quonset hut, shack, small gazebo, modest monument like a stone obelisk with a plaque or statue on a pedestal commemorating your grandfather (or something he cared about)
>before this structure is built, dig a hole under where it will be erected and bury....
$1,000,000 worth of GOLD
>under it. You might as well pour the concrete apron it will be built on to ensure its secrecy (it's quite easy; I've poured several
>optionally donate the land as a small park (if it contains monument/gazebo/statue) to whatever town as a public park to commemorate your grandpa; this will make it a tax write-off for you
>late at night, while lying in bed, think about that buried treasure -- it's there for the long haul, an absolute last-ditch emergency fund if you lose EVERYTHING that you'll hopefully never have to crack open, which you can then will the location of secretly to *your* chosen heir.

^I'm serious. With $72 million, you honestly might as well do this. The tax write-off itself if you donate the land as a memorial will let you get away with paying fewer taxes.
TOTAL COST: approximately $1,075,000 (it's only a one-acre wooded plot or field outside the edge of town or wherever).

More ideas? Okay....

>Invest $10 million into U.S. Savings Bonds, T-Bills, or something else that will get huge in ten years or more.

>Invest $10 million into a trust fund or something producing enough interest to keep you living comfortably for the rest of your life.


>> No.537973


>other anons had the right idea about this:
Buy a fucking HOUSE somewhere FAR from ANYONE you know, something modest in a quiet neighborhood or out in the country or, fuck it, right in the middle of a city. Buy it under another name (establish an LLC or something that can't be traced back to from you). You will want to get the fuck away from everyone now and then. *Possibly* find a girl or room-mate who has no idea of your wealth and doesn't know anyone you know to rent it to (or just let them live there as a house-sitter). Tell them you do government work or something and fly a lot, so you need someone to keep an eye on the place. Or, fuck that, just keep the place all to yourself. Buy a C6 Corvette -- I hear Frosty on /o/ might be selling his -- for a paltry $2,000 and put it in the garage so you have relatively nice wheels while there (again, insured and registered to the LLC/ID that "owns" the house). I know gramps left you three Corvettes, but they can all be traced back to you, so buy one he's never touched from somewhere faraway.

>GO TO SCHOOL for Finance/Business/Econ/CPA, minor in EE, create an empire.

I honestly suggest you make strides in something like Thorium power or something like that.

>Launch a crowdfunding site for a dream project of yours, and anonymously donate to it so it catches fire.

>And, of course, because I need $9,999.96 per year to survive a *little* better than I am now, plz gib me sum ;^)

^srsly, hit me up at
cuz I'm facing eviction. :(

But, forget about me and the other parasites -- make the WORLD a better place! (But, pls halp).

FINALLY, if I were you, I would STRONGLY consider putting some money into one of those new legal marijuana startups, cryptocurrency, and/or something else emergent -- a reasonable gamble to get in near the ground floor on something big.

>> No.537988


You mean the government auction?

>> No.538022

if this honestly true, then please don't be retarded with the money. you have 71.5 million dollars and a bunch of properties. go to the best business program you can get into. LEARN how to manage and use your money properly, don't just do it for the piece of paper. Build up connections with other rich kids, those connections will help throughout your life. college is awesome, get the connections, get the knowledge, and turn that 71 million into a billion! There's a reason your grandfather gave all that shit to YOU, not your mom or your sister and that's because he knew you wouldn't be retarded with it and that you would make it grow. Get a degree op. My grandfather started some of the first malls in venezuela and whenever he would travel to meet with business people, they would ask him about where he graduated and he would always feel embarrassed telling them he didn't go to college (only had an either grade education). even though with jobs, zuckerfuck, and gates, it might seem cool not to have a degree, don't be stupid, those guys are outliers. get the knowledge, get the connections. dont be a tard and piss everything on parties and drugs. good luck!

>> No.538025


Also, condolences for your loss; it's too bad you didn't get to spend more time learning from him in person.

Anyways, I had *another* thought:

Claim that you were given *one* of the cars and a mere $100,000, and that you have no idea about/where the rest of it went -- they can assume it went into some trust fund or to another soon-to-be-jealously-hated relative.

See how they react to the fact that you got a Corvette (I'm guessing) and $100k. Now, in your mind, magnify the amount of jealousy by 750 to get an idea of *how* jealous they'd be if they knew the truth.

Fuck them.

