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53686534 No.53686534 [Reply] [Original]

Just read the news about the toxic cloud over East Palestine, Ohio. Will this affect crops?, i even think ayyy lmaos news are psyops not to talk about this.

>> No.53686544

That whole town is getting cancer, right?

>> No.53686552

Fuck the town, the whole state is getting cancer and the neighboring states as well. This unironically is a happening that is going to be a catalyst for the slippery slope straight to hell

>> No.53686594

Vinyl chloride exposure is associated with an increased risk of a rare form of liver cancer (hepatic angiosarcoma), as well as primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia.

>> No.53686604

There were 3 additional dangerous chemicals they found on the train.


>> No.53686959

Hopefully this event teaches Americans about the superiority of the EU. Imagine not having strict regulations.

>> No.53686970

Fuck the EU.

>> No.53686984

>Wake up to another beautiful day in Europe
>Get out of bed, squeeze past my bike in my 3 sq meter apartment to get into the kitchen
>Pay my 10 euro stove tax and turn on the grill, feeling hungry so I cook an entire egg
>"Amerifats would probably eat two of these", I remark to myself out loud
>Smoke 5 cigarettes while waiting for egg to cook
>Go downstairs to catch the tram to work, pay 3 euros to use it even though my taxes fund public transport
>A state-supported refugee dressed in full Gucci gets on the tram without paying and asks me for money
>I hand over 5 euros, he gets upset that it isn't more and stabs me
>Get off at next stop and call an ambulance, chuckling to myself as I remember how this human right would cost $1,000,000 in America
>Smoke 3 packs of cigarettes while waiting
>Ambulance arrives 2 hours later, promptly brings me to the hospital after I pay the 40 euro road use tax (can only drive at 40 km/h on the city roads due to coronavirus)
>Get to hospital, wait another 3 hours because several pregnant gypsies are busy arguing with the hospital staff in Romani
>Eventually get stitched up by a doctor, pay the 300 euro medical admissions tax
>Leave hospital and head to work at the European Foreign Affairs Global (eFAG), Internet Crimes Division
>Spend 30 minutes flagging anti-tax memes on /biz/ for followup by the cyber police
>Head home, where I boot up /biz/ (after paying the 7 euro wifi tax)
>Some tard is bitching about my beautiful Europe
>"That's not how tax brackets work, Cletus"
>Another day protecting the sanctity of Europe, another burger btfo'd
>Reward myself with 8 cigarettes and a piece of toast for dinner
Yeah, some European "superiority" you dumb fucking poorfag.

>> No.53686985

>more government
>the government set the chemicals on fire
That’s the last thing we need
Regulations only prevent new competitors from entering a market
Corporations and governments are controlled by the same people
Are people in Europe so stupid they haven’t figured this shit out?

>> No.53686998

A thread died for this
Fucking jannies do your job.

>> No.53687003

>like 5 cancers
I think your answer is a yes.

>> No.53687007

Oh no we need more shroom shilling threads or stale pasta stat.

>> No.53687028
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Holy fuck, I'm screenshotting this

>> No.53687039

>the EU
You idiots don't even use nuclear and rely on fucking coal.

>> No.53687051

Russian disinformation this did not happen wake the fuck up

>> No.53687080

>glowie hates the shroom threads
fuck off

>> No.53687107

The jetstream is carrying the toxic cloud to the eu

>> No.53687147

Not great, not terrible.

>> No.53687156

t. Glownigger

>> No.53687164

Everyone knows glowtards hate mind expanding substances like shrooms

>> No.53687176

That's CGI

>> No.53687179

kek saved

>> No.53687197

Which company bottles water? Rivers and aquifers in multiple states will be contaminated.

>> No.53687231

>Be American
>Get Chernobyl'd
>Die of heart disease before the cancer can get you
>Your body gets double tapped to make sure you're dead
>Descendants get a seven figure hospital bill

>> No.53687232

Google image search says the pic is real.

>> No.53687239

Cope. Enjoy poverty/getting shot/corruption. Here I have plenty of parties to vote for and you lot only have 2 sides of the same corrupt coin. Get fucked

>> No.53687253

>Europeans bragging about their politicians
I thought you guys were red pilled not hero worshipping cucks

>> No.53687259

France is almost entirely Nuclear. Kys posthaste, fatty.

>> No.53687263

Enjoy your no go zones and "refugees" making 4000 euros a month with no jobs :)

>> No.53687267

Its hardly a brag and more of a factual statement. You new worlders only get mad because you know we are right.

>> No.53687270

> Just read the news
Kek you're so fucking late normie

>> No.53687271

I heard symptoms could appear within two weeks

>> No.53687289

Enjoy your immigrants and shit education/healthcare/government. The US probably spends more keeping me safe from the Russian boogieman than they spend on you.

>> No.53687298

are they going to use this as cover for vaxx deaths?
in any event, it happened right on the state line, could impact PA more than OH, based on wind patterns

>> No.53687302
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>> No.53687347

>cops were caught setting the chemicals on fire
of course the govt is making this shit even worse
this is another psyop

>> No.53687409


Seems that it was the best option, since those chemicals getting burned are less dangerous than them touching the soil (based on some chemical nerds opinions)

>> No.53687429

Buy the inevitable train company dips. UNP CSX GBX NSC. These events always cause a large dip that usually completely recovers within a month or two. Unless this gets classified as a 737 MAX level fuck up (it won't) this'll be a grand buying opportunity.

