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53720407 No.53720407 [Reply] [Original]

You guys excited? Great short opportunity. They are tossing around a $10B valuation.


>> No.53720427

im going to print so hard on puts and dab on redditors

>> No.53720428

What would be a realistic valuation of reddit? I figure they must have a decent profit margin considering their jannies work for free.

>> No.53720442

>create bot accounts
>spam every default board child pornography

>> No.53720444

1/4 of twitter's value apparently

>> No.53720492

reddit is a worth a lot. the influence it yields is incredible. the entire site is a controlled psyop that is turning the entirety of younger generations into trannies and faggots, and brainwashing them with whatever propaganda that they choose to serve to them. the thing that makes reddit so sinister is that nobody can tell that the entire thing is controlled, so they really think that every person holds the same viewpoints as them so the social pressure to conform is immense

i would say $10b is fair.

>> No.53720522

nice fundamental analysis. all based on intangibles. 10/10 would subscribe to your schizo investing podcast

>> No.53720545

Can't wait to long and then short this piece of shit to oblivion.

>> No.53720591
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Confession time. I sometimes use reddit to research products I am interested in. Yes I know there are paid shills and bots.

>> No.53720608

if you make an account they log every link you click through on the site with a reference and sell your browsing metrics to advertisers btw. don't make an account, block all trackers, use extensions to manage what parts of that website you interact with. I guarantee you that if it IPOs that the saudis will buy 7-15%

>> No.53720617

You’re right for the most part, normalniggers and their considerations who scoff at you really do not matter in the slightest.

>> No.53720625

a good rule for IPOs is to buy them after a 50% retracement of listing price, in this case I'd like to be short from listing and will cover at a 50% retrace. Nearly all IPOs do a 50% retrace, check some charts for yourselves.

>> No.53720638

do you have much experience shorting? you need to wait 30 days from IPO. a lot of stocks will have retraced by that time and be careful of FOMO

>> No.53720728
File: 6 KB, 225x225, redditsilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Saudis

>> No.53720744

sauds own 7% of nintendo but for some reason harry potter murders queer people or some shit

>> No.53720797
File: 118 KB, 646x441, reddit_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly manipulate content on Reddit to promote certain things. Here's a quick guide. They say they have controls to prevent mass upvoting, but they're not really that strong. All you need is an initial push to stay on the front page. As long as the IPs are unique and the accounts have some age, there's nothing that will stop you. The second thing is to consider local and niche subs. The jannies there are not as active and you can easily pump stuff to the top which will get a ton of eyeballs. Lastly, I have other accounts which will mass report articles as "low quality sources" which baits the pseuds hard into deleting my competition articles. Don't forget the power of negative advertising, I promote shitcoins on /r/buttcoin all the time and it leads to hundreds of thousands of views.

>> No.53720877

>I promote shitcoins on /r/buttcoin all the time and it leads to hundreds of thousands of views.
i made fun of gold once on buttcoin and some faggot mod wrote a 8 paragraph essay then banned me so I couldn't reply back

>> No.53721117

Depends on the broker, the 30 day rule applies to the underwriters. It is expensive to burrow shares during that 30 day lockup time however.

>> No.53721227

Jannies will unionize. Ever thought of that?
Imagine hordes of jannies holding signs that says
"we are not dogs!"
"jannies fight for the jannies' right!"
"Brazilian jannies for worldwide jannies! #solidarity #janny"

>> No.53721389

Hes right, you faggot. Information is the most valuable commodity on earth after time. Controlling the public square is more important than money in our paradigm. Look at how the twitter board initially refused to sell to musk for a higher price per share than the stock was trading at.

>> No.53721414

Reddit management gives them a 10% raise, sadly 10% of zero is zero.

>> No.53721516

twitter didn't refuse, musk signed a fucking contract saying he would and then he went on a big tirade trying to get the price down. the twitter board dragged him into court kicking and screaming and forced him to pay the higher price he had agreed upon. information is useless if you can't execute on it and trying to put a number on it is retarded if you can't at least explain your reasoning. how will they leverage this info? what is their plan? how will it produce value/growth? something needs to back a $10B valuation and I'm not seeing how reddit of all websites is producing $500M in cash flow per year.