Proceed to invest much of the $100k in schooling for yourself, a few little nicities like an apartment, maybe a couple modest gifts, and see how fucking hard they try to leech you dry.

Then, one day, tell them you've spent the VERY last of the money you inherited. Ask everyone you ever helped for a loan or a place to crash. See how they repay your kindness with selfish refusals to assist you now that you're nothing but an empty bank account to them.

Seriously, you'll learn a lot about your "loved ones."

Ultimately, only *you* will know the truth of the rest of your grampa's millions (which are now secretly *your* millions). Pretend to live in poverty if anyone asks, but disappear to that faraway house. Occasionally send postcards from the worst cities in America -- St. Louis, Detroit, New Haven (where I live) -- asking for a few hundred bucks here and there to help get an apartment and food so you're not so homeless.

Seriously, one of my co-workers was homeless for like TWO YEARS cuz his family are all assholes, but they always asked him for stuff before and after.

Fuck your family.

>> No.538053
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good advice, sorry about the eviction bro. I would help you but all I inherited the other day was $50 and I just got laid off


make everyone in this thread fucking rich.

seriously like 20 of us 50k each

that's 1 million of your 71 million

You are now the king of /biz/


you know that shit would be legend

pic related, it's one of my student loans

>> No.538063

Don't fall in love, OP.

If you fall in love make absolutely sure that the girl thinks you're as poor as a homeless person.
Don't let her know you have money.

>> No.538068

Thanks for your consideration, and sorry to hear about your termination!
Holy shit, I might be able to help you -- my friends Albert & Amir (they're big guys) work for Wells Fargo.... I'll forward your image to them and see if they can see what's up. Full disclosure: they both agree that Wells Fargo is truly evil (and therefore profitable).

>> No.538071

This is one of the best (if not *the* best) pieces of advice in this thread. Fuck women, seriously (no offense femanons), for very nearly all of them are wicked creatures not governed by reason.... Of course, I suppose most men are evil, but only because women drive them to it.

>> No.538082
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I have to give you my account # or they'll have no idea who it is.

>mfw two huge guys named Albert and Amir delete my loan from existence from the inside

A man can dream right?

>> No.538086

Your full 09 shit. Men are just as bad as women. You just got your ass burned by a few. I used to be the same way. Now I got two beautiful gfs that covered my ass for 3 months while I was jobless till I got my current stable employment after college. Heh they are helping me build capitol with which to invest.

>> No.538101

You can dream....and it can become REAL; these guys are truly on the inside, handling data all day, and every month we play Shadowrun with a couple of other friends.
>yfw our party's Face/Mage and Decker/Technomancer are IRL corporate drones with restricted access.

>> No.538106

Well you could help a nigga out and throw some capitol my way.

To be honest man, don't tell a single fucking soul. No offense but your mother seems quite materialistic so be careful with her. It sucks to hear that too because its the opposite with my mom. First goal is to by her a house. Too generous and its why she will never be rich.

She is still very financially stable despite that though because her career is in finance. She's an ACCA chartered accountant. Very savy when it comes to money. I would not be interested in pursuing that myself, but if I had 70 million fallen into my lap, you best believe I am gonna learn how to utilize it in the best way.

Maybe even property development. With your money you could go on to literally shape the area around you.

If I were in your shoes, I would take a year out from anything first. Maybe with forty or fifty grand and go backpacking (a lot more than you need but why the fuck not) and just experience what life has to offer. See it firsthand and maybe you will find out what it is you want from it.

>> No.538109
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Me again. OP, I'm not going to beg for cash. I am the one one who posted >>537329

I am not going to beg for money. But I could use a better job. Currently, I am former military working as a police officer. I know, cops, whatever, but in my poverty stricken area it was the only job that I could get that played with my skill set which is frankly just combat atm. I am used to hard physical work but I'm intelligent as well. I have an IQ in the top ten percent range. I got a 94 on my ASVAB, a 28 on my ACT years ago. I am a year or less from a bachelor's in History. I currently trade on the stock market and have seen a 10% increase in my capital, what little there is of it. I'm burning my brain out to teach myself finance in hopes of becoming a successful stock broker. I'm only 24. I'm honest, straightforward to a fault and loyal as fuck to those who return it.

If you have a position that could work with me in the future, that would be great. If not, I'll do well enough on my own.

I wish you luck. Make your grandfather proud.

>> No.538115


want an email?

