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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53653002 No.53653002 [Reply] [Original]

>didn't demonstrate inclusive behaviors to support the companies ESG initiative

it's over

>> No.53653029

sorry fren, there's always next year

>> No.53653030

My team of 9 is all white with 1 paki. There is no need for pretending to be inclusive because she’s the hottest mudblood I have ever seen so I hit on her constantly anyway

>> No.53653062

This shit literally never happens. You are making up stories for attention on an anonymous image board. Please seek help.

>> No.53653070


>> No.53653083


did you just respond to your own post and say "This."?

>> No.53653123

It must have been a glitch

>> No.53653276

>I dont even get an eoy, review
>silently get raises without them saying anything
>everyone that has been at the company lore than 4 years has units, and is holding on for a sale
>we are running on fumes, new devs get paid nothing and think they are working at a good company
>senior devs don't say a word because so many options just praying we sell before we crash

Suppose to get raise in a couple weeks, see what they give me I'm at 105k. I have 120k in options, so if they manage to sell soon I'll be golden this year

>> No.53653311
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>> No.53653317

We have quarterly DEI objectives now. I had to watch a video where this retarded gorilla nigger was on his bike and he crashed into a white woman from behind. It exemplifies how white people don't listen to blacks. Most ridiculous story I've ever heard. 1m34s:

>> No.53653350

>"You are a straight white guy"
>"You need to be gayer or blacker"

bros, wtf do I do?

>> No.53653359
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>> No.53653362

next time dont be a chud

>> No.53653363

wrong. I got told I need to do more for "diversity" this year. I manage and work with people from all over the fucking world but didn't do any overt displays of absurd PC stuff.
Every other manager has "diversity champion" in their email footer. It's insane.

>> No.53653376

one of the most cringe things I've ever seen, from the ebonics to the music to the content

>> No.53653398

Bring a black hooker to the next company party. Bonus points for Adam's apple.

>> No.53653401

ok I kek'd

>> No.53653405
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Hardly did shit at work all 2022. Literally played vanilla wow private server 24/7

Year-end review: congrats anon you Meet Expectations, 9% raise, also here's your 15% bonus

Comfy 115K office job kek

>> No.53653416

Shills forgetting they're not on /k/ anymore.

>> No.53653612
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>Average Worker
3% raise

>Above Average Worker
3.25% raise

>> No.53653776

Kill me. I wouldn't believe this shit was real if I didn't experience itself. I get quarterly measurements on "DEI Achievements". I will vote for whatever will make this stop.

>> No.53653896

kek. No raise for you. Factor inflation and you actually got like a 7% pay cut LMAO

>> No.53654771

Kek I still get paid the same wage when I started but I'm a million times better than on my first day. Just goes to show what it's all worth