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File: 195 KB, 1200x675, 8675309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53699641 No.53699641 [Reply] [Original]

>people actually bought these

>> No.53699653

Its cringy, but far from the worst.

>> No.53699656

/pol/ chuds are the easiest people to scam

>> No.53699672
File: 140 KB, 360x360, tumblr_8082da5848898f80c92fedb81b0e42c9_89031de6_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would a loosely connected network of fascists voluntarily organize themselves into an easily traceable list?

>> No.53699678

Yeah we got scammed hard making a 300x on chainlink

>> No.53699688

sneed and dilate. you will never be a woman.

>> No.53699690

is it odd to say i dont believe so and any purchases were price manipulation

>> No.53699737

yeah why would someone buy these when they're the original right wing nft in a sea of left wing nfts when the right wing is more dominant in crypto. who would buy these after they were banned from multiple exchanges and then written about in breitbart as a free speech issue. an nft from an established and popular political cartoonist. yeah i'd much rather buy a dumb ape jpeg that doesn't represent any particular group or ideology thats the ticket.

>> No.53699759

Yeah, this shit should've exploded, but its all a calculated bet, everythings just a chance.

>> No.53699761

wow you so convinced me bro i definitely read more than just the first line of your shit spiel

>> No.53699764

They are all larpers. /pol is a giant larpfest of socially awkward zoomer mutts and niggers.

>> No.53699769

last i checked as of a few months ago they're still the only nft collection banned from opensea for purely ideological reasons. banned from rarible too. literally forbidden jpegs.

>> No.53699789

>right wing
these alone expose how empty and controlled this board is, too, but its okay
another list for death

>> No.53699796

getting banned from opensea really fucked them, they were exploding before that. getting banned gives them credibility as a legit counterculture icon but also opensea at the time held a near total monopoly on the nft market so here we are.

>> No.53699805

its literally just me saying these things. flurks are the one thing i shill, its a legitimate heartfelt shilling because i like the comics and i bought some.

>> No.53699822

I mean even at the time it wasnt only openseas where you coudl trade, rarible too ect, but that got banned, IDK why it killed it so much, I would've expected it to become worth more.

>> No.53699834

I don't understand how these were banned from every platform but milady is allowed to do the same thing and it reaches 1.5 eth floor

>> No.53699845

Anyone know where I can get one? I missed the mint a long time ago and I now have disposable income to waste on picking up one or two of these, for the culture

>> No.53699851

well the market in general declined shortly after. and for the longest time they were only on mintable which was kind of buggy to use. they had to make their own nft exchange scatter.art but only so many people are going to go to a brand new never heard of nft exchange. finally they became available on looksrare but by then the overall market was already in decline. despite all this we're near the bottom of the bear market and they're still trading at mint price or above so its not like its a total loss.

>> No.53699863

Mint price? In eth or dollars, I think I had spent like 300 on the two I bought.

>> No.53699864

I've always said this and I'll say it again.
People obsessed with politics (doesn't matter right or left), weebs and coomers are the easiest cash cows to milk.
You want to make easy money? Find a way to appeal to those 3 demographics.
They'll literally eat your shit if you tell them the other side hates it kek

>> No.53699886

mint price in eth. sorry i only care about the price in eth since i stack eths. but yeah the price in dollars has gone down bigly but so has everything.

>> No.53699896
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My dudes haha

Cool theyre still above eth mint.

>> No.53699942
File: 95 KB, 500x376, 1637873201094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got aspiechan, nice, i put that one in a meme

>> No.53699955

Dude I remember you making that meme I was in that thread and stuff, made me happy about my purchase of aspy chan, shame these never took off, maybe during the next NFT boom.

>> No.53700014
File: 208 KB, 680x453, 1637975255816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at one point confederate flag flurks were selling for a full eth and i didnt sell. what the fuck was i thinking. yeah maybe next cycle

>> No.53700024

Gross image but who knows, they could've been worth more in the future, its all chances.