>> No.538137

OP should start a speedwagon foundation
all discoveries would pay for themselves

>> No.538142

>Invest in property
>Invest in small business strips
>Invest in a mall or something

and then just live your days studying accounting+property management and manage your own shit under your own company name or some fuck like that

Dude, I wish I had that option
>Pay my dads 500k mortgage
>Pay off his business debts (Small famiry business, selling chips and burgers)
>Now maybe my dad doesn't have to work 13hrs a day
>All this while studying business and corporate law
>Tfw don't think I'll ever make him proud.

>> No.538176

Never understood children that felt this way. Its not your fault that you were conceived and not your fault they kept you. If you read my post then you can see that I have an awesome mother. She has always been proud of me and for that I will get her that house, not because I feel like I have to but because I want to.

>> No.538267

this, OP
you have the oportunity to do anything you want that is great. you will be able to either expand the empire of your grand father or become really great at something you always wanted, because you will have the resources and time to accomplish many things. the measure of a man is what he does with power. there are people out there who win the lottery and waste 30 million bucks on prostitutes, drugs and parties. on the other hand, there are 15 year poor old kids in brazil who grow up to become UFC fighters and get rich and famous.

if you don't know what you want, i invite you to invest anti aging research. i'm already investing all my intellect and time in this. if I had money, i'd invest it in it too, as, for me, it is the most important thing for mankind.

>> No.538307

Read everything you can.
I would be a writer or a movie director if I had the money. But I'm afraid I will end up as a beggar, because I've always been pretty poor. So I don't have free time. But you do have free time. Having all that amount of money equals to being absolutely free. Just be sure to manage all that and don't absolutely lose it. You can do whatever you want. I would try and save the world if I had that much money.

>> No.538350 [DELETED] 

Well that didn't take long to turn from advice to begging...

>> No.538358

Well that didn't take long to go from advice to begging...

So what did we learn? Look at how fast complete strangers go to begging hoping to get some piece of the pie. Now imagine how much faster and easier it is for friends and family. It will be hard but try not to burn any bridges..

Like I said before here

Ignore all the noise, ignore all the people giving you opinions on what to do with the money, what education you should learn, how to do this or that. If you are worth anything you will seek professional advice and stay disciplined.

From here on out only your own intelligence and discipline can guide you from here. Anything other advice worth anything will cost you money.

>> No.538375
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if this is infact true. My only advice would be to think for yourself do whatever you want. You know yourself better than any of us here anon. How you handle what comes your way in life make in life make you what you are. Make choices that you can be happy with.

>> No.538381
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P.S. goodluck

>> No.538388


Short PRAN

>> No.538419
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No need to go off the deep end and become a cunt.
My father left me a nice sum when he passed away.
Most of it is wrapped up in safe investments, the rest is paying for my school while i work part time.

>> No.538493


Stephen Hawking wasn't talking about working in a cubicle with a manager and progress goals and all that shit.

>> No.538520

OP give me money to go to college, I'm a poor as fuck spic, I could do a lot better with some education.

>> No.538570
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but you should try to add a bit to your grandfather's fortune. The wealth is the heirloom so to speak. If you could add even a little bit, that would be great and he'd be proud of you. Just don't waste it.

Perhaps he was thinking of having multi-generational wealth, you know, starting a legacy.

pic untrlated

>> No.538575

Surely your grandfather wouldn't just throw you his entire wealth without his financial or legal council?

>> No.538732

Invest in art. Seriously find a artist that is about to get hyped and buy his work. Then when the hype is really high sell them on phillips auction house.

Look at oscar Murillo, he sold his paintings for $7k in 2011 and now they're selling for $400k at auction

>> No.538735

>mfw i can't even afford a car and people just get handed 72 million dollars


>> No.538785


don't fall for personalitits

>> No.538802
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>safe investment


>> No.538879

Thanks for all of the advice in this thread. I'm surprised it's still up.

>> No.538927
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cmon OP we need some proof

the best proof is money

pic related

>> No.538935

Apparently I'm going to get something in the mail this week that's 'really important', sealed, and addressed to me specifically with a lot of things that I have to sign and some appointment with my grandpas 'people' that 'managed' him with who are picking me up, legal and investment people.. Does anyone know what all of this would be? I'll post the mail stuff in a new thread if this one goes down if I can.

>inb4 kidnapping and signing my inheritance away

but could it?

>> No.538946
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It's probably a lawyer, accountant, property managers, wealth managers etc..

