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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53699469 No.53699469 [Reply] [Original]

Have any side hustles?

>> No.53699496

damn bros I want a Sonic sticker...

>> No.53699686

I hope a nigger smashes that

>> No.53700451


>> No.53700710

I have multiple side jobs. Stop talking like a nigger.

>> No.53700795

Sonic stickers>mystery mix>>tonka

>> No.53701093

I have a few automation scripts that complete tasks on some pay-per-click websites. Not huge money, but brings in like $30 a month and doesn't require any of my time/energy.

I almost got into the vending machine businesses, but backed out after acquiring about 5 gumball machines.

>> No.53701287

If you ever use the words "side" and "hustle" in combination on /biz/ again I will make it my own side hustle to kidnap you and hold you for ransom money.

>> No.53701326

no, but i'm open to one
side jobs are good too but it's not really the same thing. the word hustle is to imply a degree of casual greasiness not as distinguished as the more formal "job". selling drugs or shilling shitcoins or dropshipping these are side hustles. yes the term derives from african americans and yes side hustles are generally for poorfags, but its a legitimate term with a unique meaning and we're stuck with it until you come up with some new term that didnt come from black people but honestly why bother.

>> No.53701339

yo lockka dobba boo boo wus gu
we make dees closthe foh us by us
side hustle

>> No.53701349

word my nigger

>> No.53701652

yo yo wuts a nigguh gotta do make some scrilla
hook me up with dat side hustle
don't hold out on me white boy

>> No.53701659

give old dudes bj's for $25 on grindr

>> No.53701676

hooking be a true side hustle real nigga shit word but pimpin aint easy in duh hood and i got bad knees muhfugga so what else u got whitey? imma broke ass nigga need me some hustle on da side

>> No.53701705

doordash / uber is the only halfway profitable legal sidehustle beyond surveys

everything i hear about buying cheap shit from china and then reselling it is bad
"retail arbritage" was a meme also, find sale shit and resell it on the internet for more; i'm sure that's also a huge waste of time $/hr wise.

a lot of these side hustles that don't involve actual work; you are competing with stay at home mothers single who will work for $4/hr.

anything else is having an actual job

>> No.53701737

>anything else is having an actual job
If you learn how to make YouTube videos, you can start making money pretty quick. I took it from a side hustle to a fulltime job.

>> No.53701739

To get the monies inside dumb cracka ass bitch

>> No.53701765

3d printing is a shit business everyone here pleas stay away from it.

>> No.53701791

I buy rare coins on ebay for less than half price at auction and then sell them 2-10x the money as buy it now.

>> No.53701800

Just launched today. Huge upside and no downside. MC 100k. Thank me later.


>> No.53701821

Do the dealers accept quarters?

>> No.53701848

>I resell gold for 5x the price
Sure you do, there's no possible way 6 gorillion kikes are doing the same thing for far less profit

>> No.53701895

you're fucking retarded.

>> No.53701903

i wish I had a nice garage to do woodworking, more as a hobby than a side job but I guess it could evolve into that
can't imagine anything more comfy than doing woodworking during winter

>> No.53701938

whatd you do with the gumball machines then? just kept for personal use? what pay per click sites? got a tutorial?

>> No.53701946

do you appear in them or stay anon

>> No.53701951

every boomer on ebay does that retard although ive gotten lucky a few times too its not something you can count on for regular income

>> No.53701964

>ive gotten lucky a few times too its not something you can count on for regular income
you're doing it wrong.

I've been doing it for 10 years now, I started off making a few thousand a year and now I make a couple thousand a month.

it's not how you do it so much as what coins you choose to resell. And figuring that out takes experience.

>> No.53701973

OK boomer, not buying your 1960 nickle

>> No.53702000

nobody is.

you gotta go much rarer than US coins

the coins I flip have 1 or 2 known examples each. Maybe 20 people in the world seriously collecting them. If they were super popular they'd never sell for so low at auction.

>> No.53702024

Im thinking about just posting a bunch of guitar cover videos of songs I like playing with the tabs if anybody wants to learn. At the very least it can get me involved with learning more on the guitar.

>> No.53702028

So I'm supposed to believe this super obscure coin is slurped up by your big brain ass for cheap specifically because nobody wants it, and then you're able to sell for 10x because it's so fucking rare that everyone wants it

>> No.53702039

Here's one I bought yesterday for $38

I already have a buyer lined up for $800 and I haven't gotten the coin yet.