>> No.53721561

It's one of the top 20 sites on the internet. It's where the opinions of the masses of normalfags are formed. That's worth more than $10 billion even if the site runs at a loss.

>> No.53721568

please explain your reasoning

>> No.53721680

the people who will want to own it also own companies that sell tranny surgery which is very expensive so the site itself doesnt need to make money, only to psyop people into being trannies. there are a huge list of value add crossovers for a broad based investor in the economy, not just tranny surgery btw

>> No.53721702

>the entire site is a controlled psyop that is turning the entirety of younger generations into trannies and faggots,
Did you get mixed up with 4chan? Reddit has nothing on this place in terms of faggotry.

>> No.53721778

public not private. this is an IPO. show me value. I need to understand where the value comes from, not some nebulous bs about pagerank and conspiracy

>> No.53721954

Same. For a site so heavily compromised by shills it's one of the few places to find organic information about stuff I need to buy.

>making an account
>not recognizing shill/affiliate content
The problem isn't that we're getting tricked by bots and affiliates it's that on other platforms (like amazon) there isn't a single genuine review to go off of.

>> No.53722003

>10b for plebbit
What is a fair evaluation for 4chan when gookmoot needs some money?

>> No.53722092

if you think amazon is bad, you should see steam. they manipulate the ratings out in the open and people seem to welcome it. imagine if amazon turned on "enchanced moderation" or whatever when a product made people angry and hid all but the most recent reviews. the melding of social media and product pages is the most bullshit thing in the world and consumer protection laws should have kicked in ages ago to nip that in the bud

>> No.53722194

Arab countries have their inbred, shit-stained fingers in a bunch of different pies. Leadership in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc know the oil won't last forever and, in a quite rare prescient move for their people, have begun dumping that oil money into wealth funds. For instance I think the Saudis also own a double-digit portion of Lidl

>> No.53722979

>the thing that makes reddit so sinister is that nobody can tell that the entire thing is controlled, so they really think that every person holds the same viewpoints as them so the social pressure to conform is immense

Is there any chance that an IPO would actually force more transparency onto reddit. I started browsing reddit in 2008 or 2009 and by 2013 it had gone to shit. I still use it sometimes, but only for certain niche communities. It's not a place for political discussion in any form, you'll just get permabanned.

The worst thing about reddit is that no users even know how it works anymore. From the beginning until like 2012 or 2013, your upvotes and downvotes actually mattered. The number of upvotes you saw on a post was the total number of upvotes minus the total number of downvotes. Then they changed it and made it "fuzzy" so that it didn't display the exact number of upvotes/downvotes, but an aggregate number that is based on the total number. This was ostensibly done to combat bots, but the reality is that it makes the site easier to control for admins.

It's really insane when you think about how much reddit changed in just 10 or 11 years. Back in 2012, Ron Paul was regularly upvoted to the top of reddit. Redditors were doing "money bombs" to fundraise for Ron Paul. Subreddits like r/fatpeoplehate were also incredibly popular at the time. The jailbait subs/porn subs and r/coontown really weren't ever big, but it was cool that reddit explicitly supported free speech and allowed those communities to exist.

After 2013 with all the Ellen Pao stuff it just became faggot tranny central station. Libtards go there to get marching orders and then disseminate. Normies who are retards go on reddit and think that they are seeing normie opinions, not hyper leftist opinions. It's a shame. We must do everything possible to lower the value of the stock

>> No.53723040

>Great short opportunity
you niggers are straight up retarded, just because you do not like reddit does not mean their IPO will dump. They're one of the most popular websites on the internet.