>> No.53700052
File: 52 KB, 587x320, BLACKED COUCH SBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gross image
haha, yeah. i like to meme to it though

>> No.53700081
File: 1.10 MB, 988x665, 1671182757122752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original image for context. i had to do it

>> No.53700084

Yes because sergey dumped on us at 50 dollars

>> No.53700152

they dumped the entire market to prevent flurks from pumping. flurks are the reason btc never had a blow off top at 100k. kim jong un has over two dozen flurks. putin bought a confederate flurk and sold it to fund the war on ukraine. the ufo shot down over lake huron was displaying a flurk. micheal burry tweeted that flurks were going to moon then he deleted his tweet. pfizer ceos tried to short squeeze flurks because the flurkholders are mostly unvaccinated. at the world economic forum they held an emergency secret meeting to discuss the flurk threat.

>> No.53700184
File: 276 KB, 1080x1080, flurk most based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i owned memecoins i would have bought one just to support stonetoss because he is fucking based and makes me laugh

>> No.53700186

>right wing nft in a sea of left wing nfts
bayc got accused of racism. didn't milady too?
>right wing is more dominant in crypto
>nfts are leftists
I thought they hated them because it's killing the environment?

>> No.53700188

>network of fascists

jesus fucking christ you fucking nigger redditors are so weird and pathetic

>> No.53700189

I bought it because I had wanted to get an NFT of some kind just to say I had one and it was the right price point for me ($600). I figured that this is one of the only NFT projects that has a real figure behind it so it had room to go up. I still believe it would have gone up if the trannies and faggots on twitter and shit didnt spend weeks campaigning companies to ban them.

(thats also when I started to really hate liberal type people. when you start messing with my money thats the last straw for me)

>> No.53700247

yeah if you could buy these on opensea and you didn't have weird trannies with no lives (see >>53699672 and >>53699656) spending lots of time and energy to deplatform them they'd probably be worth a lot more

>> No.53700513
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>> No.53700523

>muh fascists
Go back to re ddit, you braindead commie retard.

>> No.53700554

I put $800 into crypto, my wallet hit $9000, and I left it all in altcoins. Everything went down. I bought one of these during the peak.
I suppose that since crypto is tethered to the markets, it has the same relative value

>> No.53701611

you got scammed into chopping off your cock tranny
and even then, you will never be a woman

>> No.53701636

Everyone thinks there's somebody dumber than him.
Some people are wrong.

>> No.53702535
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Come on, these are some of the stuffs I keep on display, those that know the value bought it
also got some skyjack NFTs from the cloudbreakers holoride's collections.
i'm sure they'll turn to a winning ticket in a few years

>> No.53702732
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>> No.53702784

I would have had I known about it before now.

>> No.53702787

Wtf are you talking about? We live in a fascist patriarchy. Why should right wing retards be scared? The police and government on their side.

>> No.53703610

i only bought one like a nigger retard but it is at .5 eth offer right now

>> No.53704412

>there's free gold in the boxcars

>> No.53704447

>/pol/ is zoomers
>/pol/ is boomers
Weird how the larp seems to have become a real world movement. It's almost like, in reality, it's just that your ideas are extremely unpopular and /pol/ came into existence as a reaction.

>> No.53704478

G8 b8

>> No.53705038

I will rather buy Ore Active NFT instead of buying this shit

>> No.53705266

i unironically bought one and i have no regrets
i like owning actually controversial and relevant art
of course, actually controversial art very rarely make money. out of my collection, both in real life and nfts, nothing ever made me money
it was a bit sad to see the number of fools who bought hoping for a flip. if you want to make money, you buy normalfag friendly shit. stuff that pretends to rock the boat while being a fully calculated venture
>cryptopunks - "muh first onchain art"
>bored ape - "muh nazi symbolism"
>milady - "muh edgy pedophiles"

>> No.53705301

milady is unironically going to 50 eth floor this year

>> No.53705750

I hope so. I'll dump mine after her.

>> No.53705895

Based pixelady enjoyer

>> No.53705993

take your meds you mentally ill freak

>> No.53707856
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1653990470449s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worth millions before this market cycle jeet. But currently worth nothing except dump box. Instead of jpegs, people now prefer alts as MATIC or ALBT whose future are guaranteed. Don't let them deceive you.

>> No.53707865

and you made him rich.