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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53671432 No.53671432 [Reply] [Original]

Start Monday, I'll be selling stuff on the phone like a street shitter.
If I call you this week anon don't hang up right away.

>> No.53671448

I wish girls who looked like this weren't mentally fucked up whores.

>> No.53671474

Me too anon. Although I've met a couple that eschew all the makeup and they were chill. Rare as fuck desu

>> No.53671479

JDF girls are all pretty crazy but in a way that makes them insanely dependable gfs/wives. They have massive jealousy issues and are dedicated to doing anything to ensure their man of choice is theirs. They’re generally chill as fuck but definitely low key psychotic.

>> No.53671483

really? I'm surprised they haven't replaced this kind of job with AI yet.

>> No.53671485

only someone mentally fucked would make a vid like that to begin with

>> No.53671500

she's a paid model you goofys

>> No.53671522

>JDF girls
They aren't even real soldiers



Kikes literally are the bane of human existence, all your women problems?
All your money problems?
Nigger problems
Propaganda problems?

>> No.53671533


it's hilarious how some guys simp HARD for those so-called 'rare girls', hence the rise of trad gfs. They're literally playing you. Girls are all the same lmfao

>> No.53671536


>> No.53671544

hate foids so fucking much, I fucking hate foids so much giving these subhumans rights has destroyed society

>> No.53671561
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>> No.53671564

>find trad girl account
>profile created 2011
>post history only goes back to 2017
Every time

>> No.53671570

This is finance related -
So uhhhh.... what Palestinian faction can my friend join immediately? Not so he can be one of the bodies she dances over that would be absurd haha no way that would be weird right?
Can you pay IDF girls to kill you? Asking for a friend.

>> No.53671588

>Thinks a girl would kill him rather than a stinking sweating pencil necked kike who's using a sniper rifle to bait you into getting helped
Jews don't kill they bait simple as, but most of you niggers have never watched Jews fight, I have they are the biggest cowards in human history.
Remember them claiming Palestine uses human shields?
No evidence of that there is however over 150 days of photos/videos of jews using children under the age of 6 as literal meat shields, palestine children being ratchet strapped to the front of their windshields, not a joke most of it's scrubbed hard to find even the evidence of JIDF using thots to recruit americans.