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53699223 No.53699223 [Reply] [Original]

What is the solution to the Tragedy of the Commons?

>> No.53699231

Increase gas fees.

>> No.53699235

sex with a communal butt

>> No.53699241

>t. just learned about this in economics 101 today

>> No.53699244

Enclosure, which is what turned the UK from farmers with poor dental hygiene to a world-wide colonial empire with poor dental hygiene. Privatization is the way to go.

>> No.53699350

The tragedy of the commons was fake news. Poor communities knew to self-regulate or face repercussions. Its the rich bastards that constantly prove to 'overgraze.'

>> No.53699354

i've heard "fucc a thic latina bro" is supposed to help but i think it'll contribute more to the problem down the road

>> No.53699366

all people who litter intentionally are thrown into the wood chipper? all people who steal from people with less money than them or more money than them go into the woodchipper? all people who use violence to intimidate and harass good people get thrown into the woodchipper?

>> No.53699371

Killing all niggers and distributing their land among real humans

>> No.53699373

Global IoT economy + sinking all the Chinese megatrawlers.

>> No.53699383

Based woodchipper salesman.

>> No.53699391
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private property. thread over

>> No.53699409


google zeitgeist movement

>> No.53699431
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Well? Are they wrong?

>> No.53699457

reduce the population

>> No.53699474
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Private property

>> No.53699503

Government regulation. :)

>> No.53699517
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Unironically this.

The solution to the tragedy of the commons is to have high quality people. If the commons becomes a tragedy, it’s because you’re not dealing with people, you’re dealing with human shaped animals. Animals that will expand their biomass until they have consumed all available resources before most of them starve due to a lack of resources.

Here’s a test, walk down the street, if the streets are free of trash and dogshit, you won’t have a tragedy of the commons situation.

However, if you walk down the street and there’s garbage and cracked pavements and loud music blasting out of small cramped hovels, you’re not dealing with humans, you’re dealing with swarthoids who will destroy themselves because of their inability to self-regulate.

t. White man living in Latin America

>> No.53699539

Spend some time around poor people, anon. Impulse control deficits are why they're poor.

>> No.53699584

literally how it feels living in texas with millions of illegal retards sneaking in

>> No.53699598

Did the math a couple years back so I don't know if it still holds but.
If all Americans reduced their lifestyle to the equivalent of Portugal (still something decent with social security etc) the saving in CO2 emissions compared to current was bigger that if you killed every person in Africa.

Of course there are many other parameters (plastic, land use, feces etc) but it gave the right idea.
Our planet can host several more billions human without blinking. Just not 350 million burgers

>> No.53699626

Bring back hunger by selling produce at its real value

>> No.53699638

>What is the solution to the Tragedy of the Commons?
Bitcoin payments

>> No.53699671

They are not wrong. The ZM has the perfect amalgamation. it has people from left and right (but it kinds of tends a bit to the left since is post-capitalist) and they are anti WEF, but approve of shared resource utilization, while at the same time a level of political decentralization that is only possible when the material matters of production are taken care of using good system management.

>> No.53699728

the only reason for that is that most africans still live in abject poverty and the only harm they do to the environment is their hunting of endangered species
what if you gave every african a portuguese standard of living?
all the modernization taking place around the world is for the express purpose of making those africans and indians into western-world tier consumers
there's no value in 20 billion humans on earth just so they can live in pods eating bugs while saddled with debt
CO2 emissions are a low-IQ meme to deflect from the absurdity of throwing billions of appliances into landfills to "save energy" with incrementally newer ones anyway

>> No.53699781

>Our planet can host several more billions human without blinking. Just not 350 million burgers
That's not how capitalism works. It doesn't care about what is good for everybody, it just cares what is good for people who have value.

>> No.53699907
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Cybernetic socialism

>> No.53700020

What country do you live in? All South American countries besides Chile and Uraguay aren't that great.

>> No.53700049

You dont have value. The only people who has value are the chosen peoples.

>> No.53700287

you mean the jews?

