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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53667341 No.53667341 [Reply] [Original]

And we’re back!

>> No.53667405

I am suffering from an anal prolapse in the shape of a blooming red rose

>> No.53667461


>> No.53667594


>> No.53667636

I need rose to hit $10 or I'm gonna kms.

>> No.53668903

I'll prepare your casket for you

>> No.53668971

Make sure it will be made of pure gold for when this future millionaire will die of a coke-induced heart attack during one of his weekly orgies

>> No.53669163

OK basement dweller

>> No.53669639

Rose doesn't solve scaling, they try to call it something else and obfuscate what's really happening, it's a bunch of L2's that settle to the main chain.
Now a dev needs to build his own paratime layer to deploy instead of having to write a smart contract on L1, how is that a good thing. Will said it best
>That means it's a hub and spoke network, much like cosmos or dot. So, meh. Generally I see academic leads for crypto projects as negative signal (trading academic rep for vc capital) but I don't know about oasis specifically. It's not all that interesting of an approach tech wise.
>It is. It's a realistic approach. It's just not new. Rsk and EOS and many others tried it already, it has trouble gaining runaway traction like L1 solutions have been able to do. Oasis may crack that nut, but history is against them. Dev on layer 2 first, vs deploying to L1, is much more involved

Furthermore it's using tendermit for its consensus which means it's going to be pretty fucking centralized. Isn't that great.
Remind me how many people on this meme board hold that project again? Yeah..
But kda bad! because.. uh just because ok.

The rose FAQ says sharding is based but too complex, meaning they can't make it work and did something much simpler instead (they said that word for word).
So the literal rose team is telling you that kda is the better solution. You almost can't make this shit up.

>> No.53669773

Why is it always shills for other coins fudding rose, really makes you think

>> No.53670688

>Now a dev needs to build his own paratime layer to deploy instead of having to write a smart contract on L1
what did he mean by this? why would they need to build their own paratime layer when they can just deploy their shitty dapp on sapphire or emerald? I know this is a copy paste but I never understood this part of the fud.

>> No.53670726

All aboard the cope train! Choo chooo.

>> No.53670792

is it still copy paste if I am the anon who actually wrote it? or if I am the only anon that keeps posting it?
Anyway, you are retarded
>why does DYDX need to build their own L2 if they can just deploy on ETH mainnet
Does this make sense now? The point here is scaling and if you expect everyone to run their mega dapp on a single chain then that is not scaling, scaling is giving devs a solution to scale their operations, and rose does so by having dev need to build their own paratime layer to deploy.

>> No.53670825
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Anyone know who it's been pumping?

I bought what I believe to be a suistack at practically the bottom and I've been staking it since almost mid-2021.

However, I'm not done accumulating and now the price goes up and I can't get any more cheapies ($0.04 or lower).

>> No.53670858

What is the consensus on suicide stack for rose?

>> No.53670869
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>> No.53670884


There is none, but I believe 50,000 - 100,000.

>> No.53670983

Please let this be smininem’s next pick

>> No.53670987

There is no consensus. Some people tried to claim 10k as sui stack but IMO that's impossible as it implies that Rose will have a finalized marketcap equal to Chainlink, which just won't happen IMO.
I agree with this (>>53670884) anon, 100k sui, 1million make it. SRS.
>t. 150k baggie still in the red.

>> No.53671018
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>it implies that Rose will have a finalized marketcap equal to Chainlink
Equal to Chainlink's current MC? That isn't too crazy considering that for Rose to to really go parabolic there needs to be an underlying bullrun, at which point Link will have a significantly higher MC than it does currently unless they shut down the pumps like usual.

>> No.53671075

I'm talking about fully diluted marketcap.
Link has 1b tokens, Rose has 10b. Thus, assuming equal marketcaps, a 1k Link sui stack = 10k Rose sui stack. But when both projects are fully realized, I doubt that Rose will have equal marketcap to Link (just my opinion..). So if we say Rose will have 1/10 of Link's mcap, then 1k Link sui = 100k Rose sui.

>> No.53671139


>> No.53671265
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Suicide stack for ROSE has been accepted among this board to be 100k.
>55k stacklet.

>> No.53671272 [DELETED] 

So ROSE is the bullshit this iphone niggers gonna spam all day I guess, time to ban the word Rose and any threads pertaining to this chink scam.

>> No.53671283
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Enjoy staying poor.

>> No.53671288 [DELETED] 

Enjoy killing yourself from schizophrenia the day you do is the day I give everyone still posting on /biz/ 15k each.

>> No.53671293

Cope and seethe

>> No.53671295
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>> No.53672475

Fuck off nigger

>> No.53673746

At least 10k rose. That's going to put you at a six figure USD stack when it reaches it's target price.