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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53717943 No.53717943 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bullish or bearish for the economy

>> No.53717960


>> No.53717964

Good. Women don't deserve to make anything over 45k

>> No.53717975

women account for over 70% of ALL consumer spending. if the money flow to women stops the economy will crash into a bottomless pit. so either they're all going to open up an onlyfans account to prevent this desaster or we're doomed. alternatively we can roll out stimmies again but only for women.

>> No.53717976

She can use those mellons to start making her 7 digits. Especially if she involves the BBC.

>> No.53718016

If you pay less to women you can pay more to employees who actually contribute to economy

>> No.53718043

women contribute more to the economy than men, they're the perfect credit consooming goblin npc programmable creatures that the elites desire

>> No.53718060

they might contribute in terms of biomass but to run things you need men. there is simply no other way around it.

>> No.53718112 [DELETED] 
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Jew/Christian/Mudslime detected

Quote by SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler (1937):

> The anti-women attitude is a typical (((Christian))) attitude, and we also who've been Nationalsocialists up to this day – many who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.”

> Christianity is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we're doing with the Communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

Source: https://archive.is/JlkBd


Videos further showing clearly that anti-women attitudes are 100% Jewish and the total opposite of the Native European attitude towards women:

> "Women are Evil!"

> About Women

> Why are Christians Beta Males?

> Dear Women! (You have the Power)

> About the Sterilization of European Women

> How to attract THE RIGHT type of women!

> The Key to good Women's Hearts

> No Good Women Left?

> Natural Blonde Women

> Should Women Train Hard?

> The Role of Women

>> No.53718994

Women shouldn't get paid anything. They should be limited to one job: Home-maker. They have children and look after the children. They homeschool the child basic math and English until the child grows up and leaves to find work (male) or have an arranged marriage (female).
Modern society was a mistake and anyone who reads this and dislikes it is a fucking faggot and should go back. There's a very good chance that I am taller and better looking than anyone who replies by the way. That is a fact. I swear it before the Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.53719784

>fires off at someone for saying women don't belong in the workplace
>includes quote in picrel talking about how women don't belong in the workplace
Friendly fire gentlemen, nothing to be proud of but we're gonna pick ourselves up and learn for next time

>> No.53721382

its literally a polcel bot

>> No.53722312
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>> No.53722325

We are in green now, we crossed.
Could be a trap but it’s buy time.

>> No.53722459

Women don't deserve income at all.

>> No.53722491

isn't it bearish once the conventionally attractive girls get fired?

>> No.53722517

Women were a mistake. Giving them rights were a bigger mistake. Exposing them to social media and jewish propaganda was the end of western civilization. Letting them outside of managing cooking, raising children and keeping the household is detrimental to functioning societies and we are all witnessing it.

>> No.53722528
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Jew/Christian/Mudslime detected

Quote by SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler (1937):

> The anti-women attitude is a typical (((Christian))) attitude, and we also who've been Nationalsocialists up to this day – many who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.”

> Christianity is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we're doing with the Communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

Source: https://archive.is/JlkBd


Videos further showing clearly that anti-women attitudes are 100% Jewish and the total opposite of the Native European attitude towards women:

> "Women are Evil!"

> About Women

> Why are Christians Beta Males?

> Dear Women! (You have the Power)

> About the Sterilization of European Women

> How to attract THE RIGHT type of women!

> The Key to good Women's Hearts

> No Good Women Left?

> Natural Blonde Women

> Should Women Train Hard?

> The Role of Women

>> No.53722532
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Bullish for SkaiNet

>> No.53722556

Bearish for the economy, bullish for humanity.

>> No.53722628

Financially speaking
Making a bot that copypastes a bunch of faggot webms into every other thread will NOT save the white race
Getting a white wife, making white children, and building your wealth so in 200 years your family will be able to challenge Jewish dynasties like the Rothschilds WILL save the white race

>> No.53723228

Anons don't understand that the tiktok vids of roasties are to us what real estate investing strippers were to 2007.

>> No.53723250


>> No.53723296

Do you have a breakdown source of consumer spending by demographics?

>> No.53724743

KEK'd kazakh anon

>> No.53724965

This, they winge and moan they cant get a guy making an "average income of $100k" meanwhile they vote to tax us to death and fight us for jobs.