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53704349 No.53704349 [Reply] [Original]

I took $500 of my credit card and went to see an escort
I felt so disgusted and depressed, quickly put my clothes on and left without doing anything

>> No.53704377

Good next time just nut before you leave and use the clarity to save money

>> No.53704378


>> No.53704394

you may be latent homosexual

>> No.53704399

Disgusted for what reason? You either do something or you don't. Stop being an indecisive insecure faggot. You just wanted some pussy nothing wrong with that. Maybe you're a moralfag or christfag, in which case, whatever dude enjoy living in fear

>> No.53704402

i don't care that other men fuck prostitutes but i could never do it. there's no thrill in putting your dick inside of a mentally deranged shell of a human (with a condom, no less.)

>> No.53704404

This. I started nutting before ever hiring escorts and it saved me hundreds per month.

>> No.53704408

$500 for her is worth it

>> No.53704414

If you wanna waste 500 bucks I'll go out with you

>> No.53704419

That's your innocent soul taking control of your body and saving you from all the shame. You should be grateful.

>> No.53704426

the transactional nature is gross for sure but it feels good to cum. to leave without fucking is beta shit, her pimp the next room over was laughing at your gay pussy ass

>> No.53704433

your higher self somehow made you realize there's no point to having sex if you aren't going to make a baby. all this ssex for fun with escorts and whores is pointless if no baby comes out of it

>> No.53704484

it's nothing to be ashamed about, but they aren't all that great. you should feel worse about using credit for that

>> No.53704489

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.53704516

Next time use $500 to hire out the escorted for an hour and flip her services to a couple dudes for $300 each / half hour.

>> No.53704535

/biz/iness man

>> No.53704616


>> No.53704650

She looks short and stocky. Is this what a female dwarf looks like?

>> No.53704662

Its hard for me to cum from blowjobs and most girls will give up after 10 minutes. So I’ve never fucked a prost but 3 different times I’ve paid $40 for a half hour long blowjob session where they’re furious sucking my wiener the entire time until I have a gut wrenching orgasm. Money well spent I’d say

>> No.53704706

What are the Business and Finance Implications of

>> No.53704730

Into the trash with this whore. I only date pure trad waifus, not these whores from the gutter.

>> No.53704732

Ok Coomber.

>> No.53704798

Call her back and ask her to credit your account until the next time you get horny. Prepaid pussy is best pussy!
She may charge restocking fees. (That's what she charges to put her stockings back on.)

>> No.53704839

To me, Transactional sex is the optimal way of sexual interaction. But i just don't enjoy social interaction in general so..

>> No.53704844
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Dubs of truth.
Maybe you didn't want to procreate but sex without conquest is void of any actual eroticism. The root of "erotic" is eros, which can be understood as the sum of all human survival instincts. The Greek god Eros has a twin, Eris, who was the goddess of chaos, strife, and change. For sex to be enjoyable there needs to be an element of battle, risk, and a chance to lose yourself in the other person. Prostitution reduces this immensely pleasurable experience into a mere transaction of stimulating glands for profit, no more consequential or rewarding than smoking a cigarette. A farmer milking a cow has a greater sense of joy.
>t. my wife whom I've been with for 20 years gave me such an epic blowie last night I think I actually heard my dick crying and the only reason she did this was because I folded some laundry, being in love is cool

>> No.53704998

Literally get a VR and a DIY pussy or fleshlight, it’s the same experience, but repeatable and from the comfort of your home. The girls are much hotter.

>> No.53705131

Nigger you can't have a baby, you're a nigger.
Mexico please stop lying online, it's not funny.
>1 hour for 500$
>only one time
You dumbass. YOU DUMBASS.
>Prostitute was some ugly pajeeta with a fake body
Escorts have went down to shit, we used to call them mistresses, and you did it with them every day or once a week. The only point of it was that you would create this shallow fuckbuddy relationship with her, but 1) you clearly don't have enough money for that 2) you clearly misunderstood how escorts work. You don't just fuck them once. YOU DIDN'T EVEN MEET HER BEFOREHAND YOU FOOL.
1) It's suppose to be your coworker or someone you know who'd never let you fuck 2) You're suppose to do it for MONTHS with her even a year while she lies to you that she's totally not in it for the money. But she has to be an expert sociopath who's naturally friendly, an actor, you're hiring an actor, the moment the money runs out the act stops.
But today's escorts, no act, no sociopathy, no nothing. "Lol we fucked once, goodbye" what the hell, that's not even a shallow relationship, it's literally nothing. LITERALLY NOTHING.
Did you even meet her before you fucked her? Then how the fuck are you suppose to feel any kind of joy out of a complete stranger that pops up in your face, you fucking retard?

My God you people, do I have to explain BASIC COMMON SENSE TO THE LOT OF YOU? Generation of retards.
Also OP I'd get checked for STDs especially if you're American, you gay nigger.

>> No.53705162

american hands typed this

>> No.53705181

You could have atleast gotten a massage and cuddle

>> No.53705183

based greek creature
nice dubs

>> No.53705228


>> No.53705243

i would pay 500 to fuck her ngl.

>> No.53705283

>left without doing anything
you didnt pay either, r-right?

>> No.53705332

her time is very valuable, please understand