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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 329 KB, 1170x1784, 608729EF-E5A6-4337-A40C-AC2AB6E77AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53717159 No.53717159 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is about to miss another bullrun isn’t it?

>> No.53717198

Chainlink will be at 100 usd before btc is at 40k

>> No.53717211
File: 40 KB, 280x392, 1675370889756403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53717213

Literally how? Nothing can make this piece of shit pump. It’s already one of the worst performers this year. Link will be in bear market for another two years at least

>> No.53717228

how come every single fudder is posting from his phone

>> No.53717270

We have real jobs

>> No.53717295

I wouldn't call posting about Chainlink from your phone 24/7 a real job, Rajesh

>> No.53717614

but shilling LINK from your phone for free is much preferable, right?
the absolute state of stinkers
>you are a loser for shitting on my project every day!!1
>no, you are a loser for stalking every thread to deboonk me!!!
you're both human waste and a cancer to this board

>> No.53717735
File: 159 KB, 908x1192, 1654156550485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing can make this piece of shit pump
It tries to pump all the time, but every time it gets hammered back down.

>> No.53717763

why keep holding it then, just move on

>> No.53717831

the absolute cope

>> No.53717882

this chart even shows how utterly retarded that cope is -- just look at the green LINK/USDT green candles that went up to under the "7.817" where LINK dumped but BTC did nothing

and all alts dump when BTC dumps, but latefag shitstink baggies act like only link does

>> No.53717911

>where LINK dumped but BTC did nothing
kek where?

> all alts dump when BTC dumps
Yes, that's why they dump BTC, to stop Link by making everything dump.

>> No.53717929

who the fuck cares about shitcoin perfomance against shitcoin only fags that keep holding this shit care

>> No.53717935

under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817" -- under the "7.817"

>that's why they dump BTC, to stop Link by making everything dump.
kill yourself, you utter imbecile gigacoper

>> No.53717962

>under the "7.817"
Are you saying LInk "dumped" from $7.81 to $7.61?

>> No.53717973

Usually when you're interesting in something you talk about it on forums. Usually when you hate something you dont seek out a forum to talk about how much you hate it, get it?

>> No.53717978

Chainlink will be at 600 usd before btc is at 50k

>> No.53717979
File: 704 KB, 3000x3000, 1671209034340564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope retard baggie
>captcha: D8TRMP
whoa.... Date Trump

>> No.53718009

How can we mass report this thread to have it taken down?

>> No.53718026
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1668147132267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cringe "LINK only dumps because BTC dumps, and BTC is dumped to hurt LINK" baggie narrative
The very chart you posted reveals that's absolute nonsense. LINK is just another altcoin, and exactly like any other altcoin LINK dumps when BTC dumps, but LINK frequently dumps purely by itself many times - regardless of what BTC does.

>It tries to pump all the time, but every time it gets hammered back down.
is nonsense, as it frequently hammers itself down.

>> No.53718059

>The very chart you posted reveals that's absolute nonsense.
My chart shows LInk pumping against the market, and Bitcoin then dumping from a flatline.

>LINK frequently dumps purely by itself many times - regardless of what BTC does.
Just because Link sometimes dumps on its own, doesn't change that Bitcoin (virtually) always dumps when Link pumps on its own.

>> No.53718066
File: 335 KB, 867x1280, head stone thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that, sometimes, after a very successful pnd, a small minority of holders will marry their bags for eternity and form a cult together
truly fascinating
see also: gme, xrp, etc.

>> No.53718157
File: 100 KB, 908x1192, linktard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek where?
>pretending this hard to be retarded
You know exactly what he meant. And he's right.

>> No.53718208

That’s Link “dumping against the market”?

>> No.53718385


>> No.53718411

The question is, who sells now at $7-10, when they could have sold at $15-50 in the last 3 years?

>> No.53718424

cause and effect bro
fuck around and find out
pro tip, venture outside of your echo chamber for a bit and you'll notice that every project shilled on this board has people shitting on it every day

>> No.53718536

>Link has the tiniest little blowoff top after pumping 15%

The suppression deniers were the schizos all along.

>> No.53718564

>LINK pumped guise
>LINK had the tiniest 15% pump
brain aneurysm?

>> No.53719436

>literal drooling retard talk
what did he mean by this?

>> No.53719522

If this only happened once then it would be a coincidence. It has happened so many times last year year that something has to be happening. LINK pumps by itself for a fee days, then everything dumps including LINK. Every time.

