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53682274 No.53682274 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have a moral obligation to support my mom financially, if she is a good person, but worked shitty jobs all her life, because she isn't very smart?

>> No.53682319

No. You don't have a "moral obligation" to do anything in your life.

>> No.53682357

Yes it’s literally one of the 10 commandments, honor thy mother and father there’s a reason why when the churches had to spoon feed morality to the masses they put this shit on the same level as thou shalt not kill cause it’s the same importance.

You could let your mother freeze on the streets so you can afford more funko pops if you want but you 100% will not be moral in doing so. If she was abusive or absent growing up maybe you can convince me otherwise but if she’s just dumb and poor you have to take care of her

>> No.53682370

I'll support your mum with my cock

>> No.53682395
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Don’t mind me.
I’m just here to steal your Apu
Please continue.

>> No.53682471
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>If she was abusive or absent growing up

Not really, but she left my father and made life way more difficult for me and herself, by doing so.


Here, have another one, fren.

>> No.53682481

I think you definitely do, but it's really a personal decision. I don't know how much she sacrificed to give you what you have today, or how much you'll have to sacrifice to support her. I don't have to make any sacrifice, advice is easy enough to hand out when you're not involved. You have to make the hard decision and accept the consequences

>> No.53682497

Hey faggot she worked a shitty job to support YOU. Was she just supposed to NEET all day or taking leet coding lessons while raising your sorry ass?

>> No.53682498

she literally grew you and nurtured you. you owe her everything.

and thats why you should dedicate all your resources to helping yourself, not her.

>> No.53682514

>Not really, but she left my father
be honest, did she have a legit reason? because if not, then you should cut all ties with her

>> No.53682527
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This make perfect sense. Based continuation bro.

>> No.53683234

yes obviously. unless you're a dirty commie