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53659510 No.53659510 [Reply] [Original]

Which "community" has the most paidshills on this board?

>> No.53659540

I shill Hbar for free because I like shoving the superior tech down your throat.

>> No.53659562

Never do something for free if you can get paid for it or you are a jannie.

>> No.53659594

The greatest trick the jannies ever pulled was convincing anons they do it for free.

>> No.53659614
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Guess which one

>> No.53659618
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I haven't seen a single organic ICP thread in my entire life

>> No.53660303

a better question is who has the most paid fudders
Nothing generates as much seethe as BTC maxis or link/avax holders

>> No.53661817

>I like shilling my centralized shitcoin

>> No.53661842


>> No.53662355

same, I have never once been to /b/ or any other 4chan boards and I've probably made over 10k from posting links of dead celebrities' nudes and videos. It's pretty easy money desu.

All I need is a good script and some decent VPNs and proxies and I'm set. Even if I am banned I just post more links anyway.

>> No.53662393


>> No.53662722
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, Leemon (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We do get paid rather handsomely. You should join us anons

>> No.53662737

The Polygon jeets have been strangely absent.

>> No.53662744

if it's superior, why is the price inferior?

>> No.53662799
File: 11 KB, 262x394, Leemon (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because crypto is still in its infancy. HBAR is practically free at the moment as barely anyone is using public ledgers for any serious business.

>> No.53662812
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1675706623834089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hbar certainly doesn't have paid shills. I shill hbar for the sake of humanity. I already got my Hbag ready (generational wealth incoming), but I'm generous enough to allow biztards to quadruple their wagie income within 3-4 months

>> No.53662966

You must be so smart for finding this project so early, anon. Surely, you were smart enough to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum then, right? Or, at the very least, Doge? I mean, what would a smart man like you be doing bagholding HBAR while countless projects have 100X'd already? Wait don't tell me, you're actually just in it for the tech, aren't you? Anon, it doesn't matter if Hedera has the best tech in crypto if you're not making any money from it! Everyone thinks crypto is a SCAM now- it doesn't matter if you're holding the BEST one or the WORST one! Saying you invested in the best tech in crypto is like saying you invested in the rarest Beanie Baby! It doesn't matter how much "value" is has when the market itself is a complete flop!

>> No.53663148

wow holy crap i never thought about it this way. I just sold everything!

>> No.53663175

By your logic shib and Doge are top tier coins

>> No.53663276
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It's hbar, matic then avax in that order. You can tell because every thread follows the same format. It used to be link before Sergey started dumping weekly shits on the marines.

>> No.53663357

your id is literally Raj lmao

>> No.53663398

The paid link fudders are unemployed now, no?
I actually don't see many people fudding BTC apart from the fact the diminishing returns from each cycle have priced out lates/poors and they need more risky coins as a result
You got me there, especially the polygon and (formerly) Solana shills

>> No.53664683

Glad I could talk some sense into someone

>> No.53664755

I am so fucking glad I got out of this cult. These guys are only slightly better than cardano. I've been doing so well financially since I sold this shitcoin. Can you even run a proper node on this piece of shit yet?

>> No.53667143
File: 91 KB, 1200x800, hbarwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good. now that you're gone why don't you check the charts like the good old times

>> No.53668421
File: 259 KB, 300x480, Korone [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnuo2y7.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for selling anon, second time that HBAR pumps harder than the others

>> No.53669390

Still at top 30 mcap like it was back when I sold. You fags keep quiet when hbar is dumping harder than others then start doing victory laps when it occasionally pumps harder than others. Literally every bagholder community does this. The coins I bought moved up hundreds of ranks in mcap.

>> No.53670394
File: 33 KB, 460x307, 1607110251953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realis.network (lis) full of millions of smelly jeets

>> No.53670717

hbar is a pedocoin btw

>> No.53670756

>paid fudders
I think the only FUD right now is that you won't get rich by buying it and that's just more of a fact than scaring people off. Only the most delusional alt holders think their coin isn't tied to BTC's price movements

>> No.53670785
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>> No.53671244
File: 344 KB, 739x509, 1675708082733822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? Biden is a pedo too and your country voted him for president.
Buy more hbar or stay poor

>> No.53671386

For a wildly unprofitably centralized and permissioned shitcoin. Hbar does seem to have a lot (unpaid?) shills on this board. Also popular among ledditors

>> No.53671910
File: 978 KB, 954x982, 487973489539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically wanted to buy a small bag of HBAR but it's been endlessly pumping even while everything else dumped. Now I can't bring myself to pull the trigger. It's the one token I was waiting to buy during a moment like this and it doesn't even correct a little with everything else.NNDRN

>> No.53672225
File: 212 KB, 590x322, 1618873700191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely anyone is using public ledgers for any serious business. >>53662744
well at least anon is honest...

>> No.53672258

This. You can’t open any thread without someone popping in to shill matic

>> No.53672319

You could make an excellent janny.