>> No.53700354

Apply a 5% grazing tax

>> No.53700366

Money is not a resource, a commercial is not a resource.
You can't just use those 7 million dollars and make more steel appear out of thin air.

>> No.53700376
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>If all Americans reduced their lifestyle to the equivalent of Portugal (still something decent with social security etc) the saving in CO2 emissions compared to current was bigger that if you killed every person in Africa.
I would rather the second option there chief

>> No.53700380

then sounds like capitalism needs to go.

>> No.53700390

>Poor communities knew to self-regulate or face repercussions.
High trust and homogeneous communities can absolutely co-own public resources. But that's about it, every other example of organization has led to overconsumption when it comes to "public resources" that are withheld from private ownership.

>> No.53700435

Everyone gets together and beats up the person fucking it up.

>> No.53700489

>money is not a resource
Where does the money that companies spend on advertising come from?

>> No.53700585

war, famine, pestilence, death

>> No.53700586

>Money is not a resource

>> No.53700616

> retarded niggers never heard of "night soil"

>> No.53700694

You're assuming that prople are retarded and can't regulate themselves, if i could exploit that land for profit do you think i wouldn't just limit the amount of cattle there?

>> No.53700791

Kek this

>> No.53700813

Cibercommunist central planification

>> No.53700850

Jerome's money printer.

>> No.53700859

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.53701333

They're absolutely right. Regardless of what these retards >>53700366
say, money IS a resource and the only one with an absolutely controlled flow. Those advertising companies and their clients trade it for commodities and man-hours with a very high intrinsic value. The value of that money relies precisely on the fact that its performance as a trading tool is way below par, it isn't worth a damn and can be infinitely printed by a centralized authority, thus having the potential to quickly erode the relative value of those commodities and man-hours to the convenience of the ones that control the flow of money.

If I control your salary, I can know exactly what % of your income you spend in mere survival. If it costs $10 just to house, cloth and feed you, I'll pay you only $12 to keep you coming back to work, and I'll blow away the rest on advertising to make you think that the money that I give you and the crap that I sell to you are very valuable, when in fact the true value is in the raw materials and your own manpower, which I use to manufacture that crap.

That's why CPI is always the number to watch, since it tells them exactly how much raw materials are being looted from the Earth and just tight the noose around our necks is and exactly how much air we need to keep hastily breaking our backs for them, so that they can send the appropriate amount of money. So money IS a resource, and THEIR only resource.

>> No.53701427

just feed them high fructuse corn syrup and bug goo

>> No.53701970

Doesn't work for the environment

>> No.53702495


>> No.53702554
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Increase wealth and general well-being. At 2 children per woman the population stops growing

>> No.53702584

>Muh CO2
Meanwhile the Pacific ocean is filling with microplastics from Africa's east coast, India and China but ok

>> No.53702653

Private property

>> No.53702712

ownership rights over sections of the commons

>> No.53702721

Theres no such thing. The "commons" were organized by local organic agreements. These so called tragedies were a fictional narrative used by London to justify their illegal evictions of millions of peasants "for their own good"

>> No.53702731

This. You have to have inequality unfortunately. The societies which dont allow it stagnate.

>> No.53702760

psychological warfare

>> No.53702775

Every year a lottery is drawn whereby 10% of the female population between 18-30 is locked up in stockades and become free use for the general public.

Crime would plummet, including crimes against women and girls. It's actually a good thing.

>> No.53702788

yeah but that also isn't correct. nobody has inherent value. jews are merely in control of things. doesn't mean they have value.

>> No.53702826

Ban Indians and Chinese from driving or make them pay more for insurance

>> No.53702844

The solution is to convince the population that they need "vaccines" to survive but in reality you disperse varying formulas of "vaccine", each producing different symptoms but ending in a culling.

>> No.53703082

Portuguese here, I want to live an american lifestyle, sans the negro and jew worship
Africans can go fuck themselves

>> No.53703311

>local organic agreements
Sometimes known as feudalism