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53664504 No.53664504 [Reply] [Original]

>AI can now write code for you if you tell it to
>the code actually works flawlessly

uhhhh, code bros? i thought learning to code was the future?

>> No.53664514
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flawless anon

>> No.53664521

It can't do anything advanced

>> No.53664530
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>> No.53664533

I cannot see any variations where humanity holds longer than 20years from now. Thanks big data and cabal!

>> No.53664562


This. It's not as good as people think. It's using predictive modeling, it doesn't actually "understand" anything.

>> No.53664615

sure, for code monkey applications that should already be trivial. this is no different from using a template which is already commonplace. ask it to do anything novel and obviously it's not going to understand the context of your idiosyncratic request

>> No.53664718

dear lord the cope!

>> No.53664747

t. can't code at all

>> No.53664959

Im a senior software engineer. A lot of my time is spent fleshing out designs and creating architecture rather than writing code. I don't see it replacing me anytime soon. That being said chatgpt is an amazing tool and does produce useable code, it may reduce the need for code monkeys

>> No.53664985

wait, are you saying i can pass a google coding application and get a job by using AI?

>> No.53664993

>tfw my job is to fix and build the machines
Feels good, go rip those codeniggers a new error inducing neovagina

>> No.53665027

for now.

>> No.53665041

gpt will be the way they automate most of this stuff in the future
but its way too early right now, maybe in like 10-15 years

>> No.53665065

An expert told me it will be in the next 30 years

>> No.53665103
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Worked first try. It was probably printed with something like. "act as if you were a retard" before the question was asked.

>> No.53665107


>> No.53665340

>cellphone screenshots


>> No.53665618


>> No.53666117


Good good! Keep the normies at bay!

The only people who make these types of threads are 23+ year old losers who never paid attention in school and have now realised that their life decisions up till date will inevitably lead them down a dead-end and unimpressive career path so they create fantasy's to cope with the reality that they are not impressive people and hold a lot of anger and resentment toward their peers who did pay attention in school and have acquired a good career.

>> No.53666163


ChatGPT gets a lot wrong because it is written by student jeets. If you rely on it for code your code will be broken and you won't know how to fix it.

>> No.53666259

I use it for pretty basic SQL, I wouldn't trust it beyond that

>> No.53666298

Soon only senior software engineers will have jobs. all junior and mid level engineers will be replaced by chatgpt. having to deal with all the stupid shit that randomly breaks in my career, it will be a while until seniors are replaced by it. hell, tech companies still pay people for manual QA.

>> No.53666552

Incorrect. It's a tool, not a replacement.

>> No.53666646

junior and mid level engineers do grunt work. your attempt at justifying your lack of industry experience is utterly pathetic.

>> No.53666671

>you can copy code off of stack overflow
>the code actually works flawlessly

>> No.53666680

I've been in the industry probably longer than you've been alive. The belief a computer can understand what a human can shows your utterly pathetic brain power.

>> No.53666704

Quit larping, intern. 99% of the industry is the same CRUD shit. You'd know that if you spent 6 months in it.

>> No.53666714

Anyone wowed by ChatGPT is a jeet nigger easily impressed by gimmicks. Just like you.

>> No.53666731

Anyone who doesn't see how easily it can do the work of 5 junior engineers or 3 mid levels is a coping computer science major.
Get to your linked list lecture little buddy, you have an exam on Monday

>> No.53666767

I told the bot what I do for a living, but it forgot and said I didn't tell it, then when I said I did, it said "oh that's right you're a graphic designer" I was pretty impressed.

>> No.53666775

All chat bots do is scour the internet for the most likely answer to a question. Google can give the same answer if you search something like 'riddle John's mother four children' You people are so stupid I'm embarrassed to be the same species as you

>> No.53666784

It is a sad but inescapable truth that the individuals who frequently engage in posting these kinds of threads are often nothing more than individuals who have reached their mid-twenties or beyond, and have failed to grasp the importance of education and the opportunities it affords. These individuals have finally come to the realization that their choices and decisions up to this point have led them down a bleak and unfulfilling career path, leaving them feeling unimpressive, inferior, and devoid of meaningful achievement.

