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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53660647 No.53660647 [Reply] [Original]

Is Twitter the new hotness now that 4chan is old and busted? I don't even know how to filter all the normies and find good stuff there.

>> No.53660679

you do know that 4chan is where are the twitter fags head to to let steam off right?
you cant say nigger, fag, tranny, or anything of similar caliber on twitter

4chan will remain forever and has already stood the test of time

>> No.53660683

also, i need to smell her asshole right now
i bet its stinky as fuck

>> No.53660743

>implying you need to reach that far into that compartment to reach anything
>that flirty leg kick
Stupid attention whore.

>> No.53660850

If that's true then why is this place so dead now?

>> No.53660927

Everybody got rugged. They'll will be back for the next bull run ready to unleash their NEETbux savings onto the market

>> No.53660934

to get my nose on those feet...

>> No.53660937

Their job is basically a perfect storm of stress, odd hours, sleep deprivation and shit food that makes them hit the wall hard and fast. I don't blame her for making the most of her very limited years of being attractive.

>> No.53661053

How the hell do you seduce and fuck an airline hostess bros? Is it just a Hollywood meme?

>> No.53661139
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just be attractive and charming anon