They will be very helpful most likely. They also are going to REALLY want you stay with them, so don't be surprised if they kind of sell you on staying with their services. Your gramps obviously kept them in line, so you're going to have to as well.

Remember this simple fact. Inheriting this much money is a JOB. You need to train, put in hours and learn the ropes just like any other job. Except you get paid millions to not fuck up.

I'd put on hold anything else you were doing and focus on this for awhile. Go to Uni after you've stablized the assets. Also, reduce your costs if possible. A young man like you has no need for six properties and fifteen cars. I would talk to them about selling those assests.

You want to keep it safe and simple right now.

Also, eventually try to be like pic related

paypal: engle.timothy@gmail.com

Don't forget about me OP

>> No.538948

Likely an official transfer of funds into your name, full list of accounts and access to all of them. They will probably offer to continue managing the money for you which, in my opinion, isn't a bad idea. This is a lot of money for anybody to come into, let alone somebody with next to zero market knowledge.

>> No.538952

OP yeah those guys are really going to try and suck the money from you, try and consult with someone else about this issue before you meet with them, but it's going to be really tough. You need to educate yourself and educate yourself HARD

ALSO, for the love of GOD OP, MAKE A WILL NOW. I know it's going to be hard thinking about this but you're not only extremely important now (as an asset, not a person), but you're also going to be bombarded with people trying to get a piece of your money. If anything, try what some of the people here have said before you, real estate goes a long way - consolidating your assets is also imperative.

It's going to be tough, OP. Try and not squander what your grandpa did, try to figure out his level of involvement, and then go from there. God speed.

>> No.539143

If this is all true, you should take the time to educate yourself on economics, and use the knowledge to create even more wealth.

>> No.539441

GET MORE MILLIONS. You can make history.

I started to open my own company 2 weeks ago. Under my own risk. Im 23
so Im a little poor this days.
It will be okay if i can have 2$/day for food. (Its enough in my country)

>> No.539447
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>mfw everyone is actually begging this nigerian prince for money

>> No.539450

damn man
here i am at 23 wanting to kill myself because i can't afford to goto school and you just got the easy life.
pursue your dreams, work in a field you're truly passionate about, place a good portion of it towards retirement already

>> No.539454

hi OP this is /biz/'s resident loli

I'm a virgin right now but I would give myself to you in return for having a loving, meaningful relationship and looking out for your finances. no worries, I have already bought a couple dozen equities in consumer staples so I don't need your money :3c

>> No.539457

hey OP, how about you buy some pandacoin, get the train running.

>> No.539470


Hey op,


I got an inheritance in the six figures when my pops passed away. He was a policeman, and he never wanted to be rich. When I used to tell him about how I thought it would be nice to be rich, he told me that he didn't want the problems with being rich. Specifically, he didn't want to win the lottery for fear of home invaders and kidnappers. As such, my first recommendation is to make sure you are safe. You need to find a way to ensure that you aren't going to be harmed for your money.

Secondly, my pops drank himself to an early grave because he retired with a pension at a young age. He sat around all day thinking about the 'glory days' drinking nice drinks. He wasn't a wino. He was about as highclass an alcoholic as a guy can be.

Myself, I'm a certified ethical hacker and forensic analyst with a degree and a bunch of certs like CISSP, CEH, GCFA, GSEC, etc. These certs will never get me the amount of money you inherited, but it pays the bills and lets me have a fun job that I never want to quit.

So, don't fall into the same trap my pops did. Find something that is your hobby and make it something you want to spend the rest of your life doing.

If you love the outdoors, but some land and live off of it. If you want to be an artist or musician, do that. If you want to get into computer security drop me a line at canucklechuckles@gmail.com.

Good luck op.


>> No.540050

Bro, there is good advice here >>537372
And more, my 2 cents are these.
Watch business shows, Shark Tank, The Profit (Marcus Lemonis), Bar Rescue for example. This will show you about the mentality of people with and without money in a fun and entertaining way. And incredibly, will give you some business savvy.
Study business/finance and specislize in a unique field, where you cam make greatmimpact and develop a name for you.
Dont think about your inheritance as money, think about it as options and a pillow in which to land if you fall on hard times during your learning process in business/finance. Eventually you will learn a lot about managing money, and will be very well equiped to use yoir own money, meanwhile, be frugal.
You have given a great opportunity to become whatever you want to be, and your life could be an Example or a warning, choose from the advice here, and good luck.

>> No.540064
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>mfw beta owner cries and actually did it

>> No.540190


too bad, EE is pretty interesting.

