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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5371662 No.5371662 [Reply] [Original]

How come there's no threads about pic related? In fact, this dump started around the time pic related was announced (a few days ago).

>> No.5371707

Because it's not S2X, it's just a shitcoin masquerading as S2X with literally nothing in common.

>> No.5371709

dont say we didnt tell you but SONM

>> No.5371715

It's almost like (((THEY))) are trying to scare people so they can get as many B2X coins as possible.

>> No.5371763


Will Goybase support SegWit2X?

>> No.5371782

But what's the bullshit about Satoshi's coins?

>> No.5371810

They're just redistributing coins they think belong to Satoshi.

>> No.5371812

They’re stealing Satoshi’s coins.

It’s been planned for a long time.


“I think Satoshi’s a sellout”
“And I think that he could burn his private keys now and not risk the future economy of the world , with an unknown party holding 10% of it”
“Who may have given those keys to his kid, and his kid might be the next HITLER”
“Or he may have gotten a mental illness and gotten whacky himself”
“Or he has some other socially dangerous beliefs”
“He’s a variable that we’re unaware of”
“He could just burn his keys”
“He could be renouncing his control of his keys but he’s not.”
“Which means he’s either a bitch or he’s dead”
“Those are the only two options I’m aware of”

- Bitcoin core dev

>> No.5371836


>> No.5371854

Roger Ver has nothing to do with this shit fork - he's got his own shit fork to tend to.

>> No.5371887


Fucking lost it.

>> No.5371895

If I'm still in BTC when this happens I'm dumping all my x2

>> No.5371922

What does my post have to do with Roger Ver?

>> No.5371958
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brainlet here, how can they just hand out someone else's coins?

>> No.5371961
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kys tripfag

>> No.5371966

It's a hardfork, they can do whatever they want.

>> No.5371978
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and archive.is you fagot

>> No.5372026

They’re animals.

>> No.5372155

A blockchain is just a shared agreement on who owns what. If a group of people can convince everyone else to switch to a chain where someone's coins are re-allocated, and nobody uses the old chain anymore, then the old record is useless.

>> No.5372223

wtf is even going on there

bury this bcore piece of shit, anyone

>> No.5372248

Pajeetbot scam coin

>> No.5372280

So, nobody answered my initial question....how could this relate to the crash in the past few days?

>> No.5372380

Bcore is run by globalists who want to steal Satoshi’s coins and centralize Bitcoin so that they can set up “banks” or “hubs” for transactions.

>> No.5372423

because Satoshi didn't build it...
>t. Obama

>> No.5372443
File: 331 KB, 1668x1209, A734AA51-70D2-4599-80A4-9D38C3D9FD49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the process of setting up hubs they limit block size to 1mb and increasing fees exponentially therefore restricting access to the legitimate blockchain and forcing users on hubs.

>> No.5372452
File: 75 KB, 642x582, 1513964680068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is not centralized unlike bch is like satoshi himself said. that globalist shit is just a nice piece of anti core propaganda.

>> No.5372488

They said they would in the past before it got cancelled.

>> No.5372496

If 55$ transaction fees, growing exponentially, thus forcing people on Lightning network to avoid fees and their coins being off the blockchain is not centralization I don’t know what is.

>> No.5372613

because no one is using bcash

>> No.5372736

It’s actually because bcore has an artificial 1mb block limit.

>> No.5372908


>> No.5372910

Do you need to be spoon-fed?
Whales tanked the price so they could accumulate for the fork, dimwit.

>> No.5372977

they're going to increase blocksize eventually, but with a patch that also includes other features in order to reduce the number of hardforks they have to do to minimize the risk of another BCH being created

>> No.5373012


>> No.5373014
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>bitcoin core is centralized but please ignore the centralized Chinese mining that all SHA256 coins are locked into that renders them useless compared to other coins.

A shinier piece of garbage is still garbage.

>> No.5373140

>muh chinese miners

The default fallback argument of a corecuck.

>> No.5373180

that's not an argument

>> No.5373235

Muh chinese miners isn’t an argument.

No one is stopping you from starting a mining farm.

>> No.5373309


Yeah, let me know when you get 80-90% of the current BCH network in hashpower, retard.

>> No.5373313

New fag here. What does fork mean

>> No.5373317

Moon man you've always been kind to me. I boarded the ARK following your postings. What's going on in general with the past few days, if you don't mind sharing your thoughts and what's up with the next week?


>> No.5373378

1. Richard Heart isn't a bitcoin dev
2. No one gives a shit about his opinions on Satoshi's coins

>> No.5373422

>it’s the Chinese fault American no longer makes micro-processors

Neck yourself.

>> No.5373642

Blaming someone else doesn't invalidate the argument. Hope you have that rope handy for yourself.

>> No.5373675

In regards to what? S2X or ARK?

If S2X I already mentioned, this is not S2X, it's some pajeets masquerading their coin pretending it is S2X with literally nothing in common with the original planned fork.

>> No.5373707

Bitcoinfags on suicide watch.

>> No.5373803
File: 7 KB, 255x220, 1513750590664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this forking shit is gonna destroy bitcoins brand just wait and see. The normie world doesn't want a billion derivations of a coin they want a seamless elegant 1 brand experience.

>> No.5374233

>wants to get rich
>doesn’t do his duty to mine

You’re literally a useless animal. I’m glad the Chinese control the hash and not monkeys like you.

>> No.5374318

>I'm glad everything is centralized
>I hate Bitcoin because it's centralized.

Pick one.

>> No.5374394

>doesn’t mine
>complains about centralization

How stupid are you people?