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53658260 No.53658260 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53658273
File: 780 KB, 675x900, cryptokikecostume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based! eth supply shock and 10k eom!

>> No.53658276


>> No.53658285

He's right though

>> No.53658288

I mean, it's kinda based. Targeting Kraken (who did nothing wrong) is not so based however

>> No.53658306
File: 191 KB, 1005x946, 1674826646038455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem.

>> No.53658342

You dont really get it do you?

>> No.53658387
File: 137 KB, 1574x904, soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based! eth supply shock and 10k eom
>You dont really get it do you?
Triple halving supply shock vitali daddy pump my bags

This unlocked eth is seriously going to self hosted wallets and not sold on market, trust me oooohhhh

>> No.53658402

>did nothing wrong
>centralizing krypto

>> No.53658409

>This unlocked eth is seriously going to self hosted wallets and not sold on market, trust me oooohhhh
I dont know this laser eye cope, will you made up these things in the future too when it flips?

>> No.53658425

esl retard

>> No.53658457

Spanish is my second language. Sorry that you can't handle criticism of your favorite pet centralizer.

I stick with XRP as the XRPL is actually the most decentralized operation around.
No amount of tokens or "mining power" gets you anything. It's a fair, level, decentralizing playing field.
Cope and seethe. And uh...dilate probably.

>> No.53658508
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1923, IMG_20230210_023141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep any day now, lol

Some pre-mined shitcoin is going to flip the king while it's being adopted by nationstates and positioning itself to be world reserve.

>> No.53658572

Yes. But it's XRP because it's about 30x faster than ETH and it's only about money transfer and no one gives a fuck about smart contracts really.
Literally just no point to them. Real world executes real contracts, money is then sent.
This is the only tech worth anything.
Lawyers and bankers are not "going out of business" so some faggots on the internet can have auto executing contracts.
It's retarded on it's face.
Good luck trading internet tokens though. It is a money maker.

XRP is for people ALREADY with money though.
AKA, banks and countries.

>> No.53658608
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>> No.53658624
File: 33 KB, 1402x350, 20230209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic(outdated)

>> No.53658633

Kraken introduced usury, which is the opposite of based. Gensler is definitely the based one here.

>> No.53658677

>any day now

>> No.53658707

72,000,000 premine for joseph lubin and his jewish friends.

Oops sorry goy too late we changed the rules, sorry.

>> No.53658729

At least they'll get some shitty way to unstake their scamcoin before 2025 now that they're breaking the law kek

>> No.53658736

>satoshi dont have a 1 million address....
Nigga, I am here since 16, making bank, but yeah they will dump it back to 10$ two weeks™ later!

>> No.53658753

XRP schizos have gone full retard.

>> No.53658755


>Gary Gensler

oy vavoy, good thing the goyim are dumb animals

>> No.53658771
File: 257 KB, 807x544, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might own that nonce they detected but the rules never changed.

>Nigga, I am here since 16
Then you missed this part newfag.


>> No.53658778

>have gone
always was

>> No.53658797
File: 48 KB, 720x691, batoszblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice twitter rando, thanks!

>> No.53658803

>no one gives a fuck about smart contracts really.
full retard

>> No.53658808

The release coordinator to over half the supply of Eth is a rando.. okay bud you're clearly an idiot I'm done here.

>> No.53658824

okay, have a nice day!

>> No.53658851

The main reason why Eth will flip BTC is because of RLC. Wait and see.

>> No.53658852
File: 38 KB, 674x426, P3q2yoQ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know what you're invested in stupid kike shill.

>> No.53658878

see here:>>53658824

>> No.53658891


>> No.53658914

I've been shorting Coinbase.

>> No.53659021

wtf he's based, so yesterday fud was actually bullish? why twitter retards tried to make it seems like it's staking regulations while it's only CEX staking ponzis who'll have to suffer and rightly so?

>> No.53659028

I literally lold

>> No.53659064

Twitter poorfaggots probably CEX fractional reserve scam staking thats why.
There are rpl and lido for that!

