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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53712472 No.53712472 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get rich by accident then?

>> No.53712479

Be born into it

Most people end up like their parents

>> No.53712480

> >desire is the root of all suffering
That sounds like a jewish """teaching""".

>> No.53712496

Ok mr. hyperborea

>> No.53712505

>desire is the root of all suffering
>How do you get rich by accident then?
you're drawing some sort of false correlation here, and i'm not sure where to begin.

what do you think the sentence, "desire is the root of all suffering" has to do with becoming rich?

>> No.53712509

you first figure out that quote is superficial pablum intended to prevent you from living life as more than an insect

>> No.53712514

delayed gratification

>> No.53712535

>desire child pornography in 2010
>buy internet money called bitcoin to make hard to track transactions
>get confused using p2p encryption messenger
>forget about bitcoins until 2017
>you are rich

>> No.53712582
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>t. JlDF

>> No.53712666

Make hard work your form of suffering, simple as

>> No.53712695

>How do you get rich by accident then?
Buy bitcoin.
Meditate for four years

>> No.53712904

holy omega basado

>> No.53713061

The Bible literally says “Desire is the tree of life”

>> No.53713790

It's really easy to find, if you're really interested.

>> No.53713927

I am!

>> No.53715408

worry not of things of this earth, your only purpose in life is to get closer to the creator

>> No.53715437

It's an Aryan teaching. Jews are the biggest materialists in the world, they're the ones with the constant desire to gain more and more money and power as well as pushing this same desire on the goyim.

>> No.53715450

Invent something. That's what I did.

>> No.53715482

This. Slave religion.
It literally says "if someone hits you on one cheek, also offer the other“ or similar.
They even invented a religion for their interest cattle to believe in.

>> No.53715514

I've spent a life being frustrated by my own extreme talents, discarding them as baubles, and punching anybody in the face who dared to try to force me to do better. I'm also the heir to a fortune. I don't quite understand your problems, and you don't quite understand my problems.

I'm trying to be a better listener.

>> No.53715565


>> No.53715690

Did you forget the part where Jesus flips the tables on the moneylenders and chases them out with a whip?

>> No.53715711

>>Make a slave religion.
>>Get exiled, persecuted, and murdered by said 'slave' religion for over a 1000 years.
>>Wait until the industrial age to profit.
Yeah real long term play by the jews there.

>> No.53715718

That was based

>> No.53715722

False anon, to live is to suffer and to suffer is to live. We are fallen, thus the human experience is composed of suffering. Do not listen to those gay pagans, they are larping faggots.

>> No.53715747

Is this a quote from something? If not this might be the gayest post I’ve read on /biz

>> No.53715827

don't try to get rich

>> No.53716311

Did I give you an erection?

>> No.53716639

You didn’t answer his question though.
Do you have any advice for making a good business decision when you have no idea how to create anything?

>> No.53716684
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realizing your favorite lot of property suffered a recent fate leaving them financially distressed and open for property tax purchase. you can buy your favorite home from grieved families that can't afford their homes :)