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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5370022 No.5370022 [Reply] [Original]

I got in this game 3 months ago and feel like a veteran after all I've experienced. I've had FOMO, Bagholdings and stress from FUD (especially the onslaught on my precious Linkies) but I have prevailed. I've hodled through these swings and made crazy gains because of my learnt patience and like to think I know how these markets work these now. Remember; be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.

I'll be back in a few weeks as I prime for what will be a historic year in these markets and hopefully guide some of the newbies through the weather just like others did for me.

A few pieces of advice before I'm off:
- Don't get caught up in constant Dopamine hits from the infinite abundance of new information. The internet and screens can be a worse addiction then many, many different substances.

- Take everything with a grain salt (especially here). /biz/ can give you gems like no other in the crypto-sphere but also lead you astray with shitcoins if you aren't careful..

- Live a life outside of this place. Eat well, and exercise regularly.

- Make the best chainlink memes you can. Each meme increases Sergey's power level.

See you soon space cowboys.

>> No.5370363


great blog post op i'm gonig to share it on my kikebook with my grandma whose portfolio i've been managing

see you in hell newfag

>> No.5370458
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>> No.5370512

Glad faggots like this are leaving

>> No.5370587
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>3 months
>spews some typical Warren buffet garbage
>a few pieces of advice

Kek you're in no place to give advice. Anyone and his uncle made money in this market, especially if you started 3 mo ago

If you made anything less than 600% in that time you fucked up. Literally 1986 up in here

>> No.5371524

try 1500% :)

>> No.5371728

Fuck off back to plebbit, you fucking retard