>> No.53702049
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>> No.53702065

Be aware there is a fake TLX that ruggers just made trying to steal our thunder. The real TLX is: 0x2468400e2520b6Fb3612612bA571554521B0318E. You can find it using the website trustlock.xyz ... the fake token does not have a website.

>> No.53702086

>buying obvious fakes

>> No.53702103

that's where experience comes in.

nobody fakes these because they're too rare, and every example is usually photographed and documented.

I know a real saloon token in my field when I see it. And I know how many there are and what they usually sell for.

There are 2 examples of that token in existence, both have been in private collections since the turn of the century, and I now own both of them. I paid $500 for my first one. I paid $38 for the second one.

>> No.53702133

should i unironically stack chucky cheese tokens so my great great great grandson can sell them for big bucks

>> No.53702142

probably not

even most antique tokens aren't worth that much. I collect and flip antique saloon tokens from ghost towns and mining camps. Those are often worth hundreds of dollars. But even then you have to know which ones are rare.

>> No.53702188

so, there are two and you've convinced some dumb anon to pay $800, market value would seem to be $265.

The further away we get from 'the old west' the less value this boomershit will have.

>> No.53702209

>market value would seem to be $265.
It varies from as low as $38 to as high as a thousand for that token.

I agree it should get less valuable as boomers die off, but over the last 3 years we had almost half of the major collectors die and their collections go up for sale on ebay. At first they auctioned really cheap, and I spent almost $50k snapping up inventory at a fraction of the list price.

then after a while the auctions started to heat up, more collectors jumped in, and prices shot way up. That's why I'm still doing this side gig. People are happily paying 2-10x what I paid for this crap and I'm just using it to pay for my own collection.

>> No.53702243

specifically, that same token sold for over a thousand dollars on ebay 15 years ago, so that was its value.
then I bought one on ebay for $500 and that was its value
then the guy that paid a grand for his died of covid and I bought his token for $38 so right now that's the fair market value
in a week I'll sell it for $800 and that will be the fair market value.

fair market value is just whatever it sold for last. Currently that's either $38, or if we want to be generous, the average of $38 and $500

but in reality it's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. It may be a great deal at $800 or maybe not. I don't know. Time will tell. It'll probably go up in value though. For a while anyways.

>> No.53702347

The other interesting thing about that is the guy I bought it from probably paid less than $10 for it himself. If he took the time to research the token he could've easily made almost a thousand on that one coin alone. But he's a bulk reseller, he doesn't research his coins. He's getting rich buying a few thousand coins a month at $10 and selling at $38 or whatever they happen to auction for.

Then flippers like me that actually know what the coins are worth buy his junk and resell it. And there's even more layers after that, I have customers that buy my junk and then flip it again for even more money than I charged. It's just a matter of how much time and effort a seller wants to put into it and how big a profit they need. In my case I'm fine with doubling my money or better as long as I can do it consistently several times a month. I don't need max profit, I need quick and consistent sales. Anything above a 100% profit margin is fine by me.

>> No.53702386

Were do you flip them, not on ebay i presume

>> No.53702402

I mostly flip them on ebay, but over the years I've gotten to be friends with most of my customers. There's not a lot of buyers for that sort of thing. So I'll usually offer a great coin to my regular customers via email before I'll list it on ebay.

but yeah, about 80% of my business is just flipping back to ebay. People don't check to see what stuff sold for, and I've seen individual coins flipped several times in a single month on ebay.

>> No.53702454


Why do your ebay buyers not see/find the previous auction and buy it cheaper? They obviously look for the coin otherwise they wouldnt have found your auction no? Or do they only check your shop

>> No.53702470

they don't check ebay every day like I do. So it can take months or even years to sell something I list. I get around this by listing a few hundred coins at a time, and emailing my regulars to tell them I have new coins up. Then they all swoop in and buy what they want before someone else can get it.

>> No.53702482

>otherwise they wouldnt have found your auction no?
also important point there... I don't auction them. I list as BIN.

if I auction them I get hit with the same problem as the guys I buy from... nobody sees the auction and they usually sell for less than I paid.

>> No.53702513

I do sometimes end up bidding against my regular customers though. And that's fine. I bid half what I can sell the coin for to them, so if they see the auction and bid against me they hopefully get a good deal and I lose the auction. Sometimes they bid against each other and the prices can go pretty high. But that's part of the fun.