>> No.53719609

>15% isn't a pump
>but an 0.5% blowoff top is a dump

Gotta admit it's fun watching you people squirm and twist and pilpul.

>> No.53719659

Btc will be at 40k well before link even breaks out of it's 9 dollar range

>> No.53720070

>a 5% LINK dump is tiny
>but the same move on BTC is catastrophically huge, a sure sign of suppression, and naturally it inevitably leads to LINK experiencing a -18% retracement, reaching even lower prices than before the start of the "huge 15% breakout"
>this happening exclusively to LINK, while every other altcoin dumps at similar rates to BTC doesn't mean it's dead with zero buying pressure, instead it means it is suppressed
this is your brain on chainlink folks

>> No.53720156

It's so weird watching you devolve into a rambling schizo over this.

>> No.53720788

How many bull runs has LINK missed now? I've lost count. I think it has been 2 but it may have only been one? Remind me please.

>> No.53721006

Zero. It’s not officially a bullrun unless LINK moonshots.

>> No.53721070

>Miss another bullrun

What bull run did chainlink miss?

>> No.53721082

Why don't 'you just sell your Link tokens and move on?

>> No.53721098

For starters, the one where BTC went to ~70k and ETH went to ~4.8k.
>b-but LINK went to 50 dollars during that run!!!

>> No.53721154


Short term price is heavily manipulated through futures by people with deep pockets while they buy up spot.

>> No.53721352 [DELETED] 

The usual discord nufudders are actually a lower form of life than unpaid internet janitors:
>constantly making 50+ pbtid fudding in discussion threads over 10+ hours whenever they're up
>the rest of the time they seem to be seething, samefagging, and monitoring in up to 6 fud threads at any one time during their "rush hour"
>they have been doing this possibly since 2021, when a lot of them bought the top and never recovered
>others lost their stacks on bancor and celsius
>some even think that they're "fighting the wef" by posting on here - yes they're that retarded
>lets be generous with the math and say that they've only done this for five days a week (including holidays) for one year (50x52=2600 hours spent doing this maybe)
>all over an apparently shitty and unimportant crypto
>on a board that doesn't even affect the prices
>all for FREE
Jesus christ.

>> No.53721430

>Usually when you're interesting in something you talk about it on forums. Usually when you hate something you dont seek out a forum to talk about how much you hate it, get it?

This is why I know for a fact there are organized and paid FUD campaigns against LINK. Its not even a conspiracy. This is a well known and documented phenomenon that has taken place in the stock market as well.

Its known as "Short and Distort" or "Short Ladder Attacks."

In the few scenarios where people DO come together to actively discuss how much they hate something, they never do it where the supporters congregate. Those kinds of people do not want any counter arguments, they want an echo chamber of likeminded individuals.

A solid example is r/buttcoin. Many of those people are simply just coping because they either lost money from buying BTC through their own bad decisions, believe its a climate disaster, or knew about but didn't buy when it was sub $100.

People who congregate on /biz found out about LINK through the 4th Industrial Revolution and from other anons posting their research. The implications and value of smart contracts plus bringing real world data that is off chain on chain made sense as the next necessary progression of blockchain technology. If blockchain is to succeed its HAS to have oracles.

I don't mind counterarguments against LINK, everything around it is all speculation. I'm betting that the Chainlink team will deliver on everything they have outlined in the white papers and be an integral part of helping various institutions transition their legacy infrastructure seamlessly to blockchain based solutions.

>> No.53721519

The problem is the FUD is the most ridiculous low hanging fruit. It rarely has any substance. Its basic demoralization based on recent price action and literal insults. Its just repeated ad nauseum.

This is a surprisingly effective tactic though. If you buy spot and hold you really can't lose. Its different than say leverage. Through margin trading accumulators with lots of liquidity can temporarily dump the price to liquidate you and take your assets.

If you don't play that game their only option is getting you to sell. Most people on here have a lot of conviction of the likely success Chainlink will have and as result have strong hands.

They need to get you emotional. Emotions are what supersede rational thinking for most people. A temporary lapse of judgement getting you to sell low is the goal. Then they pump it a little and you panic and buy back. Then they dump it again and you sell again.

You'd be surprised how many people whittle away their holdings from poor swing trading. Don't get me wrong, swing trading can be real profitable but only if you have a set plan and not through actions based on emotions.

Also anyone who doesn't like LINK on /biz can simply use the filter and remove the threads from their view but they can't do that because most of them are paid here to post.

The people who bought around the $20 range or higher and are down on their investment don't even use 4Chan. They use Twitter.