>> No.53723133

that's why I said that. it might pop but short term the market measures sentiment, but longer term it measures fundamentals. if it pops it will eventually come back down to reality because there is no cashflow to support the value, there is no growth narrative to support multiples. the website is mature. they don't do heavy B2B. there is no money. they already have reddit gold/blue checkmarks. what more can/will they do? once they IPO investors might want to see changes and change is often disruptive to the community. I don't think social media especially reddit is a good choice long term. where is their facebook like button? the ad network? they aren't adtech like other firms. they're simply a forum with user metric collection

>> No.53723157

The fact of the matter is, we need to be doing everything possible to make the stock dump hard upon opening. Whatever it takes. I hate reddit with every fiber of my being. I want that site destroyed. They have banned over 20 of my accounts over the years, all for political purposes/wrongthink. Not once did I ever intentionally break the rules, use racial slurs, spam the site, or anything. I would just argue in my local subreddit and then get permabanned without warning for "creating drama" which is against the rules. And mods never specify what "creating drama" entails. Plenty of arguments and disagreements happen in the subreddit, that's what discussion boards and comment sections are for. But basically if you're winning an argument and no one can prove you wrong and they don't like what you're arguing...then you get permabanned, not just from the subreddit, but the whole site. And you can't just create a new username because they track IPs and then ban the new account.

I literally pay for a VPN that I use primarily to post on reddit and create new usernames when my old ones get banned. I hate the moderation team to the core. I found the identity of one of the local mods, and if I ever ran into them in public I would yell at them and maybe even dump a beer on them if I was at a bar or something. I'd cause a scene and make them scared. Is there any way we could pay homeless people to sit in front of reddit headquarters and shoot meth and masturbate all day? I want their employees to be uncomfortable, all the time

>> No.53723232

Who knows man, it could literally go either way. Data is the most valuable commodity in the world and due to the number of users they have they have collected TONS of it.
>I hate the site so much that I pay for a VPN to use it!
Just fucking don't use it you goddamned ape. (you) can do literally nothing to cause the stock price to go one way or another.

>> No.53723285

>Data is the most valuable commodity in the world and due to the number of users they have they have collected TONS of it.
stop it with this bullshit it's the same as tesla fags being like "hurr durr they're not a car company they're a technology company" actually base your words on something other than meaningless bullshit buzzwords. seriously. compare them to their peers, come up with a fair explanation for your valuation. what is your investment thesis? zoomers are fucking retards.

>> No.53723309

>(you) can do literally nothing to cause the stock price to go one way or another.

but perhaps together we can. IMO getting the band back together and doing the loic cannon or whatever on a mass scale would be worth it. Or maybe we could somehow hack reddit and make it so the front page was all nazi shit and gore vids? Idk, I just want reddit to go away, it's genuinely one of the worst websites online.

Not only does the moderation suck, but reddit also heavily contributed to the destruction of traditional web forums, way more so than 4chan did. Tons of niche forums over the years totally subsumed by reddit. There needs to be some kind of concerted action to destroy and weaken that website

>> No.53723320

This, I lurk sales subs for computer parts deals and tools etc

>> No.53723426

I use reddit and tip strangers ironically

>> No.53723461

This is a big part of it. Reddit is legitimately one of the most powerful social engineering tools available for Millenials and generations following them. It isn't the only one, but it is highly influential and great at what it does. If Reddit tells hipster types to drink piss, they're drinking piss. If it tells them cars are bad, cars are bad. Given the need for an increased control over the population due to rapidly deteriorating conditions for most people, Reddit is going to be a tool that will come in handy.

>> No.53723565

I don't have a valuation faggot, I'm saying that just because 4chan users hate reddit does not mean the price will tank. I don't have a valuation. People like the site, a shitload of people use the fucking site, advertisers drool for the kind of consoomer userbase & niche communities that reddit houses.