>> No.540195

i'm interested in stock broking, how are you learning to do it?

>> No.540200


You should save half, invest 25%, and live your dreams with the remaining 25%.

You should also buy 10k worth of PND.

>> No.540204

If true, this is an awesome scenario for you; fucking crazy.

A lot of my family has debt problems. Not to sound harsh, but I would try and keep this as big a secret as humanly possible. If my family ever found out I had that much money, they would flock to me like vultures and harass me to fix their financial problems. I barely have money now and my cousins or aunts are always looking for a handout.

But like a lot of people have said in this thread, take care of the money. It's tough because there are very few, but try and find a trustworthy adviser or manager to help you manage your funds and assets.

With all that money, you can literally do whatever you want as a career. You now have the luxury of doing whatever you want as a career and don't have to worry about making a dime. You like helping retarded children? Become a special needs provider. You like juggling and scaring children? Join the circus; it doesn't fucking matter. Do whatever you think will make you happy.

Good luck Anon. Don't fuck it up.

>> No.540205



You should use the shekels to build an empire, not live like a lazy fucking degenerate doing drugs all day and wasting oxygen.

If I got that kind of money, I wouldn't even try to live like a richfag. I would live in a normal house, drive a normal car, and work hard as if I needed to do it to survive.

I would use my grandfathers money to build factories, and what ever the fuck I wanted to as a side hobby.

Last fucking thing I would want is, and I bet the last thing my grandfather would want is for me to marry some gold digger whore who only wants me for money, raise a bunch of snoby nosed little liberal faggots who waste your grandfather's hard earned money to pay for their 100k/year wymyn's studies major.

>> No.540236

70 million is a lot to most people.

But for the actual elite it really isn't. For most people they have to be incredibly lucky to go from upper or middle class to the elite.

You don't. You could invest conservatively and still be a billionaire if you're patient enough.

>> No.540246

my advise:
-don't tell anyone about it (family/ women)
-get ready for a lawsuit and a challenge to the will from your family, they are probably gonna say gramps was crazy when making will etc. Not telling them how much he actually gave you is smart.
-don't get rid of the businesses but take a tour over the next couple weeks or summon the head bosses to come visit you
-still apply for university (you can defer enrollment by a year or two and explain your situation to them)
-Go into something related to the businesses you now own that will be practical.

also don't change your habits too much at once and don't get a taste

>> No.540302

I'd freak out from the stress if I had that type of money.

I'm glad I don't. my net worth is -20k and it's going to feel good working my way out of that debt and building my own wealth.

>> No.540319

definately get a degree, maybe two or even three, but take your time, do it slow and enjoy, learning just for the sake of learning is one of the best things in life

>> No.540334

Online research, reading some of Buffets books, The Intelligent Investor, The Indomitable Investor and paper trading before I put any real money down. So far all my stocks are on the NASDAQ, I know, mistake, bust still seeing good profits despite a recently down NASDAQ. I have screen shots and other things to prove. Frankly, I just pick good companies. Only have a few atm. Half are growth investments, the other half are long term investments in stable companies.

>> No.540358

Well, I can't offer any advice because I have nothing even relate-able.

I might as well ask, for money or even advice from you.
The repeat of what most people said, do what you feel makes you happy. Most people, from what I read, have dreams and goals of doing big things, but never have the ability to pay for them or have the time to dedicate towards that goal. Don't go wild with the money, though it seems like you already know that since you came here.

I would go for electrical engineering as well. Sound fun.

>> No.540520
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At first, I was cool after reading the OP, being happy for OP's fortune. Then, this happened. I can't even imagine all the work and catching up you need to do 'to be in the game.' Fuck. You're basically catching up to your grandfather's lifespan.

I wouldn't want this big amount of money suddenly passing down to me. I just wish the staff of your grandpops are all cool people and not just who stayed with him cause he was an oldfuck.

>> No.540532 [DELETED] 

Dear /op/ if you really did lose your relative I am sorry for your loss.

Also if you could spare some chump change for a student looking for a job to buy some business suits would be amazingly epic.

Like I just need enough to get 1-2 outfits for interviews and maybe some shoes.

Currently working in construction because my dad died and I needed to stop going to school full time to work part time to help out with bills.

I literally have nobody else to ask and feel like a peasant even asking on 4chan but you just fell into some insane levels of cash.

When I get a job I will pay it forward I swear.