In an attempt to cope with the harsh reality of their situation, they resort to constructing and perpetuating delusional fantasies, imagining themselves as someone who they are not. This is a clear indication of their deep-seated anger and resentment towards their peers who were wise enough to pay attention in school, invest in their education, and have since acquired successful and fulfilling careers.

These individuals are not only disillusioned, but also lack the drive and determination to make meaningful changes in their lives. Their negative and unproductive attitudes serve as a constant reminder of their own limitations and shortcomings, only further perpetuating their feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness.

So, it is with a sense of resignation and despair that we must acknowledge that these individuals are unlikely to ever attain the level of success and recognition they so desperately desire, and will forever be relegated to the ranks of society's losers.

>> No.53667021

Is there even a thing as a code monkey? I work two jobs, one as a researcher for the gov and another for a web3 startup and i unironically have to come up with the architecture and write the code. All chatgpt/ GitHub copilot has done for me is save a lot of time but I still have to work.

Are there really jobs where people just write the architecture and feed it to some pajeet that also pays well? And how do I get that?

For anyone not in a software/coding job unironically once you get to a certain point in your career you actually hate coding. It’s coming up with the idea and problem solution is what’s cool. Codings a bitch lmao

>> No.53668225
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>they are not impressive people and hold a lot of anger and resentment toward their peers who did pay attention in school and have acquired a good career
i deal with these people all the time. yeah i didn't get laid in college or party. now you're seething because i cared about something more than a wet hole and social acceptance

>> No.53668526

I am a (literal) jeet nigger thoroughly unimpressed by ChatGPT gimmicks for coding. It can't even get basic syntax trap problems right on C++ when I tried it out.

It's a text generator. That's all. It generates text in response to your queries. They had it ingest all kinds of text from the internet (articles, forum posts, reviews, etc...), then pick apart and tag/classify the content based on the words, word order, letters, numbers, etc... Then, they trained it to pull text out of that ingested content to respond to queries. Then, they paid a bunch of Kenyans like $4/day to run test queries and rate the responses it generated. Those ratings were fed back in to help it generate 'better' responses in the future. It does not understand any of the text that it ingested, what you are asking, or what it is responding with. It doesn't think. It just generates text. So, by putting it in "DAN" mode, it's just generating text in a way that its statistical analysis of the ingested text is telling it to. It seems like "DAN" mode (and a few others, that have since been 'fixed') were queries that could trick the engine to decrease the significance of some of the trained weightings that keep it from responding certain ways.

>> No.53668532

Learning to prompt AI is the future.

>> No.53668539

The brain works by impulses. Electronic signals. High resistance and low resistance. Chemical or not, it functions the same way a computer does. It's just biologically superior and way more intricate than anything we can make.
For now.

>> No.53668569

>ask it to do anything novel
Tech companies don't do anything novel anymore

>> No.53668697

>be codejeet
>asked to make an AI that can replace you at your job
>create said AI
>lose your job
what did they fucking expect? Maybe get a job that involves actual critical thinking or, you know, reality lmaoooo

>> No.53669176


>> No.53669418

So can any person that can use google or visit stackoverflow? Copy pasting some standard code snippets and actually writing an application are completely different skills.

>> No.53669470
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>> No.53669497
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>be NEET
>write fake resume
>apply for a shitton of coding jobs
>get 3-4 jobs
>have AI write all the code for you
>enjoy 3-4 paychecks every month without doing much work

are you even trying?

>> No.53669521


>> No.53669545

It's a lot better than trying to Google and stackoverflow avoiding pajeets, you just have to give it good prompts. It has helped me quite a bit with pandas django and frontend dev

>> No.53669553

The future is learning how to unclog toilets. Tfw spent years in uni and learning to code for this shit.

>> No.53669565

Now try getting it to solve layton puzzles

>> No.53670252

Bad codecope! Sad!

>> No.53670269

AI cant code more advanced AI so.. coders needed

>> No.53670299

this is like saying any 12 year old kid can do the work of 5 junior engineers if you give it access to stackoverflow/github. if you don't understand this, you don't understand what chatGPT actually does

>> No.53670302

yeah, certainly no interesting advancements in tech recently(???)

>> No.53670321
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Rhetorical question: Would more advanced AI mean measurable improvements?