>> No.53721871
File: 180 KB, 1517x734, 1676485524625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek they quite literally have extreme confirmation bias. Of course this shit only happens to link when you only look at chainlink cause youre all in. Lmaoooo

>> No.53721944
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They cant perform. Its like the smart successful incel that has everything going for him yet he cant have sex.

>> No.53721977
File: 127 KB, 1002x491, linksuppression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chart literally shows the suppression, fuckin retard

>> No.53722034
File: 322 KB, 1170x1318, 47AFE463-3BF7-4131-B0C5-163902B22D8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months of dca into crypto. 50/25/25

Fucking kek. I hope it’s better in a few years.

>> No.53722097

yeah. it's just a dead shitcoin, you don't have to rub the delusions of the bagholder in their faces. they have to justify their illogical attachment to themselves anyway, that's hard enough as is

>> No.53722148
File: 58 KB, 1079x1197, 1676486647638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre coping. Every spike and dump lines up perfectly with every other coin in the market, link just pumps less and dumps more as intended.
The problem is the token (as of right now) is literally useless, and theres a massive supply of them.
Nodes only need like 8000 link per day to operate thats 0.00001% of the supply thats actually needed, the rest of the 99.9999% of the supply is completely useless and inert.
Nobody who buys link can even stake it. None of this can be refuted because its just objective facts

>> No.53722169

reality is fud to the deluded link baggie

>> No.53722293



>> No.53722413

what if anons look at linkies like they do at homeless people rambling about conspiracies that defy reality? only on here you don't have to fear being hit with excrement (if you don't count the barrage of marketing pictures of nonsensical graphs that go up), so it's fun to taunt them. if you do, you get longer and longer responses why it actually doesn't matter that the price action is terrible and the development pace is slow as a snail, so that's an added bonus laugh right there

>> No.53722412
File: 39 KB, 873x317, FUDCUCKS-SHREKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chart you posted
literally shows the suppression happening
you have no response to this, all you can do is double down on posting endlessly about a crypto you believe is shitty / unimportant
pic eternally related

>> No.53722442


So you like to laugh at people you think are mentally deranged? At least you are honest I guess

>> No.53722451

you should see the cope in their premainnet marine discord channel
there's losers in there with 5 digits worth of cope posts that amount to nothing more than -trust the plan, 2 more weeks-

>> No.53722488

>invoking morality
yup, 2021 newfag confirmed

>> No.53722542

The chart clearly shows link +17%
How is it suppression if it literally went up? It went up just like the rest of the market, but instead of being up 30-40% like some shitcoins, its only up 17%. By your married bagholder confirmation bias logic, every dead shitcoin is suppressed just because your bags are heavy lmao

>> No.53722554

You should check the 300 reply link thread in the catalog. The “fud” has zero emotion and has thorougly debunked links “usecase” as meaningless buzzwords. The market of course knew this a long time ago and priced accordingly.

>> No.53722580

I was about to make that same comment. How pissed is that guy we dont have downvotes here…what a puss

>> No.53722610

Linkfags have basically become delusional trannies. They become hostile when you dont play into their delusions. They literally try to cancel and dox random twitterfags for calling them a man (TNN underperforming), exactly like trannies.

>> No.53723137


I've been here since 2015. I started on /pol/ and quickly found /biz/ and /fit/.

I'm not upset but I do pity both of you

>> No.53723146


>> No.53723161

newfag nigger

>> No.53723164



>> No.53723248


>Every spike and dump lines up perfectly with every other coin in the market
Buddy here never heard of trading and arbitrage bots.

>> No.53723286

>but instead of being up 30-40% like some shitcoins, its only up 17%
Because Bitcoin dumped.

>> No.53723554

That chart is over a 2 month time frame. To me it looks like bitcoin dumped to suppress RLC. Actually it looks like btc dumped to suppress every shitcoin because everything pumps and dumps with bitcoin dumb coper

>> No.53723558

I'm doing it, sorry

>> No.53723648

The other coins are allowed to trend upwards, Link isn't.
The second it tries, it gets hammered down.

>> No.53724302

Link is going to flip btc at ATH lmao

>> No.53724725

Links not the only underperformer, are all the other shitcoins being suppressed too?
Is namecoin and NEM being suppressed?

>> No.53725514

>are all the other shitcoins being suppressed too?
No one has ever presented any examples of other shitcoins breakouts being slapped down by bitcoin dumps. If it happened to others then surely SOMEONE must have documented it?