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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 1038x530, AMAZON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53695112 No.53695112 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53695910

this image turns me on

>> No.53697920

Why do you believe it's currently undervalued?

>> No.53697936

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.53697947

>this exact type of constellation
Well this is new

>> No.53697957

I shop at chinese run Temu because it's cheaper and they don't push niggers on me

>> No.53697971
File: 2.80 MB, 640x352, black men white woman collection.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image turns me on
do you happen to be jewish?

>> No.53699063


Based on the color of the kid though, Tyrone is getting my wife's son'd by a cracker.

>> No.53699155

the image seems to be pushing more the notion of being a stepdad. given that children from single-mother households are statically not as successful as the standard nuclear family household. very rare for men to fully settle for a woman that comes with baggage in the form of kids, especially from different fathers. amazon can try to push the stepfather trap, but most men aren't simps. we want to create and nurture our own genetics, not someone else's seed/responsibility.

>> No.53699357

Good P/E
They removed 10% of their workforce. Next Quarter should see higher returns

>> No.53699477

>that webm
people want to put bmwf couples in their ads because it's trendy, the fact that you seethe about it is funny though.

>> No.53699605

and who decided it was (((trendy))) Moshe?

>> No.53699630

wmaf is the real interracial power couple

>> No.53699765

>ad world: black man looks after another man's child
>real world: black man doesn't look after his own child

>> No.53699809

must also be why every western made tv show and movie has some white guy getting cucked by a black dude

>> No.53699826

Amazon's P/E ratio is about 100, which is generally considered very expensive.

>> No.53699852

Thought this was an AVAX shill before looking closer.

>> No.53699854

Yeah but it's time they stopped 'investing' and started putting their infrastructure and market--and-smol-trader-crushing monopoly to work for the sole benefit and enrichment of their investors.

>> No.53699944

Honestly, that's reasonable. How confident can we be that it'll start happening now, though?

>> No.53699976

Bezos was the main blockade to such afaik - and he's since retired to become full-time pussy hound. Don't follow their internal politics all that closely tho.

>> No.53700147


>> No.53700573

How likely is it that Amazon will go public anytime soon?
The way I understand it is that Bezos is going to keep investing in the company until it makes enough money to make him rich and then he will take the profits and retire while leaving the rest to his heirs.

>> No.53700673

Reminder #578 today that every couple on Earth is mixed race and/or gay and that you should race mix and be gay.

>> No.53701055

Fuck off nigger tranny

>> No.53701291
File: 24 KB, 480x360, tulip_mania_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53701305

Scamazon? Nahmazon.

>> No.53702521

what the fuck is your problem, faggot?

>> No.53702574

Amazon is universally considered overvalued on a valuation basis. You are almost certainly just wanting to invest in companies you use and like, like most retail investors, and haven't even considered going over their financial statements. You are dead money in the stock market and you should just invest in SPY or VTI least you heavily underperform people who actually know how to find and invest in undervalued companies.

>> No.53702657

One good thing amazon has is that customs trust them so packages go through fast. For ebay they are most likely to inspect or charge some random tax. Might be too some high level agreement they have