>> No.53659111

>My name is Gary Gensler and I'm here after the collapse of companies and exchanges and millions worth of lost customer funds to pretend to care about investors

>> No.53659117

>no unstaking implemented, proceed with never unstaking FUD
>unstaking implemented, proceed with everyone unstaking to market sell FUD
with bitfags you cannot win

>> No.53659138

Now if only someone in a position to do could fuck over the federal reserve and the banking system's fractional reserve scam.

>> No.53659141

That's because you're an idiot

>> No.53659149

plus they are probably poorfag bobeks waiting for the 10k btc bottom, so they are pushing a bearish agenda.

>> No.53659157

i haven't watched any of these because bong but is he actually targetting staking mechanisms themselves or just exchanges offering staking?

>> No.53659159

So Gensler has become now a real crypto OG ... more based when it comes to decentralization than the 95% of retarded moon bois plebs which are still in crypto.
Gensler is the hero we needed after all those centralized services fucked up crypto.

>> No.53659172

Funny how they got nfts now :D
Will be funny to a pos migration and THAT TIME it will be a very positive thing!

>> No.53660472

Name a single thing they are used for besides trading worthless internet tokens.
I'll wait.
>hurrduur but in the future

>> No.53660482

Say you are an incel that never touches grass without saying it.

People want to deal with people. Cope.

>> No.53660530

Clinical trials
Music Industry Royalties
Supply-Chain Management
Digital Identities

>> No.53660978

All done easier without smart contracts. Someone is MANUALLY entering this data to start.
>digital identities
Yea so ruining the world.
>supply chain management
People already have real time inventory brother.

These are all useless and NOT improvements. Just tinkering to try and justify a market.

>> No.53661119

>suppy chain management
I actually hold a large bag of CXO which does bill of lading through ETH and Matic...it is an improvement over existing options and I think the token will do well over time.
However, I will sell before everyone realizes you can just tokenize the BoL on the XRPL and skip matic and skip the fees and provide the transfer in 3-5 seconds instead of using a "smart" (dumb slow and retarded) contract.

Their main problem is that they were too early to the game and built on ETH.

>> No.53661173

physical identities are inferior to digital ones in many cases
e.g dubai labor force
>people already
not trustless=fraud
>built on meth
there are non-blockchain smart contracts solutions

>> No.53661308

>not trustlee=fraud
If you think you aren't going to have massive fraud then I don't know what to tell you.
The fraud will just be built around the single part of the scam that isn't "corruptible."
>non blockchain
At least this is getting somewhere, but there is no real improvement otherwise.
The blockchain is the only part that actually adds value.
Unironically the more this tech resembles microsoft excel, the more valuable it is.

>> No.53661341
File: 40 KB, 755x258, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigga, I am here since 16
Imagine bragging about this when most oldfags predate 2008

>> No.53661376
File: 175 KB, 446x625, 1645341767544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not bragging, just saying I hodl since 10$ eth and my point was "lubin and frens dumped so much on me", since the price is 150x in the middle of the bear.

>> No.53661406

Correct. They and Stellar (a XRPL fork) have a unique consensus mechanism.

>> No.53661411

>If you think you aren't going to have massive fraud then I don't know what to tell you.
The fraud will just be built around the single part of the scam that isn't "corruptible."
You're arguing in favor of more fraud though.
>The blockchain is the only part that actually adds value.
The cryptographic security adds value. Especially to the contractual side and minimizes expense in the form of collateral, teams of lawyers(still needed but less) etc.
The whole point is minimizing risk for all parties.
While you mgiht consider having automatically executed contracts a larger risk than having bribable and extortable people execute the contract, i don't. And many systems are needed to minimize risk of human involvement.
Such as strong legal and political systems, which need to be trustable by the parties concerned, of which there is an increasing lack due to afformentioned bribes and extortion.

>> No.53661420

I'm holding mostly eth but if you think this is anything more than gambling you got conned brother

>> No.53661421

He's targeting exchanges who offer a free staking program for rewards who don't disclose what they do with the coins people give them

>> No.53661424


>> No.53661478

Ad hominem. Try again.

>> No.53661512

Thats why never be a full scale voting on a public chain like btc or eth....

>> No.53661541


>> No.53661629

I never expect there to be either, barring drastic and unforseeable changes to their operation.
Smart contracts ARE the future though.
Minimizing risk and increasing efficiency is what everyone is pushing for and always have been since the first electrum coin replaced silver rods.
Everything humanity has achieved has been in pursuit of either of these ends, even if they ended up being wrong.

