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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53656460 No.53656460 [Reply] [Original]

Got fired today bros

>> No.53656472
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Was it (((them)))?

>> No.53656482

What industry?

>> No.53656486


>> No.53656529



>> No.53656548

Marketing (small start up company)

>> No.53656559
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>> No.53656616

I hope to be fired sometime this year. I'm overdue for an extended vacation.

>> No.53656629

god i wish i were you

>> No.53656659

What’s up with your job?

>> No.53656816

Sad bump

>> No.53656858

Unless you really liked your job don't be too upset

>> No.53656876

They'd have to pay me big time if they ever did. One can only dream...

>> No.53656879

It is all right, I got the sack in Dec 22 (Position: Data Scientist), I had been addicted to Genshin ever since.

>> No.53656966

As well

>boss is angry closet fag
>also stupid
>be wfh, unsupervised, lazy
>time moves slow
>there is women on our team
>cant leave house in case miserable homo calls

>> No.53656977

How do you support yourself?

>> No.53657014

Sorry to hear OP, it will be alright. You'll get a new gig

>> No.53657216

Congratulations, now you can do something that matters not just living from paycheck to paycheck and do something that matters

>> No.53657242

based wfh slacker, i'm actively dodging emails and only doing the bare minimum, fuck em

>> No.53657250
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Anybody who ever built an empire, or changed the world, sat where you are now. And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it.

Put your self together you got this.

>> No.53657267

The new Chinese Soup recipe just dropped.

>> No.53657350
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Look, I'm not going to say you're going to get a better job or a job fast
I'm not going to say that you learned valuable things from that job that will carry over
I'm not going to say any cliches
but I will say is this
its not the end of the world pft

>> No.53657358

I actually got a raise and finally got my check and I'm happy af send it bros
I'm gonna possibly make it and maybe even save some money this year

>> No.53657393

No idea where you live. But we just had hundreds of thousands of layoffs here in the states in the tech industry what ever the fuck that means anymore. And of course MSM follows that story up with "Well, unemployment is at record lows goyim! DON'T WORRY ABOUT PRESIDENT BIDET'S ECONOMY! IT'S ALL UNDER CONTROL!"

>> No.53657604
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Sorry to hear that. I got sacked in december and I cannot even get a call back or an email back from any of the other jobs im applying for.
I feel like I'm losing my grip on being able to support myself in the future and I don't want to be stuck poor for the rest of my life. Its so fucked man.
I thought about working on 3D modelling but its very difficult to start off with (using blender) and motivation seems to be running out at the moment so im taking a break to see if it comes back.

>> No.53657641

I’m trying very hard to erase all my debt so I don’t get fucked if I get laid off. You’re not alone OP

>> No.53657740


>> No.53657786

UPS is hiring. Come slave away with me

>> No.53657800

my condolences

>> No.53658153


>> No.53658274

The greater good.

>> No.53660488

dahnald is dead...long live dahnald!

>> No.53660542

It's been just over a month you retard

>> No.53660661


>> No.53660677

It’ll be alright m8, look for a new one straight away.

>> No.53661594
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do you have any idea how easy it is to get away with literally any crime?

the clearance rates for crime are fucking BAD, look it up, law enforcement is literally useless, and the majority of those who get caught are literally retarded

spend more time on pol, learn how stacked society is against you with affirmative action, inflation, propaganda, etc. and come to the sensible conclusion: it all has to go

stop being such a retarded pussy you are a fucking abomination MAN UP

>> No.53661724
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>I hope to be fired sometime this year. I'm overdue for an extended vacation.
I see a man of high culture

>> No.53662385
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Really sorry fren. Remember there is beauty still in the world. Go out there, hike in the forests, and take a breather. Ask St Joseph for help to get a new and better source of gainful employment. God bless.

>> No.53662476

This. They count people who lost their career and now doing DoorDash, GrubHub, and Post-Mates as 3 separate jobs. It's wrong, and pathetic that people still put credibility in these institutions after 2020.

>> No.53662498
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Its the same when the MSM claiming “inflation is over”
Turns out the data is fucked in the first place and they had to “revise” it

>> No.53662721

No worries lad, just take a couple weeks to recover then start looking for jobs, update the CV and hit the road again. After all, you DO have fuck you money in liquid cash to last you for at least half a year, right?

>> No.53662771

I think he meant that unemployment rate is low now because people are no longer unemployed. Which it isn't, it's low due to people dropping out of the labor force. Unemployment is higher than the number reported by Gallup because it includes people collecting social security disability and others receiving government assistance. When those two categories are removed from the equation, it becomes clear that the unemployment rate is near double digits.