Are you seriously trying to LOIC DDOS the reddit servers? Or 'hack' it? Jesus christ

>> No.53723656

>40 replies
>25% from same faggot

>> No.53723790

>Are you seriously trying to LOIC DDOS the reddit servers? Or 'hack' it? Jesus christ

Me personally? No, but I want that to happen, because I hate reddit and what they've done to society. It's not even a good site anymore. Reddit calls itself "The Front Page of The Internet" and back from like 2008-2012 or 2013 it was true. You would see stories, news articles, videos, memes, and plenty of stuff on Reddit before you'd see it on facebook or any news site or any other forum. Due to how the algorithm worked, it really felt like you saw the best new content online right away, before most other people did.

Then by the time Trump was running for president that changed. That's when I began to see memes and stories and content on facebook about a day or two before I'd see them on reddit. The site started going downhill in 2012/2013 and by 2016 it was absolute garbage. And yet somehow it keeps gaining users and growing as a website. When I was in college a decade ago, most people did not know what reddit was. If I told a classmate of mine that I wasted free time browsing reddit, they wouldn't know what that was, and just mentioning it would be weird. The only normies who knew about reddit were hyper lib normies because Jon Stewart would talk about reddit and shill it on The Daily Show.

Now everyone knows about reddit. My truck driver friend browses reddit on his phone on his downtime.

>> No.53723796

bout tree fiddy
gookmoot already whored out for ads, he's getting as much as he could as is without rendering this shit hole literally unbrowsable, and I bet you it's still "losing"

>> No.53723815

It also begs the question of how much more can reddit grow? What's the point of an IPO now? Would've been great 10 years ago, or before they were bought by Conde Nast. But now? How much more can the site grow? Who is not using reddit that they want to rope in for growth purposes?

>> No.53723922

>I don't have a valuation faggot, I'm saying that just because 4chan users hate reddit does not mean the price will tank.
I'm saying that if they IPO at $10B it will tank. retard

>> No.53723950

WSB is gonna short this into the ground. They should IPO below value and fuck em over THAT would be funny

>> No.53724130

Boomers and browns

>> No.53724839

Horrible investment. As a basic user, I can't post anything without AutoMod banning me. If you have wrong think, every sub bans you, and the threat of 10,000 trannies to dox and fire you from your job. Why the fuck would I join that site. Don't forget about the powermod trannies. It's disgusting how inorganic that site has become. Anything organic gets shutdown and reinvented in their corporate image. Fuck that site. The only subs worth posting in are under 1,000 users. When a sub gets too big, the original mod team gets removed and a powermod joins the sub. Rip fatpeoplehate

>> No.53724866

35k MOON wallet here. Literally $10,000 for shitposting. Howbaut you, biz? LOL LOOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.53724912
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Imagine working at a for profit company for free. Let me walk into mcdonalds and apply to clean the toilets and when they tell me about the pay I tell them to keep it I'll do it for free.

>> No.53726499

>Boomers and browns

they've already been on reddit for like the past 5 years. My boomer father has reddit on his phone for fuck's sake

>> No.53726518

>Horrible investment. As a basic user, I can't post anything without AutoMod banning me. If you have wrong think, every sub bans you, and the threat of 10,000 trannies to dox and fire you from your job. Why the fuck would I join that site. Don't forget about the powermod trannies. It's disgusting how inorganic that site has become. Anything organic gets shutdown and reinvented in their corporate image. Fuck that site. The only subs worth posting in are under 1,000 users. When a sub gets too big, the original mod team gets removed and a powermod joins the sub. Rip fatpeoplehate

this is why reddit sucks. The only value is trying to game the system if you're a content creator or trying to sell some product then shilling it in the comments. There's no value in discussions. It's pointless to try to discuss anything with people. Even if it's something non political if you go against the hivemind too much (like not liking new star wars or some shit) they'll eventually ban you for that too

>> No.53726680

it is a good place for content creators, but how do you possibly monetize that as a business? they already sell ads. they don't police the behavior. it used to be against "rediquette" on their rules to have a vested interest in the subject of a board you moderate, now that's out the window. brands manage their own forums just like they're facebook pages. reddit still hasn't figured out how to monetize that nor has facebook really. facebook leverages adtech which reddit does not have. the forum is very opinionated so running brands on there is always a tightrope walk I imagine unless your pornhub for some reason they simp for them. maybe just make sure you only get bimbos to interact with the site if you want white knight simp protection for your brand.

