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53653455 No.53653455 [Reply] [Original]

At least I tried.

>> No.53653460

teenage girl trapped in a grown man's body

>> No.53653461
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>> No.53653748

Just wait, retards will continue posting his shit as if he's never been wrong

>> No.53654058

how is this dumb faggot's private prison deal he made last summer working out for him?

>> No.53654489

The guy is just a pussy. Doesn't have any insight that most professionals who know how to value markets don't have already. Posts heavy metal youtube videos like he's cool and then deletes all tweets so he doesn't get called out on his bullshit.
Everything in financial markets is TIMING. Too early on a call you lose money. Too late on a call and the money has already been made. He got the timing right on one bubble and people jock him like he's Nostradamus. It's amazing how many people respond to his tweets within the first 30 seconds. Target those people, looks through their tweets to see what positions they have and go against. Profit.

>> No.53654499

What position do you have?

>> No.53654541

what a faggot he is

>> No.53654557

He's a grown up Shinji Ikari?

>> No.53654583

this guy is fucking based
he has to be if he causes all this incel rage from bizniggers

>> No.53654591
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Long $/Yen and long dated Puts on S&P. Most of my cash is in short term Treasuries. All other trades are short duration, under a week, and very liquid. This market is in dire shape for the rest of the decade. Along the lines of the attached is my game plan for next few years.

>> No.53654625
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>> No.53654661


>> No.53654688

I always make the wrong decision at every major turning point

My life could be so much easier and batter. I think I subconsciously think I don't deserve an easy life

>> No.53654746

When has he ever been wrong?

>> No.53654755

Better than your investments poorfag.

>> No.53654805
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I have embraced my mediocrity and made peace with this. Every decision I made was exactly what market makers and speculators expected. Thinking that I was "smart" gave me courage to take unnecessary risks and lose money.
Now I know that every decision I want to make is the decision of the stupid masses and that made me a better trader. I still lose money, but being cognizant of where my ideas come from was liberating.

>> No.53654838


>> No.53654898

I thought it was an active shooter thread not even memeing

>> No.53654904

I'm not just talking about trading. I'm talking real life. But your explanation is helpful. That's what I think is that I'm smart and so I'm making the right decision

>> No.53654934

that movie fucked his ego up

>> No.53654966

>the movie did it
he literally made a billion dollars by predicting something no one else saw coming
he stuck to it for like two years before it finally came to fruition while everyone around him called him schizo

the man can have whatever the fuck sized ego he wants

>> No.53655118

>he got the timing right on one bubble
Not really, he called it too early

>> No.53656317
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I tried to look into the eyes of wealth, and all I saw was the god of greed laughing at me because I made money with funny dogs like vinu, life is a comedy