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53729596 No.53729596 [Reply] [Original]

Billionaires hate this ONE trick

>> No.53729617

Just don't eat goyim lmao

>> No.53729630

If a total civilisational collapse means zero meals per day, does skipping breakfast means we're 1/3 of the way there?

>> No.53729648


>> No.53729649

fasting is good for you, if anything it's
>keep eating goyim you definitely need 3 meals a day everyday of your short life, don't forget to tip!

>> No.53729710

Just don't eat goy lmao.

>> No.53729779

eating takes away from being productive, look at all the roasties that were laid off because they couldn't stop eating all day at work

>> No.53729831

you got rubin'd dumb goy

>> No.53729850
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But I'm bulking right now

>> No.53729862

I don't know, maybe it's something impossible to do for a wagie, but I wake up at 3PM, I just ate a banana, a yogurt, a snack or something drinking a tea and I basically skip breakfast and/or lunch. I also save a lot of time cooking, eating, washing dishes etc.

>> No.53729876

But I did have breakfast

>> No.53729885

Breakfast is whatever your first meal of the day is so if you are a NEET that wakes up in the middle of the night to eat junk food, that is your breakfast. You are not as cool as you imagine you are in your head.

>> No.53729906
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pro tip... DO NOT SHARE with non fren.....save more by skipping lunch/dinner

>> No.53729927
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Eating is an event in almost every culture. That's the time you spend resting, reflecting, and/or socializing with your close ones.
Consuming food as if you are an animal is disgusting .

>> No.53729952

I work night shift, my breakfast is at 8pm.

>> No.53730046

go back newfag

>> No.53730165

How fat are you?

>> No.53730251

NEETs need a really low amount of calories to survive.
Breakfast/Lunch as I said (a fruit, a yogurt, a tea), then I eat dinner around 9 PM, the only real meal of the day. Now it's 5:35 in Europe, I'm probably going to sleep in an a coupe of hours but I'm not hungry.
Eventually I could eat dried fruit as snack but it's not even necessary and my BMI is 19.

>> No.53730281

I thought this was a joke...
it's clickbait, ovbiously

>> No.53730288

Americans are fat as fuck, not shoveling 3 big Macs and an 800 calorie iced coffee down their throats while they drive their truck to their wage cage would actually be great advice for them

>> No.53730328

>getting this defensive

>> No.53730354
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>> No.53730361

theyre pushing this because intermittent fasting has been shown to dramatically decrease the effectiveness of the spike protein

>> No.53730363

It's not a bad advice. The average American man consumes more than 3600 calories/day (2017 data)

>> No.53730472

Pfft imagine having 3 meals a day I have 2 sandwiches for lunch and that's it.