>> No.53726727

the only value is ama's and now thats dead because hollywood is too

>> No.53726831

>it is a good place for content creators, but how do you possibly monetize that as a business?

Onlyfans girls post nudes on r/gonewild, then you click their profile and see link to OF. That's probably the most common and egregious.

You also have regular youtube and twitch creators who post clips in the hopes of getting upvoted and more people finding out about their channel.

People post shirts or whatever that they make, and then if it gets upvoted a lot there's someone in comments going "omg where can I get one" and someone else (prob OP under alt) posts link to their site.

It's a lot of that sort of thing

>> No.53726846

I meant as reddit/facebook how do you monetize it properly

>> No.53726911
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Can't wait to own a little slice of Americana. Feels good.

>> No.53726922

digits and it tanks and a bunch of redditors lose a shitload of money and post kino suicidal threads and stories about losing all their money

>> No.53726951

you jinxed it, nigger

>> No.53727025

A lot of Reddit's traffick comes from Elgin AFB.


>> No.53727077
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my internet traffic goes through there. it's just a government hub to watch everything. don't worry about it.
also reddit
>middle of covid
>everyone stuck online
>ads through the roof
>wow ad revenue up 90% since last quarter
>pump investors for money
>$6b valuation
now look at what has happened to ad revenue since 2021 kek. it has imploded. that valuation was built on a lot of hope of growth which most definitely didn't materialize considering the environment. be careful, will be interesting to see what the numbers actually are when they have to present everything at IPO. I am betting it is not even worth the $3b it was valued at during the previous round.

>> No.53727450

I'm entirely certain this site is only still up to corral the uncontrolled terrorists and to harvest terrorists for false flag operations. I bet he's getting at least double digit millions from at least one glow agency or another. If that wasn't the case someone, or even a group of liberal minded individuals would buy it just to shut it down. Google wouldn't show it in any of the results, like infinity Chan.

>> No.53727550

Idk how much space they have to grow exactly but ads are pretty scarce on the site.

>> No.53727884

Every time I see some crazy poster on Reddit it’s a fucking tranny. Every single time. I can literally tell before I even click the profile now. I’ll guess tranny, then sure enough…

>> No.53728028

Reddit will become a subsidiary of the FBI the same way twitter is, where they charge government agencies to process their takedown requests of politics that they don't like.

>> No.53728041
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Ghislaine Maxwell was a Reddit powermod

>> No.53728075


>> No.53728092

>rely on unpaid moderators to do most of the work on your site
>10b valuation

lol, good luck

>> No.53728100

I mean to the same scale.

>> No.53728434

Reddit is slowly dying, thats what happens when you move outside of your core market share of young white males

>> No.53728482


>> No.53728713

>I meant as reddit/facebook how do you monetize it properly

they sell ads and the ads look like reddit posts. They know exactly what each user likes/upvotes, thus they can drive extremely targeted ads to users. All social media is doing this, but reddit arguably has more user data than most.

>Idk how much space they have to grow exactly but ads are pretty scarce on the site.

reddit also generates money by redditors literally paying money for "reddit gold" and the like.

>Reddit is slowly dying, thats what happens when you move outside of your core market share of young white males

it sucks because the general interface of reddit is pretty good. The only downside was that comments always favor the most normie and mainstream opinions, but it was okay because you could sort by controversial or just scroll and read all comments anyway. Now the mods and admins simply permaban if they don't like you. The whole thing makes downvotes pointless. What's the point of downvoting to show disapproval/irrelevance when mods just ban all those people and delete those posts anyway?

>> No.53728728

>they sell ads and the ads look like reddit posts. They know exactly what each user likes/upvotes, thus they can drive extremely targeted ads to users. All social media is doing this, but reddit arguably has more user data than most.
they already do that with abysmal results. have you looked at their organic ads?

