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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53660908 No.53660908 [Reply] [Original]

>had no work this week
>sent a few messages today on Teams and wiggled mouse
>read books, browsed internet, learnt stuff during 9-5
>weekend has come, providing even more relaxing time

There are still many more weeks of doing nothing before the next stage of my career starts. I'm being paid to do nothing. I've got to make the most of this period, since it's longer than my annual holiday.

I read about stuff like the bottom X% of people being let go from companies (outside of layoffs); teachers buried in paperwork; people being given performance improvement plans that are unachievable; people going in to offices at all. I will look back at this period of my life with nostalgia.

>> No.53660969

go write in your diary you faggot cocksucker

>> No.53661019

Impeccably based. I personally have found a glitch in the matrix
>tech support rep
You literally get more and more leverage as an employee the longer you are there because the longer you are there the more familiar you are with the company's software and thus are more efficient and knowledgeable. A comp. sci. degree barely helps so its not like when you quit they can just hire someone else to immediately fill your shoes. No, at least in my company it takes a full year before you are remotely self-sufficient at fixing problems.

What does this mean? It means I get to wfh until my company goes under. The pay is pretty ok, $60k in a LCOL state. But I would turn down 6 figs if I had to go into an office. No thanks Jeff

>> No.53661058

That used to be my day too except I'd just fuck around on 4chan and Twitter instead of learning anything. When performance review time came I always was afraid I'd be found out but instead got told how great a job I was doing. I honestly felt guilty about it. Like I was stealing. Living a lie.

>> No.53661189

>tech support rep
You're the bottom rung. Pajeets do the same work for half the salary.

A comp sci degree doesn't look for tech support work unless they're incompetent.
Get certs and move on.

>> No.53661231
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Sometimes I kick back and just spend some time thinking how good we have it. We are modern day Nobleman lads. About to order up some grub that little vassal wagies will not only prep for me but also bring right to my door.

>> No.53662038

Bosses are too insecure to just ask you to explain what you do during the performance review? God forbid they reveal a little ignorance in order to actually do their job properly

>> No.53662388

You sound hurt. I have a house in a nice 95% white suburb and add about $1000 to my retirement and $500 to my savings every month. There are 4 people on my 6 person team that have bachelors in computer science. We actually have pajeets who work on out team LOL. But I love my job and my life and you can sucko my dicko little incel, I'm on my couch waiting

>> No.53662487

>when you've totally checked out of your job and things are going wrong in your division and stuff is blowing up and Slack is flashing and you don't give a single fuck

It's like everyone else's stress heightens my calmness and contentedness.

>> No.53662760

nice! take those shekels from boomer shekelstein. he doesn't need a new yacht every year. better yet he wont be able to get a new yeacht every year with people like you on the team!

>> No.53662784
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>> No.53662870

the lot of you are defenseless parasitic subhuman passes, I would unironically light your homes on fire with your families inside and listen to your screams of death as you realize in your final agonizing moments that you were a worthless beta cuckold subhuman useless reviled fat sack of shit, feels so good knowing when the crash hits you lazy fat pieces of gutter trash shit will be hanging from street lights as your homes are ransacked for resources. Know that their are people in this world who actively want useless insufferable faggots like you killed and know that the time for it is soon.

>> No.53662912

Just learn to code instead of being so mad all the time, retard.

>> No.53663003

Get back to your waging and stop goofin' off you butthurt faggot.

>> No.53663030

back in the cage, wagie. boss shekelstein wants a new yacht this year.

>> No.53663497

Hopefully you aren’t wasting your time Neeting, reading books is cool but you gotta start a side hustle and focus on growing it while being paid by your current employer.

>> No.53663679

Get a real job Faggots

>> No.53664672

Retard question but what exactly are the comfy WFH positions? Java/C++ developer? Web developer?

>> No.53664702
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go back to breathing your toxic fumes tradie