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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53693222 No.53693222 [Reply] [Original]

use presearch (or whatever, presearch is a sufficiently decentralized search engine)
.> type in level finance
> use one of the collaterals you have to open up a 30x short (price is currently 284 - it will go lower today on the news of busd being btfo'd out of america by the SEC and DOJ)
> touch grass
> return to profits

try with like 50 bucks if you've never dumped shit with 30x leverage before. It's fun.

>> No.53693322

Yes goy short BNB hehe

>> No.53693561

paxos was told to stop minting busd, i'm waiting for that sec filing to drop.


>> No.53693599

ruh roh - chart agrees with me -> check it

>> No.53693673

they're fighting at 284/285, my entry was 283.55 so let's see what happens. i'm going to touch grass and come back and hopefully gloat at you later.

>> No.53693691

good luck amphibious assassin.

>> No.53693725
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godbless you

>> No.53693971

Just opened a 20x long

> shorting the bottom of a red dildo


>> No.53694054

cpi data is coming out tomorrow and it's gonna be bad.

>> No.53694074
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I feel you anon, shame I couldn't enter on the 281 scamwick

>> No.53694103

I'm happy you're making money, I'm currently down on my short but I won't be in 4 hours. Please keep posting here, I have no ill-will if I'm wrong and you're right, I used 50 buks.

>> No.53694134
File: 128 KB, 1035x624, 962200B8-4D6C-4348-ABA6-F0DA9A2CBBFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance wont let me use more than 20x LMAO fagets

I used 300$

Ill close at 292$

>> No.53694227

based anon, happy for you :) Now please let me have my moments in the sun so I can eat food today.

>> No.53694262

ty, I'll be closing soon or I'll probably get rekt
pancakeswap also has 200x on BTC, 100x on ETH and BNB, rest of shitcoins they reduced from 50 to 25, small fees and no kyc I'm pretty comfy

>> No.53694298

methinks this pump currently is to liquidate people purposefully :) I'm going to guess it's going to come crashing down at a pre-determined pricepoint by the bigbrains in china and the east coast.

>> No.53694307

Not looking too good ngl but i wish you luck anon

>> No.53694385
File: 71 KB, 736x1041, amphbi_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FROGS, HOLD THE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53694430
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>> No.53694478
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>> No.53694518
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Whats your liq price?

>> No.53694623

;) nice trry glownigger kike :) only feds watch trailer park boys

>> No.53694690
File: 3.49 MB, 498x498, 64EE6F16-7C8D-4F6A-BFFD-8A64CFF9FAA1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just an alcoholic

>> No.53694705

I know, you fed boys can't smoke weed. I will be liquidated if we hit 294..

>> No.53695118

oh shit I'm winning rn

>> No.53695229
File: 45 KB, 780x586, zelensky_excited_nigger_kike_fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruh roh, looks like I"m not liquidated yet niggers. I will keep posting this all day considering that I am like 10 zero sugar redbulls deep.

>> No.53695383

ruh roh guys, cpi is looking bad tomorrow.


>> No.53695624

>It’s been going up since you posted this

Why would I open the short on bnb now and not tomorrow before the CPI report

>> No.53695671
File: 142 KB, 768x1024, F8815544-E497-43EB-9882-E8B5F0E7E8CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

290 seems impenetrable... for now

>> No.53695720

what if the CPI has already been leaked to those in the know and the move is priced in one way or the other in BNB current price, but not factored in on the broader market?

>> No.53695766


>> No.53695906
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Rip OP

>> No.53695940
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>> No.53696026

lol. this is me right now, i'm a balding nigger too in a hotel above the sea. ohhhh jossannaaaa don't you cry for meeeeeee

>> No.53696108
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if this is true and known to the biggest players, then why only raise things by 1-2 percent and not full-send into a bull trap? no, I believe we will get a dose of reality tomorrow and be full-out kvetching by noon. tomorrow's biz posts are going to be so fucking funny and juicy, full of meme energi. I FEEL it. Don't you>?

>> No.53696298

So why did it already drop 9% today? You don’t think that was the feds and Jews already got the report a day early?

>> No.53696412

that's what I am saying - I agree that the report is priced-in and sent to the players in the game but I also believe the players can't control all global events.

>> No.53697314

lol welp, looks like I'm about to be liquidated. you can laugh at me guys. I think I was wrong. Buy bnb now?

>> No.53697375


>> No.53697401
File: 128 KB, 1035x624, 1515A2C0-3DE7-4141-BA02-75C0962AFCAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to close my position at 294 in honour of a fallen bobo

Thanks for playing

>> No.53697457
File: 202 KB, 2048x1024, baby_guy_new_skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck you. does biz own all of crypto and you contrarian fucks just have millions of dollars to make up or down arrows>? for fucksake.

>> No.53697496
File: 2.92 MB, 4032x3024, A1613CB3-0A8B-4404-89EA-35FE2CA21897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro I just do the opposite of what /biz (you) said

Simple as

>> No.53697538
File: 985 KB, 500x234, killeveryonenow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not biz though, i just had 50 dollars that could have been better used on food today than doing this. ive been looking at this fucking screen all day long waiting for it to crash down but I guess no, people like you stay winning I guess. please put that money to good use and take your partner out for a nice valentines day today.

>> No.53697595
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>> No.53697648
File: 112 KB, 768x1024, BA146C7F-2148-4997-A063-7B5FB862BE56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon thats nice of you. Listen man Ive learned myself the hard way too to never go in after the move has happened no matter how sure you are. If you see a big green or red dildo its too late, move on to something else or just close the computer. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

>> No.53697672

This thread is you, JEW. FUCK YOU.

>> No.53697680

god bless anon. ty. actually good advice from a bizraeli.

>> No.53697688

im actually pretty anti-semitic dude, why you say this? also, I am hoenst becuase I lost. I'm not larping, liquidated af.

>> No.53697772

god fuckign dammit. now they're just mocking me.

>> No.53697980