>> No.53662803

how do they even justify not counting people who are on gibs in the UNEMPLOYMENT figures?

>> No.53662834

You forgot the part about the economy having slowed down to 0 growth which was never true. All this talk about Trump and Brexit is meaningless and irrelevant because the central banks are doing everything they can to keep us under control. The system needs to crash and burn before we can start fixing it, nothing short of total collapse.

>> No.53662843

absolutely based. I wanted to get fired but after slacking during covid WFH. i still didn't. at the end I would only work 2 hours per day but they still didn't fire me. I was depressed. I quit myself eventually and then went on a 18 month holiday and travelled the world. best time of my life. also met my new current gf

>> No.53665104

Who the hell put this on?

>> No.53665111


>> No.53665127
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>> No.53665152
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Useless, non profit generating jobs being cut is NOT bad for business.
Recouping some of that profit loss from payroll and reducing bloat.

>> No.53665171
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>UPS is hiring. Come slave away with me
I wish, all the hot chicks are working UPS or USPS.
God damn I love them women.

>> No.53665191
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>do you have any idea how easy it is to get away with literally any crime?
I murdered a dude in Canada and they chalked it up to OD.
>Non whites are getting housing.
Oh poor you!
>learn how stacked society is against you with affirmative action, inflation, propaganda, etc.
Yeah, nah, cunt.
You just suck at life.

>> No.53665201

Lucky bastard

>> No.53665202
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>Its the same when the MSM claiming “inflation is over”
Everything food related is going down at my local shop.

>> No.53665220
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>> No.53665281

I will put your yellow heads on a pike for all to witness if you ever invade my country niggerchink.

>> No.53665286
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>> No.53665347

those jobs getting cut doesn't mean you get their salary
it just means more struggling people and less tax revenue. the money saved by companies through these cuts is just going to go back to the owners.

>> No.53665807

That shit happens every fucking week. Food costs always fluctuate

>> No.53666065
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How long were you at the company? Did they give you any compensation?

let me tell you a story
> 6+ years in an IT company
> get to the highest position you could get
> colleague in charge of guiding me said that my responsibilities were A, B, C and also gave me the projects that I should see (already underway)
> a couple of months later I realized that they were poorly managed from the beginning (before they were given to me)
> none have profitability
> thought they would fire me from work
> told my boss who didn't get mad, but told me to check in detail.
> losses reach 80k USD
> boss got angry and only told me that it would not have happened if I had done D, E and F. (the real responsibilities of the position)
> He also told me to keep doing my job.
> for the next month I did not receive any negative comments, so I suspect that they will fire me.
> at the end of the month I receive a call from my boss with HR
> "ohshititshappening.jpg"
> boss gives endless arguments, basically I'm worse than hittler.
> they compensate me with enough money to live for a year (compensation for years of work, plus I had not taken vacations in two years)
> my son is born a couple of days later
> mfw the last time I updated my cv was a long, long time ago and I don't know all the new technologies.

Losing a job sucks, but if you can, use the time to learn new things about your profession, take advantage of the issue. When I had a job I always focused on the only technology we worked with, now the amount of information I have to learn is overwhelming.

>> No.53666353

Storytime, /biz/

>The year is 2015
>Working as a webshit at a terrible consulting firm
>All projects are garbage, all of the employees are awful
>Work is easy as piss but they always want me to work in the office
>Have to dress up and shave every day, go downtown, etc.
>Biggest client also wants us traveling constantly to their HQ which means 5 days at a time in a fucking extended stay Hilton bored out of my mind
>Decide to say "fuck it" and stop showing up
>Proceed to start WFH every single day
>First they try asking nicely (direct manager is a complete cuck)
>Then they bring in manager dickhead to try to bully me

>Finally HR chick gets involved
>"What's going on, anon? You seem less engaged these days"
>Tell her I'm in an abusive relationship (which was actually true) and it's been fucking me up emotionally
>Turns out domestic violence victims are a protected class under Equal Opportunity Employment law (I didn't know this at the time)
>They become terrified to fire me, worried I'll sue
>Get laid off instead (I was the only one "laid off" lmao)
>Collect 6 full months of funemployment
>When unemployment runs out start opening the recruiter emails that have been piling up
>Within a week I've got two companies bidding over me

>Start new job 3 weeks later with 30% higher pay

Keep in mind, this is back when the market for webdevs was red hot.
I probably wouldn't try such shenanigans in today's market, but I actually like my job now so no reason to.

>> No.53666398


>> No.53666405

try looking for jobs in small companies/start-ups in the entertainment industry, 3d modeling is valuable now, especially for animation and such

>> No.53666409

what did they fire you fren?

>> No.53666419
