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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 544x1233, linkedin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53702609 No.53702609 [Reply] [Original]

Just logged into linkedin and saw this.

I can't fully articulate why but for some reason I saw this post and felt hatred. I'm a very laid back person, I never feel strong emotions, I never get angry

I don't even know how to fully articulate why, all I know is I hate this woman.

>> No.53702618

linkedin having a forum/social networking features is the dumbest thing ever

>> No.53702619

K roastie thanks for the blog, you can go now

>> No.53703055


LinkedIn is as bad as every other social network. People think their insipid posts carry more weight because of the thin veneer of professionalism, but it's the same network of bots, attention-seeking roasties, and wannabe gurus.

>> No.53703061

Zoomies love slurping corporate cock.

>> No.53703069

>let me set the record straight and go on an egotistical, narcissistic rant

>> No.53703241

Someone post the "doctor in a white room" pic please

>> No.53703255

They are their own little heroes, why bother, they won’t move an inch without men.

>> No.53703259
File: 30 KB, 800x450, AC229298-8893-4683-8FDA-4BB169C388FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53703302

i work with this first generation chinese american guy who posts on linkedin all the fucking time. he's a manager in accounting/finance so his career is okay, but it's clear that he's doing the linkedin meme to compensate for not being as far along in his career as he'd like to be (director, executive director, etc.)

>> No.53703333


Delete you LinkedIn account, delete all social media accounts, you'll be a happier person, I know I am. You don't need Facebook to find friends, Instagram to find pussy, LinkedIn to find a job.

>> No.53703338

deleting linkedin in retarded.

>> No.53703350

i deleted everything except LinkedIN. I don't really do a lot on it. But LinkedIN is important to land jobs. there's many HR roasts who look at the LINKEDIN profile. I get a lot of offers through LINKEDIN. I almost deleted it tho. if I hit enough gains maybe I will.

>> No.53703357


You're retarded cunt, the only point of this platform is to find jobs and there's no advantage to being there since you're in a pool of retarded npcs competing with you, if you want to stand out seek alternative/niche platforms not the one where you're just another one in a crowd.

>> No.53703374

>alternative/niche platforms
i'm guessing you're a tinker tranny codecel. other fields of work don't use "alternative/niche platforms." it's overwhelmingly linkedin.

>> No.53703382
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 8745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53703389

have you tried to live, laugh, love ?

>> No.53703398

i got my last 3 jobs through linkedin. i have a profile as a means of collecting recruiter attention, but i've never once made a "linkedin post." i'm sorry you're an autistic retard who views everything through the lens of black and white autistic absolution.

>> No.53703402


>tinker tranny codecel
lol maybe you should've learnt to code
Enjoy being stuck with retarded npcs in this cancerous platform.

>> No.53703412


How much do you earn anon? Because if your job came through a LinkedIn recruiter I'm going to guess it's not much.

>> No.53703417

So much dreck gets posted on LinkedIn, what’s new?

>> No.53703427

who cares. Recruiters are garbage and so is working for other people

>> No.53703437

$220k-280k depending on bonus. i'm a financial controller. plenty VP/executive level jobs are recruited by executive talent search recruiting firms. sounds like you're an inexperienced child early in his career with no understanding of how things actually work. many such cases.

>> No.53703450

He hasnt become valuable enough to where his professional circle doesnt refer him to jobs left and right

>> No.53703455

>Recruiters are garbage
disagree. most of them are worthless, but the few good ones make it worth tolerating their stupidity. and once you get past manager level they become a lot more tolerable.

>> No.53703492

Or as my aunt Amy likes to say: 'Pizza, Tacos, Bacon'...I lol everytime

>> No.53703503


I'm a child when you're the one that hasn't considered that maybe you're an exception and everyone else is stuck with retarded recruiters and shitty offers.

>> No.53703507
File: 46 KB, 540x960, VDz-dp_S16OUsGI_Q6LlUIVGlkvj95T8WcvaaaiQQAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine lying about your salary to frogposters on 4channel

>> No.53703553

I hate the disingenuous bitch too