Paypal email is nadroid2012@gmail.com

P.S. sorry for asking but this is what making 100 dollars a day for 12-14 hours of work among people who cannot even speak english has reduced me too.

>> No.540538


>getting multiple degrees


>> No.540575

>mfw I just over an hour trying to write a post requesting funds for my 3rd world uncle's own uni dream
Fuck this shit. Nothing great ever happens on 4chan. Should've seen it coming, shouldn't have even bothered.

I want my hours back ;_;

but yo, fuck it. if a santa claus exist please drop me a mail at unianon@openaliasbox.org

>> No.540578


Wow, OP. Crazy story. Sorry for your loss. Do something to make people remember your grandpa as thanks to him. Stay away from your family for a bit and don't tell them how much you got.

Meet with the big wheels handling your grandpa's (and now your) fortune. Be confident and assertive but don't be afraid to listen to their advice.

Delay university until you get a handle on everything, but do actually go and study and enjoy the university environment.

Invest wisely and improve the world.

I'm also a poor EE major right now, but I'll make it and improve the world one day. If you wanna toss some help my way, I'd appreciate it. ;)

paypal: genericcultcomic@gmail.com

>> No.540627

I'm 20, majoring in Finance and I'll have my master's in Finance with a specialization in risk management by the time I'm 23. By that time if you don't know what to do next, I could probably give you some advice. But for now, don't screw up.

>> No.540643

I would have thought that begging would be against the rules or something here.

>> No.540650

wow /biz/ is slow.
anyway OP I would suggest you learn about economics, and more about your grandpa's business, then see if you could potentially do something with it.

>> No.541205

hahaha yeah, love Taffer's way of being a straight shooter gving rough love everywhere.
Still I find it incredible that some owners are so stuck on their ways, that, even with things going better, they return to their old shit and sink their ship. season 2 episode 1, Pirates bar for example, got really turned around into the Corporation, and the place was awesome, but the owner decided that her idea was better and returned to losing money, ended bringing her familia to live with her parents

>> No.541271

My grandpa would give all of us kids a $1k u.s. savings bond every year for christmas so that was basically our inheritance from him, he left the lions share to my aunt, uncle, and mom, who have basically squandered it.
I recently inherited about $45k USD from my grandmother who I basically never met and retired to Australia (dads side is originally britfags) she was a really nice lady though.

>> No.541929

It's good to be a Jew sometimes.

>> No.541958

Not OP, obviously, but does your place of work have any open positions?

I'm an ex-Hyper-V/VMware admin with a lot of infosec skills but all the jobs in IT in my area are either Clearance-only (very few places hire NPS, they don't want to pay for a clearance) or completely out of my range of skills.

I know my way around Kali and have pretty good understanding of ROP. I've deployed more defensive techniques than anything so I'm hoping to find a position that is more Red Team....deploying EMET gets old after awhile

Is it cool if I email you my resume?

>> No.541983


Could any of you two give out any advice how to go about learning this stuff? Doing at the moment CS and would love to go into the security industry. Therefore asking now people like you who could give out advice - have nothing to lose. Would really appreciate it.

>> No.542363

He picked you for a reason
He didnt pick someon like the anons here who say fuck work school, just pop pills etc
Go to school, why not.
You can accomplish anything you want now, but dont feel like accomplishing nothing will be a good path, in the end you are a man meant out to go out and conquer. Now you have been givin the best weapons, time to train your body and mind

>> No.542388

Just invest it safely and live off the interest, enjoy those properties and cars. Don't spend any.

>> No.542391

>in the end you are a man meant out to go out and conquer

Don't listen to people who say shit like this, they're full of shit.

Do whatever you want.

>> No.542396

Lol at all the leeches begging for money posting their email.

>> No.542437

are you really that stupid ? u think 71 million dollars will cure cancer ? otherwise Bill Gates would have already found the cure for ur retardness

>> No.542453

Hey just hoping this is real, I know being careful with money is a big thing so obviously do that but treat the money with the same respect you do to you grandfather and don't see yourself to be a better person than other people respect other people as well OP

>> No.542502


I know what it feels to lose your grandfather, it killed me back when it happened and now, 19 fucking years later, it still hurts like a motherfucker.

I can't give you much advice on how to invest or spend your inheritance, or even if and what you should study. I can tell you this though: live your life so your grandfather can be proud of you. Live your life based on your thoughts, ideals and morals, and honor the man who gave you pretty good cards early in life by making him proud, wherever he may be. That is all.