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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53726941 No.53726941 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a place like /biz/ but without all the poorfags, /pol/tards and /r9k/cels?

>> No.53726956

crypto twitter is pretty cool

>> No.53726984

Yeah I know I use it a lot right now but I prefer a image board. Crypto twitter is just way to fucking big.

>> No.53727257

idk, i don't really like discord telegram or reddit

>> No.53727289

Telegram and discord can be good but only with a small group of people.

>> No.53727300

So not really like /biz/ at all then?

>> No.53727393
File: 1.36 MB, 3448x1204, D3C0FD6C-83D9-4682-AEBC-A45194C7B96E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize most ETH and LINK anons from 2014-2017 were also racist and nerdy and had incel vibes, right? If anything you retarded normalniggers don’t understand that it should be expected to be as standoffish to retard normalniggers like yourselves in order to protect the community. Yes /pol/ has become inundated with retards too, and yes /r9k/ was a lot more comfy than it is now - but you are actual garbage trash - fresh off the boat from Reddit and twitter and you think because you’re brown skin it’s not okay to make fun of you. If you were actually on 4chan before 2015 you’d shut the fuck up about the racism or sexism and you’d just deal with it. But you’re some retard who came after you found 4chan on Facebook.

If you came to 4chan after 2010 you should kill yourself, literally. If you came to 4chan after 2006 you deal with being called cancer. It’s that simple:

SHUT THE FUCK UP. Fuck, normalniggers are below any negroid or monkey /pol/ could make fun of. Anything leftychuds could use as an insult will always be worse than being a normalnigger.

>> No.53727423

Will always be better than being a normalnigger*

>> No.53727444
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>> No.53727454


>> No.53727476
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Yes twitter sounds more your speed, retard.

>> No.53727615
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>> No.53727732

>words, words, words
Not gonna read anything your wrote. I want to talk about crypto and not how da ebil jooz did xy or how anon can't get laid etc.