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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5365552 No.5365552 [Reply] [Original]

can there be a biz bis board ?
i miss pre-crypto days where people actually talked about business, entrepreneur shit, stocks, CFDs and forex

>> No.5365582

bullshit. before crypto biz was constantly shilling penny stocks

>> No.5365590

Found the boomer

>> No.5365626

The thing is, ''pre-crypto'' biz didn't exist.
>business, entrepreneur shit, stocks, CFDs and forex
that shit doesn't work anymore you will never make it walking that path.

>> No.5365630
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fucking boomer GTFO from our comfy /crypto

>> No.5365771
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>pre-crypto days
Yeah, dropshipping threads and robinhood

Those were the days (not)

>> No.5365783

why? no one made any money on old biz

>> No.5365809


>> No.5366243

>what do you guise think of plus500, totally not a shill btw :^)
>buy my penny stock bags
>I'm working my self into an early grave competing with third worlders being an ebay reseller. One bad review and I'm fucked. Why aren't you doing the same /biz/?
>petty theft general
>Have you guise tried plus500? is it good? not a shill btw :^)
>ceru mah niggah
This place was shit before the crypto craze. It was great during most of this bubble. Only this last week or so the quality dropped due to the influx of r/the_donald fags.