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53669708 No.53669708 [Reply] [Original]

What should a 26 year old man with no degree do with $50,000? He makes $20/hr working at a fast food place

>> No.53669717

Go to college before your a 36 year old man with no degree and $0
the goyim will be exterminated soon

>> No.53669720


Invest most of it. Keep 6 months in cash for an emergency fund if you lose your job.

>> No.53669729

What exactly should he learn in college?
What's a good degree to have nowadays

>> No.53669735

Invest it in what?

>> No.53669753

unironically computer science, but specializing in something that isn't stupid
AI probably; with a masters / doctorate.

just go to school for the next decade and get student loans; 10 years from now college will be free anyway and all student loan debt will be wiped.

you have to flag yourself as a useful human being before the simulation purge's

>> No.53669764
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Get back to work

>> No.53669769


>> No.53669817


Different mutual funds, or ETFs. Don't buy individual stocks unless you want to spend everyday researching and following the company (which gets old after a while).

>> No.53670042

Dump 40k of it into VTSAX with reinvested dividends and enjoy watching it double every 10 years.

>> No.53670074


asking this question means youve already failed in upbringing and social connections, you will always be a loser. theater, go study theater retard. dumbass goy.

>> No.53670111


>> No.53670716
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>He makes $20/hr working at a fast food place
i'm so jealous of americans it's unreal
how can you make so much money doing minimum wage retard work?

>> No.53670777


cost of living is higher in the states so it balances out

>> No.53670782

35k wsteth
10k ibond
5k cash

>> No.53670890

nothing i've ever seen suggests it really is that much cheaper than the uk houses certainly aren't when you compare like with like it's just people in the uk tolerate living in squalor

>> No.53671135

people who don't know what they're doing by the age of 18 and people who aren't earning six figure by the age of 25 are complete fucking losers and deserve the mcwage job that they're in.

>> No.53671164

Haha I had no clue what i was doing at age 18, now I make 40k a year in SEA which is basically 6 figures. You're a faggot

>> No.53671168

Do what every other failure does, go teach English in abroad. Bonus points for bagging a wife and pumping out a few half-caste kids.

>> No.53671182

lol pottery

>> No.53671789

He thinks being top cattle is a good thing.

Don’t listen to him. Just learn on your own if you want. Always work for yourself. I’d rather die than have a boss ever again.

>> No.53671799

>10 years from now college will be free anyway and all student loan debt will be wiped.
My uncle used to say this in the 70's