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File: 83 KB, 1165x604, c454wmtzwfha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53673128 No.53673128 [Reply] [Original]

This chart compares the number of total transactions of the top two crypto networks (Bitcoin and Ethereum) combined versus that of Hedera.
Get on board the train before it leaves the station.

>> No.53673265

You can add Cardano and SOL to that and Hedera will still be ahead...

>> No.53673276

Trash, anyone can write generic bots that pingpong transactions on any blockchain. Literally no one uses Hedera Cuckbar.

>> No.53674126

hello sirs what is your prediction for hedera hbar token price thank you

>> No.53674156

i dumping a few grand into hbar on the next dip

>> No.53674191

Price prediction is impossible for anything. But I feel what would increase the price floor is more adoption and use cases for the network and the outlook for this looks pretty good compared to most other networks in my opinion.

>> No.53674277


Well seeing that bitcoins big thing is being trustless and having a lower inflation rate than gold.

While Hedera is trustless, will have 0% inflation in 4 years time, decentralized governance between the world's largest corporations and institutions, has impossible to beat scalability, speed, security, and bucket loads of utility.

I would say it makes sense that it will be at least be a trillion dollar market cap by 2027 ($20 per hbar).

>> No.53674392

Kek I pray this is the case but I definitely have my doubts

>> No.53674856
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, Leemon (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to trust that the governing council members will keep our best interest in mind, and not whatever globohomo is pushing. What will the council do if governments start demanding that they fuck with the network for "social security" or some bullshit?

>> No.53675047

then mr. baird channels his inner spiritual energy and reigns as supreme chancellour over the hedera network, with purity and our lord and saviour's vision in mind.

>> No.53675080

Total transactions don’t mean shit when 99% of them are just bottled for the entire purpose to pretend that your ghost chain is active

>> No.53675439

Weak b8. Do you even enjoy such low effort fud?

>> No.53676021

I assume they have been making new accounts recently for the same reason. We should sell our bags now I guess.

>> No.53676101
File: 79 KB, 1644x885, icp tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hedera TPS only 3 digits
That's supposed to be impressive?

>> No.53676121


Would rather trust a bunch of autistic, pyjama wearing, incels over an international collaboration of rotating corporations who all have vested interest in the success of the project?

Regardless of your choice there are state proofs on all transactions that show that they are valid and not manipulated.

You don't need to trust the math, it is true regardless of your feelings.

>> No.53676140

>6,000 TPS+
Holy fuck hbros how are we supposed to keep up?

>> No.53676736
File: 3.81 MB, 1024x937, pepe_sauce_spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HBAR and SAUCE will mint millionaires before Internet Computer (el oh el)

>> No.53676760

Nothing is more impressive than the ICP price chart. Resembles an elevator where it only goes down. Kek.

>> No.53676780
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>> No.53676815
File: 19 KB, 595x568, FPBjTC_WQAQGa31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic fud, this is the face of hbarprice and he got mad that the foundation wouldnt give him free hbar for his shit ideas and then spent a year autistically trying to fud them using fake and gay stats

>> No.53677060

No way. Joel Bruce is a white guy? I for sure thought he was a beaner.

>> No.53677101

>crypto been in the shit for last few months
>just as I'm thinking of buying some more hbar it goes from like 0.03 USD to 0.09

>> No.53677111

>infinity users and transactions
>cumulative revenue lower than one working class American salary
>Billions of marketcap

>> No.53677151

>Can’t refute the facts.

Cope harder

>> No.53677438

Ok, let's assume you are not a troll :
I always assumed ICP was a joke but I see it mentioned more and more, I would like to avoid being in a Hbar echo chamber :

What is ICP governance model ?
How much does a transaction on ICP cost ?
Is there staking on ICP ?
What are the main big names partners / use cases on ICP ?

Thanks to anyone who'd answer truthfully

>> No.53677457

Sauce price hasn't done shit with this bull run... shouldve never of bought 50k more instead of hbar

>> No.53677524

Glad I only bought $250. It's not over or anything but I definitely don't have too high of hopes

>> No.53677538

How come ICP is not on the top of this list then?

>> No.53677648

The emission rate is just super aggressive. Supply will double at end of first year, just like ripping off a bandaid from a hairly leg.

>> No.53678066

I'll consider buying some HBAR when it's back at $0.05. Not gonna fall for the obvious coordinated P&D Discord group pushing the price up trying to get people to fomo in at these prices.

>> No.53678146

If you can resist FOMO you are now a level 2 trader.

>> No.53678671
File: 65 KB, 600x899, shredder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuh HBROs are we the baddies?

>> No.53679114

Insider here. Expect pump to 13 cents then pullback to 10 cents.

>> No.53679149

I'm pretty comfy with my 170k hashies.
Just started staking with my ledger hashies aswell

>> No.53679305

The casual 300 Million discord group