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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53655011 No.53655011 [Reply] [Original]

just accepted a job offer but now i realise in a month's time i'll have to commute an hour and a half to the city every day. i also need to buy a suit on the weekend. fuck. what should i do? i was banking on them rejecting me but now i'm fucked.

>> No.53655194

just don't work there. No one's forcing you not to back out at the last minute

>> No.53655222

Reject them now or have them seething at you for wasting their time

>> No.53655239

i can't. i'm so close to being strangled to death by siblings and father for being useless.

>> No.53655255

Demand them that you work from home and if they don’t like it then find another job that lets you work from home

>> No.53655256

WFHChad here
>refuses to elaborate
>leaves thread

>> No.53655274

take one day at a time, get your suit. find a series to watch on your commute. welcome to real life. Soon it'll feel normal. Keep investing, of course, and maybe one day escape the wagecage. Do not reject the job. You have to try.

>> No.53655278

not worth it. i only work remote jobs now. there is zero need to work in person for 90% of jobs

>> No.53655282

Checked and claimed, also ur a faggot

>> No.53655293

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53655368

slepp in car

>> No.53655524

What's the pay?

>> No.53655613

how much do they pay you op?

>> No.53656195

Wished I had that time to read
When I lived far from job I would just bring a book and lose myself in universes
With wfh I read less and post here moat fuck that

Anon you have to start somewhere, take the job and move on from that slowly
Invest, learn, grow

>> No.53656351

Just do the minimum possible without being fired. Shouldn't be too difficult.

>> No.53656578

I love dabbing on trannies. Used to watse so much time in transit to work.