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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53665126 No.53665126 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most jewish board on the whole of 4chan, even more than /lgbt/.
>be poorfag but happy
>happiest moment was having lunch with mom and sisters and uncles and aunts and cousins at grandma's house
>getting buff on /fit/ looking at memes laughing and getting mired
>start coming here in 2017
>leave /fit/
>become dyel again
>buy link
>stressed every single day but sure made some money for pc and phones and gadgets despite not selling the top and being down like 90%
>move countries to make more money
>fall for the /pol/ meme and get married
>haven't felt anything remotely close to happiness in years
>easiest shit would be to buy a plane ticket, leave the bitch, go back home
>something in me won't let me do it, or maybe I lack the courage for it, didn't know you could convert to judaism but they did it, they found a way to subvert /pol/ by making /biz/ and they turned all of us into jews.