>> No.53728762

Everyone knows it is a scam and still everyone is going to fall for it again.
Why does this always work and how can I profit from this?

>> No.53728789

easiest way is to be the company doing the IPO. the IPO is always the endgame.
I wonder if paying influencers on social media could be monetized by a social media company directly. that is how I think you could monetize the site in a way it hasn't been done before and show growth and also capture some of the revenue that is being left behind since those deals happen off the platform.

>> No.53728792

thats highly inflated.
most of the reddit userbase will be dying before 2030 as they are huge vaxxies.
currently with this insider info priced in the company isn't even worth $2.5B IF that.

>> No.53728842

how do I short this

>> No.53728957

It doesn't matter to faggot investors if that influence isn't monetized in faggoty quarterly earnings reports

>> No.53729161

>I wonder if paying influencers on social media could be monetized by a social media company directly. that is how I think you could monetize the site in a way it hasn't been done before and show growth and also capture some of the revenue that is being left behind since those deals happen off the platform.

the real problem is that reddit is stuck in the past. It was a truly great website in 2008 and 2009. It had all the best parts of Digg without the shitty parts. Great for text posts, images/memes, and even mp4 or webm video clips eventually. But that's about it, and video stuff still doesn't always work well. On a computer you need to download the extension "reddit enhancement suite" for the site to work properly. Personally I just think the people who work at reddit suck dick. Like, if you're living in the Bay Area, and you work at reddit (lmao), you're only there because you couldn't get a job at FAANG companies or Twitter. Working for Reddit is unironically less prestigious even than working for Uber or Doordash (on the dev/corporate side). As a result, reddit sucks. The Reddit App itself genuinely sucks. Third party apps like Reddit is Fun (RiF) are way better.

Even on a computer...going to reddit.com fucking sucks and it's practically unnavigable. You have to go to old.reddit.com just to view the site in its original configuration, which is more suited for PC usage. Basically a few years ago reddit revamped the whole site to look better on mobile, and as a result it looks like shit on a computer unless you use old.reddit

All of that just makes me think it's a shitty platform. I don't have tiktok, but it's clear that tiktok is way more addictive than reddit, and arguably has better content. And that's really the problem with reddit. It was never designed for OC. It was designed as a content aggregator.

Even funnier though is that to non-reddit using normies...it's as bad as 4chan

>> No.53729194
File: 174 KB, 800x798, D2CA45C8-C1AE-48EC-92DF-D7915838334F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan IPO when?

>> No.53729224

>It doesn't matter to faggot investors if that influence isn't monetized in faggoty quarterly earnings reports

the most hilarious aspect of this is that reddit's content moderation will ultimately be what destroys it. Just like how moderation killed old web forums whos users flocked to 4chan, reddit, and similar sites in the late 2000s in order to escape over-moderation on smaller forums.

Anything truly funny and entertaining is edgy. Anything edgy is then banned on reddit so as not to offend the masses of normies. A number of years ago there was r/incels on reddit, and it was one of the greatest subreddits of all time. It was banned and then replaced with r/braincels, which was nearly as good.

I'm not an incel, though I sympathize, and both of those subreddits were extremely hilarious, with some of the funniest memes and posts I've ever seen on the internet. The entire virgin vs chad memes were basically birthed there. That's good content. That's the kind of thing that reddit should be fostering to draw in new users and high quality creators. But instead they ban that shit.

It's no coincidence that the only edgy and interesting subreddits are those that are ostensibly mocking conservatives or right wingers. r/terriblefacebookmemes is where you go if you want redpilled content on reddit. Before that it was r/therightcantmeme or some other similar subreddit.

>> No.53729233
File: 109 KB, 1200x669, cm9jay5qcGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are making the mistake of thinking that the people buying the stock are interested in earnings reports. the buyers will be people interested in yielding influence on the platform.

>> No.53729266

The best thing that could happen to reddit is they sell it to some giga billionaire like Elon or Peter Thiel or something. But that will likely never happen. That's why we need to make it our goal to sink the reddit stock price at any cost.