>> No.53703786

i help with english homework. im prolly the only retard that knows english in my area

>> No.53703899

How is southern California in February?

>> No.53704019
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Checked and kek'd

>> No.53704025
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Get one that can dispense sticky hands. Literally the only item worth purchasing from these things.

>> No.53704190

I have a 1866 3 cent nickle

>> No.53705397

I make like an extra ~$100 a month on Upwork, sometimes I wonder that if I just hired someone to win contracts for me if I'd make enough to quit my day job

>> No.53705463

I tried print of dement but it's pajeet tier

>> No.53705474

I'll take the mystery mix please.

>> No.53705498

It seems good if you have a preexisting audience in at least the 5 digit range. Part of the reason publishing companies exist is so that they do the marketing

>> No.53705564

>you gotta go much rarer than US coins
that looks american to me

>> No.53705892

I did freelance work on the side for a while but don't anymore, as it's not really scalable.

Recently I built a Chrome extension that has a free and paid version. Free is limited usage, paid is $30/year and is unlimited. I launched it last week and have 11 downloads but no sales yet. I'm hopeful that over time it can produce a few hundred or thousand dollars per year.

My longer-term goal is to build up passive software services like this and just scale up the membership subscriptions. $30/year with 2500 subscribers would be $75K. It's not replacing what I make at work, but I could for sure live on that if I needed to, and it would add a tremendous sense of comfort and a backstop.

Ideally I'd like having 2-3 passive services like this so that even if one falls off, the others should retain their usage. "MicroSaaS" as opposed to a full on SaaS company.

>> No.53705962

Which language did you code that stuff and is it hard to learn?

>> No.53706127

extensions are html/css/javascript. I use reactjs

>> No.53706158

whats the extension and what does it do?

>> No.53706492

I unironically have some old canadian coins, best advice for me to unload them and make some extra money?

>> No.53706595


>> No.53707352 [DELETED] 

So stupid that the game doesn't let you reset pawns to baseliner

>> No.53707587

u kys

>> No.53708042

I sell pharmaceuticals as an affiliate. I watch for what the companies sell the cattle what's next on TV and I use Indian pharmacies to sell whatever-the-fuck it is. Mostly vanity drugs and anit-depressants. My fucking God, the cattle eat that shit for breakfast/lunch/dinner. They also get diabetes on the regular and they need those drugs too. It's a comedy show. Sometimes I have to sit through hours of CNN to get a jump on what's next. I'm not cynical, it's very rewarding. But I put the money into crypto.

>> No.53708322

honestly same

>> No.53708463

You are a kike no cap

>> No.53708677

Can someone who owns vending machines tell me how much rent you pay to the landlord where you put your shit? And how much electricity if it’s not bundled with the rent?

>> No.53709232

I'm really sorry that your wife buys my shit so she can eat ice cream for lunch and dinner. It really hurts my fucking asshole. But you have to share a bed with her. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

>> No.53709360

>I have a 1866 3 cent nickle
>that looks american to me
US coins are issued by the US government

also frank butcher was not an american citizen, and lots of the tokens I deal in were in use before the town became part of the US.
take them to a coin store? You can auction them on ebay if you like, but they're probably not worth a lot.

>> No.53710073

>, but they're probably not worth a lot.
that's a shame, but thanks for the advice

>> No.53710117

If they're silver they're worth whatever the silver content is. Which can be a bit.


>> No.53710293

Dude ain't gonna give away a source of his income

>> No.53712309


>> No.53712321

please tell me how to get into this

>> No.53712558

same, would also like to know

>> No.53712806

I just work overtime at my normal job

>> No.53713086

Steve Hayden I'm a big fan! Haha, dude great biz. I've been doing the same with 19th century US Mint medals but only for collecting. Right on dude

>> No.53714252

Yeah, I know Steve. There's not a lot of people who collect or deal tokens, most of us have met at some point.

>> No.53715269

Investing in crypto is a side hustle as it could bloom at any time

>> No.53715317

This is what I did. Outside sponsorship is where the actual money is, not just YouTube monetization

>> No.53716222

Based anon, I am doing my DCA on a few assets like Bnb, Sylo and Flux till the next bull cycle as a side hustle while I focus on my job as a programmer