>> No.53687434

I’ve read differing opinions
It seems a lot easier to contain something on the grounds vs burning it and releasing it into the atmosphere
the same people telling us to clean the air through taxing everyone more, decided to destroy the air to protect small towns in Ohio

>> No.53687449

I was thinking about buying long-dated puts on Norfolk Southern, but kind of skeptical that there will be any fallout from this
Still.. maybe buying one put per month could pay off bigly in the end

>> No.53687595

LSD was part of Cold War research

>> No.53687718


>> No.53687729

But wait, there's more!
And it's not only vinyl chloride, there's 5 other chemicals not initially reported, at least 1 of which is equally as carcinogenic and flammable as vinyl chloride which I'm too lazy to go look at the document again to name

>> No.53687746

Lmao your politicians are spineless midwits and pedophiles leeching off FSB and CIA "donations"

>> No.53687777
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>> No.53687807


>> No.53687850
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checked. very memetic night tonight. felt something switch earlier.

>> No.53687859

Eurosissies how do we respond?!?

>> No.53687865

>the government doesn't want you doing drugs
t. drug dealer

>> No.53687869

thanks jannies, now zoomers will do drugs

>> No.53687909

Digit-Sama... I kneel...

>> No.53687986

Regulations mean jack shit when the corporations OWN the politicians making the regulations. Regulations are actually how monopolies (technically oligopolies) are created in every sector of business.

>> No.53688031

Benzene? That was another one NS 'forgot' to mention to first responders. I watched a local news clip from east Palestine. People 3 miles away getting interviewed and asking, 'how come I didn't have to evacuate? Is it safe?' The reporter assuring them the authorities will come up with a plan. It was horrifying. All these people are dead, and they don't even know it. Just too salt of the earth to live.

>> No.53688034
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>THIS flavor of Jew-controlled pro-immigrant socialist candidate is MUCH better than the six other Jew-controlled pro-immigrant socialist candidates. What amazing choices I have!!

>> No.53688092

I hate my politicians and yours too
European politicians have been controlled by the Jews even longer than America
Most of you idiots are so ashamed of your country that you claim an entire continent instead of the specific place you were born
You’re not proud, Europeans hate themselves and everything their EU represents but glad to seek your still cucked

>> No.53688115

Yeah and they made it illegal when they figured out it’s effects
Nice try glowtard
They don’t want us doing psychedelics
The glories are thick in this thread

>> No.53688206

>Fuck the town, the whole state is getting cancer and the neighboring states as well. This unironically is a happening that is going to be a catalyst for the slippery slope straight to hell

I figure if it is a worst case scenario, no politician is going to come out and say it, as that would just cause a panic....because what can you even do?

It's a wait and see event. Glad I left Ohio in 2011...

>> No.53688353

They're willing to play along with a UFO/ayy lmao narrative rather than talk about this. This is way worse than the fake cold that they fucked everything up over and it's hardly being covered.

>> No.53688392

lmao based

>> No.53688408

The worst part is that if millions is people suddenly get cancer from this the antivaxxtards will write it all up as vax deaths.

>> No.53688416
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Fuck I'm in Columbus and I'm kinda worried lmao

>> No.53688431

Damn I get to witness a new pasta being born

>> No.53688443

europe sounds beautiful

>> No.53688447

Has there ever been a release of this much Vinyl Chloride into the atmosphere like this? Sure you have historical data to back up your doomsday event? I am just curious myself.

>> No.53688459

Serious question, I live right by Detroit in Michigan. Should I evacuate? I don't wanna breathe this chemical shit. Or have acid rain pollute the great lakes and affect the drinking water. I have a reverse osmosis filter for my water, but I'm sure it could affect my groceries still.

>> No.53688462

>are they going to use this as cover for vaxx deaths?
>the vaxx was only administered in the north east united states of america
the absolute state

>> No.53688471

Not saying they made the right decision but 100k pounds into the water table could be just as fucked up. By burning the chemical it changes into something else

>> No.53688589
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>vaxxed cuck
There’s already enough deaths from the vax
There’s been books written about it

>> No.53688635

Enjoy the wiped T cells and dysregulated immune response and amyloidosis to mitigate a less than flu tier risk

>> No.53688654

You're right, the death spike beginning uniquely in January 2021 happened everywhere. No ability to look for localized cover story.

>> No.53688669

Stop drinking tap water. You should already not be anyways. Reverse osmosis is good but not enough.

>> No.53688687

what I'm hearing is I should short those companies now then long them in a month

>> No.53688690

this newfag

>> No.53688723
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And drink what instead, bottled water?

Also, I got one of these puts against the railroad company. Hopefully I can at least profit from this tragedy

>> No.53688760

I remember when you fags were calling the “excess deaths” stats all made up between the start of COVID and the vax being rolled out, and then suddenly the excess death stats were all legit and definitely due to the vax straight after.

>> No.53688776

I’d assume this is terrible for the entire country, Canada, and hopefully Mexico and South America.

>> No.53688797

whyd it dip like that at the end of january?

>> No.53688798
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Uhhhhhhhh BASED?

>> No.53688802

You forgot the part where the migrants gang rape your gf and then you have to pay for her abortion