If Reddit does an IPO we simply start a mass guerrilla anon campaign (putting posters up in cities, crowdfunding billboard space etc) to associate reddit with cheese pizza, extreme white nationalism, extreme misogyny (still on there, check out r/misogynygonewild or r/rapefantasies). We upload deepfake nudes of normal chicks to gonewild on reddit etc etc. Do this day in and day out for weeks, months, years if necessary while we short the shit out of the stock.

I have lots of ideas for how to tank the reddit stock price. They have personally wronged me by limiting my free speech, and they must pay, it's just that simple

>> No.53729300

>you guys are making the mistake of thinking that the people buying the stock are interested in earnings reports. the buyers will be people interested in yielding influence on the platform.

wealthy elites do not need the ability to buy ownership in reddit in order to exert influence upon it. They already heavily influence reddit. Reddit's acts of censorship have been more egregious than Twitter at their worst in the pre-Elon days. The main Trump supporting subreddit was banned long before Jan 6th.

>> No.53729439

one fun thing is they're considering implementing ID laws for porn sites in 2 states right now. it's going to be based upon how much of the content is porn versus the rest. I wonder if reddit will have to ban porn or else require ID. there is a fuckton of porn on that site. we'll see. it would ding them pretty bad to have to get rid of porn or else rangeban certain states.

>> No.53729460

conde nast already owns the shop. if someone wanted to own it for influence they already do. also if they want to own it for influence it will be a private company retard this is an IPO. if conde nast wants to they could retain majority control and control the board and maintain their influence. it would require a hostile takeover to do anything different

>> No.53729536

puts like a mofo IPO will crash like all the others

>> No.53729902

>describes a community's userbase engaging with itself
>muh trannies
>turning the frogs gay
kek bravo retard

>> No.53730283

I feel like Reddit has lost popularity

>> No.53730818

The value of Reddit would have been 20 Billion if they had kept The Donald and ChapoTrapHouse

>> No.53730913

>10b for bots talking to each other

Kek what twat came up with that number?

>> No.53730978
File: 20 KB, 480x360, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes I know there are paid shills and bots.

There no value, you cannot confirm if your ads will accurately reach a target audience within any degree of certainty because upwards of 90% is just bots and the target audience there is a bunch of poor neets who probably pirate all their online purchases anyway because fuck capitalism. 10 Billion dollars is absolutely absurd at most it is worth 10 million and even then I wouldn't touch it.

Picrel is your audience for advertisers and 90% of the meta behavioural data is useless because it's bots. Reddit literally has no value other then it's potential and good fucking luck unfucking that mess

>> No.53731313

reddit is incredibly valuable. its easily the best source of information for technical knowledge. i go to it for things like what furniture to buy, what products to use when cleaning, random shit like that.

its also of course in the running for the #1 future subtle propoganda machine if not already. as people grow more intelligent and internet savvy, reddit's power will only grow. highly bullish on reddit.

>> No.53731372

Anyone who posts there and notices all their comments are invisible knows the thing sucks

>> No.53731451

Reddit 100% has a negative profit margin. They probably spend more than their whole revenue
I dont believe a single social media app has been able to generate positive cashflow from ads alone

>> No.53731554
File: 408 KB, 801x580, reddit user.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53732475

If I want to buy good knives, I google "reddit knives" and there's some unpaid janny who's spent $10,000 listed every single decent one in a table, why wouldn't you do that, kek.
Reddit is the absolute best for niche communities.
You just need to make sure to never start an account, and to only find the reddit page you're interested in through google.
Never fall prey to their algorithm.

>> No.53732492

i value rebbit at 1b in the stock market. maybe 10b in crypto, still a bit high though.

>> No.53732545

I heard they'd be tokenizing their upvotes. I've got an account with 13,000 upvotes I'd be happy to sell.

>> No.53732585

they thought about that but I think they rolled it back and just gave people monthly coins for their subscriptions or something and they have no monetary value just for bullshit