>> No.53661687

>even if
I think we know by now they're wrong.

>> No.53661932

Not always. The transition from written mail to telegrams DID increase security and efficiency for example because even if it opened up the participants to different types of risks, there was less opportunity for banditry and costly delay.
Even reserve banking reduced certain risks to both customer and establishment, while raising others but not employing the current banking system would have prevented the spectacular(detrimental?) growth we have seen for the past century.
But it's a difficult position to argue that the current costs/risks for businesses, especially international, are acceptable and efficient.
Just look at africa as an example. Not only have you got to worry about human security costs, crime etc. you have to worry about militias, unstable governments and corrupt legal systems destroying your business.
Maybe some would argue to leave africa alone but there's always someoen else who'll step in with a cheaper, more secure method of extracting whatever value there. Automation, whether on the legal, security or even political side would minimize risk and increase efficiency.
I'm not saying that perfection even is achievable and there is to be a global utopia with no corruption, only that striving for minimumrisk/maximum efficiency for all parties concerned is most likely to achieve the best possible outcome.
I will say that others have thought this through before me and either seek to INB4 or accelerate these developments.

>> No.53662543

they started with kraken cause it was the least jewish one
they got away with 35M fine, a pat in the back
wait for the big guys, slaps are just going to get bigger, coinbase is gonna receive billion dollar fines

>> No.53662590

I tend to believe that efficiencies increase the efficiency of scams.
It all accelerates together I suppose.

If you love tech it's one thing, but if you see the downsides as outweighing the good then it's just ramping up the shit to a new level.
I think everyone was happier when we just had fax machines.
I think it's at least arguable that the world gets more miserable with every step "forward."

Is it not possible that getting rid of these operations would actually lead to less corruption?
>power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
>lord Acton or some other fag
I see tech and power concentration and I see this very clearly leading to more corruption.
I don't see any reason these new technologies will be any different.

>> No.53663106

Not an argument. If only one person attended, why did they invite me? Why do I get free food if I wasn't invited?

>> No.53663280

>I think everyone was happier when we just had fax machines.
Happiness isn't a good measurement. You can be happy while starving to death and miserable with all the food in the world. It is a transient feeling that comes and goes based on chemicals induced by though patterns, or vice versa.
Overall well-being is a better measure if you are going by feeling alone.
Little contact with family. Huge fees to even speak to them. Unreliable systems of transport, management of funds etc.
While it's true the fax machine allowed for different types of corruption, no longer did you need to employ someone and give them any measure of authority in order to send them to the new world to deliver a message or negotiate on your behalf.
And while it made it easier to commit fraud in some respects (e.g not being able to verify who the sender was without employing cryptography, or even the corruptable operator) it prevented the need to transport actual funds. It allowed for immediate messaging between military bases, settlements, families etc. which helped peole defend themselves against enemies and natural disasters. It allowed for an increase in the flow of information which is necessary for survival sometimes even happiness if that is the ultimate goal.
>tl;dr perhaps you would have enjoyed a simpler life in olden times, many would. But not even half can say the same as they would simply be dead or indentured.
E.G two uncles, dad & grandfather all had cancer. Two recovered due to the advancements in medicine and ability to treat that modern medicine has given us. In the past there were merchants who sold "miracle cures" with whatever poison was popular in them. Which is not so different from modern times but there is less of that going on due to the increased availability off data.

>> No.53663559
File: 52 KB, 539x800, nutiriona and phys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are up your own ass aren't you?
>little contact with family
They lived together you absolute mong.
The modern "nomad" society is only because of this technological advancement.

Guess what, the cancer came from early modernity like the shit diet that came with industrialization.
Pic related.
Get a clue.
Read Ellul as well. Although you might be totally gone.
When will you upload yourself to a computer and live forever (aka an heroing)?

>> No.53663666

hexnauts can't stop winning

>> No.53664737

Its not even too bad. People are overreacting but hes right on this one and cex staking isnt the best

>> No.53664788

>it's money v2
Imagine waiting 10 years for cripple to do something and this is the only hopium you have left.